The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1908, Image 1

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Price 5 Cents.
Report of Joint Junior-Senior Com-
mitteerReconimending Permanent
Cornhusker Treasury Adopted.
Home Track Meet
") Street Cars Will Run f
TftiVts TviIm r1k.n Vst1.1 o maattniv af
iiuu iiuuivi umaa uviu u luvvkiu
Memorial Hall yesterday morning.
After some discussion.- the1 cIusb de
cided to adopt the report of the Joint
junior-Senior committee regarding the
Ctornhireker, treasury ;Up until thlB
- tljne no provlBlon" has been made foe
the use of, any jau'rphis which might
accumulate or for" the payment of a
deficit, should there be one,.
JThe committee recommended that
the following amendments ln the''
Cornhusker constitution be made: ;
Article VlUf Sections i, 2, arid j3,
amended to read b follows: -
,1. A' permanent treasury is created
to' include any surplus after all bills
have been paid and all office supplies
and fixtures purchased by any Corn
husker staff. .
2. Before the close of his term of
office each business manager shall be
required: to render a' complete report
to the Student Publication Board,
making clear the financial status of
the publication.
j3. Any surplus shall be turned over
to the business manager of the suc
ceeding publication.
$ 4, Any deficit shall be met by a per
capita assessment levied upon the
members of- tiio two upper olasses.
"iSrUcIe V, section 1, amended to
read' as follows:
Bach bjushiesB manager shall be re
quired to- glYQ bond to the amount of
five -hpnrded dojlars (500), payable
lo anH 'accepted .by the. Student Pub
lication Board.
.The Joint "cWmittee is composed of
tlft following indents: Arthur Jor
gensen, 'JB J. A. Fenlon, v08; Jean
"SiilUyan, ;08; .Helen ray, '09; WJl-liurd-
MIlls, '09 ; Louis Gregory, '09.
The class" voted 'to pay the $20.00
. vlue the Co'rnhusker .before .any other
dbts '.were .settled. Miss Gray pre
sented be report of the ' Reception
Committee, which was accepted. The
reception ls'to'heVgiven'at the Tem
ple, May 16. The Junior play will be
given' that evening refreshments will
be served, and there, will be dancing.
Quy Montgomery's .to. manage the
play, and Amos Thomas will look
after the decorations. An assessment
of 50 cents was levied on each mem
ber of the fo'defrairthe expepses.
' "lswiirbe collected by ttie members
of the committee., 1 j . , -j
wJt C. C.iMoWWiney ,weat to owa City
fast 'night as a 'delegate Jot the-' Phi
Pelta PJ?i Jaw JjaternUyto attend
tUeiroonventibn. MMcWhlnaby
lsoryieleiiite ;to the ccjivei.tJo 'of
the Delta' Sigma Rho honorary debat
ing fjrateinlty,hlch will bt. bald at
UMMvtwtfknw ft
Admission 25c 3
Hears Address by Professor Stuff at
Its First Regular Meeting.
It is not generally known that such
an organization as the above oxists
among the various student organiza
tions in the University, and for the
reason clearly that It has' had an ex
istence of only a few weeks. The
first regular meeting was held last Fri
day evening in the' Temple Building,
when Prof. F. A. Stuff addressed the
members of the club on the subject:
"The Ministry Versus Clericalism."
The success of this first meeting and
the very great helpfulness of the nd
dress are better understood and ap
preciated by the individual members
than can bo here expressed. Twelve
men were present,, these, composing
the charter membership. Starting
with student initiative, the organiza
tion has had the encouragement and
hearty support of Chancellor Andrews
and the help of Registrar Harrison.
It is planned to have at least two
more meetings before the' close of the
school year. The' purpose of the club
is, however, more than such regular
meetings' as above irT iyhlch the club
will be addressed by capable men on
themes of practical Importance and in
terest to the minister of today. Defi
nite plans for the presentation of the
claims and opportunity of the Chris
tian ministry to "Christian University
men will also be followed, it Is also
planned to hold a ministerial Institute
of a few days qpco each year, while
practical personal work will also be
considered' 41, part of Its .work and "re
sponsibilities. - . . .
The Chancellor of the 'University
and president of the Y",- M. C.?A. are,
by virtue of 'th constitution'; honorary
members of J the"- clubywldte -Professors
Stuff, FrenchandHinMwhave been
duly elected. tQ tfiattrelatlpnshlp.- The
present officers ate: W. B. Kline,
president; H. M. Scott, vice president;
R. M. MacDoaald secretary-treasurer,
and J. S. Elliott, librarian.
Hon. S.
J. Tuttle Delivered Lecture
Last Evening.
On Monday evening, the 24th, Hon.
S. J. Tuttle delivered an Interesting
and very instructive lecture to the
students of the law school on "Land
Titles and Examination of Abstracts."
A printed copy of an abstract of title
to a parcel of Lancaster county real
estate was furnished each student by
which he was enabled to follow clearly
and in detail the many intricate points
of the difficult subject In hand. By
Ms characteristic ability and wide ex
perience In this important branch of
the law, Judge Tuttle Is exceedingly
well fitted for work of this nature, and
tho College of Law Is to be congratu
lated upon having secured his valuable
Dean Costlgan was unable to meet
lus classes Monday on account of ab
sence. "Stovle" the Baseball Shark.
Wilkinson is in school again. Ho
Bpent his vacation in Omaha with his
typewriting business.
Tlbbets Is back again ready for an
other discussion.
The Contracts class has its condi
tion criticisms ready for Inspection. It
fij no small task to criticize a treatise
that not only has been written by an
authority, but which also, has been
criticised by at least one .class (-'6g)
beforo-lts -publication.-
( Van Orsdelj servant of the class of
'10,-acted a similar part in the 'Wel
come" play given ,by t:tae Dramatic
Club Saturday"night. '
The Men Have Been Showing Good
Form in All Departments, and
the Prospects Look Good.
i o
Lowe's wife "Is improving.
i .
-,.. - Notice.,--.
Sopjipmore Ivy Day fund committee
wjll jneet'ih U. 10$, Thursday at i:b6
a. m. It is desired thatevery member
be present. S. A. MAHOOD,
. r CJiaJrinan.
i 4m
5 r- FRIDAY, MAY JST, p f H. : 5
5 tickets si as - T - I mirrao 2
With the coming of tho day of leav
ing on the big Eastern trip, tho pros
pects for a baseball team are growing
Tho most anxiety during the spring
practice has contored about first base,
in the box, and behind the bat, but
matters have developed In a way
which is encouraging to tho Univer
sity fans.
Derislow is playing a first-class
game at backstop. He has played the
position for several years, and only
hesitated in trying for it at tho first
of the season on account of a prefer
ence for the position on the initial
sack. He has a good whip to the
bases, la fast and tricky, and knows
how to judge a batter'B bare places.
He has shown good form at the bat,
mi J Is admittedly the best base stealer
in the college game In this part of
the country.
Klein has taken Denslow's place
upon the first bag, and as he becomes
more accustomed to the peculiar re
quirements In the, fielding of that posi
tion, will play tho best game there
that has been seen since the days of
Barla and Bender. He is a, .big, husky
fellow, and. swings a heavy stick with
a reputation, as a pinch hitter that, if
lived up to, will make several little
marks upon the official score Jogrds.
Aspjranjs for the rubber haeot?
pnrrowed dawn to .six ljkply njen, ojf
whom three will be taken Ofi tjfriil
Of these Ward, of last year,s,ryteam
Is sure to go. The big southpaw hafj
been somewhat addicted ,to throwing
them wide of the plate jsoarv this sea
son, but tils known 'ability tp put-up
the goods and his long experience; lm
the box insure him1" to 'make, the trip;.
" Tfeo other men who are still .fighting
fqitfce, honors -are;- Stevenson, Hetzell
RodmanBlake, andMatherU 1
?-,8Jeyeniop has been 'throwing' gboJr
MUM? r W JW -but-ha is J
ytritabX Zachert ,at-thebat;whch
fact handicaps him greatly, as bathers
are wore Important in. the college
game of baseball than men who, are
good players otherwise,.
Hetzol' .comes from 'Oranrf 'Island,
pYobably thejereatest, baseball town In
the stated He has' had some experi
ence there, and has pitched good ball
for the past two seasons imr the later
frat League, but thig is his first ap
pearance for the '.varelty, In .the ,
games with - Green's Foxes r he dl-,
played himself 'well, and should bid
strongly, foxa- ticket next Friday.
Blak'e. wbd played on last, year's
trip, does not seem to be in his usual
form this season for some reason or
ether,' aid may have a hard time hold-
lag his -plaiee agalt MTathV who'
showed pp exeeeaiBKly"' vll"iir,,Uitr
. M
i&msfiESsw&ii AtriiT-Trytsoar