THE DIIY NEBRASKAIN - "V1 a. Vt k y gpc Balls iflebragftan TriB PROPERTY OF THE UNIVER8ITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln. Nobraska. PUBLISHED EVERY OAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publicities Office, 126 No. 14th St. EDITORIAL 8TAFF. Editor-in-Chief . . Rom Kino, '08 Managing Editor Q. L. Fenlon, '08 AltooTate Editor R. L. Harris, 10 BU8INE88 8TAFF. Manager Qeorgo M. Wallace, '10 Circulator W. A. Jones, 10 Assistant Circulator L. J. Weaver, '10 OFFICE HOURS. EdItor-ln-Chlef .'. 2 to 4 p. m. Manager to '0 a. m. for tho work done. The club haa boon ceasoloBsly at work all winter and it is now in shape to give a con cert that promises to eclipse all past rocords. A deficit, the result of mis management a couple of years p.go, still hangs over tho club finances. This the boys Intend to raise by their homo concert Today, in this effort they de serve your support. Editorial and Business Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable in Advance 8lngle Copies. B Cents Each iamm ..m m m ,dfe m .m im mAi m m. m.m Ai.ak.Sh.1 SC55R55l515 3C StSMSMStStSmSt irrrVFBTF WfH iiFFFrF i. Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL. NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 conts por insertion for ovory fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faoulty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo published free. Entered at tho poatofTlco at Llnooln, Nebraska, as sooond-claBS mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3, undet 1879. The world may move slowly, but give us the present in preference to the good old days when civilization was "nearly up to what it is now." Tho Glee Club Home Concert is not a philanthropic venture, either on tho part of tho club or on the part of those who attend. The club needs material resources to meet the financial obli gations incurred in this and past years. It cannot afford to be philanthropic. But neither does the club exact phil anthropy from its patrons. The pro grams rondered will be well worth the money. They are entertainments which rank with the best which are to be had in me country. They are the productions of talent pIub hard work and are worth tho attendance of any one who is in' search of a high class entertainment, tor this reason, if for no other, the Glee Club Home Concert is deserving of YOUR attendance. SOME FACTS. Chancellor Strong emphasized the spirit of lawlessness among students. He didn't specify, however. Perhaps he referred to recent student esca pades over tho country; he has had more experience with such things than has Nebraska. Perhaps he was think nc nT th wnv ntnrtpntfl nro wont to Jswlpe" books from the library. It Is moro probable, judging from his concluding remarks, that he thought of the many opportunities that are dally wasted to help others and in cidentally to reap the great benefits coming to the giver. Mr. Strong re ferred to those "things that are left undone." Think up some of them and then do them. This year's club has been hard at work for a large part of the wintor. The ambition of the club Is to pay off all old debts as well as to settle this year's obligations. The advance seal sale for to-day's concert Is Indicative of a crowded house at both performances. George Ireland In his whistling specialties never fails to make a hit. "Crlp'V Klmmel'8 original minstrel vehicle, "Uncle Tom's Cabin," is an uproarously funny, side-splitting farce. Miss Adah Castor is a singer of rare ability whose assistance the club Is most fortunate in securing. This year's club has seventeen members, all of whom sang last year. The club traveled over six thousand miles last year. vsi Vr Beautiful New White Waists Over $3,000 worth just re ceived. You should have no trouble finding what you want. It is a line that we have been proud of carrying. There are fine lawns and linens. They are nice in every detail. The buttons are pearl or wash crochet and some are blind buttoned. They include beautiful lingerie style of simple, effective design, and tailored waists with stiff collars and plain tucks. Prices in this line run from $1.00 to $15.00. Miller & Paine Cm KSSSS$ XSSSSSSS 5 5E I Tan Oxfords, large variety to select from. Rogers & Perkins, 1129 O St. Only ten days more will we con tinuetOsellbalanceof stock at cost, after that time we expect our new fixtures and stockbetter hurry. HALLETT, Jeweler, 1143 0 Street E8TABLI8HED 1871 also made a great hit, receiving a double encore." Columbus Telegram. Essentially the entertainment had a typical college tinge, but that was not the most redeeming feature. Stand ing on merit alone, it would rank high with the best on the road. Picked at Random. "One of its most famous programs," "Club did Itself proud," "Concert the best ever," "Delightfully surprised by Its high grade of excellence," "Enthu siastically received," "Captured -their audience," "Uproariously funny." What do you know about the other fellow? Either on your own campus or upon other campuses? There is nothing that will contribute more to college spirit than this knowledge. The way to obtain It got into inter collegiate contests, athletic and in tellectual. Tlie University is to de velop men and Cecil Rhodes was nearly right In his theory that he would rather have poor studentship with strong bodies and broad sympa thies than 100 per cent in the hands of a weak,"self-centered grind. Col lege life, to educate, must teach sym pathy of understanding for the other fellow, for tha is what makes men. UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. David .PRESS NOTICES. Tlie Qlee Club coricert this after noon and evening deserves the support of every student, There is probably no other organization In school which works as Hard1 and receives lestf credit State Journal. Crete, rteb., March 17. The Uni versity Glee Club made a hit in Crete last night at tho college auditorium in a concert given under the auspices of the city Y. M .C. A. A very large crowd was Jn attendanjee and) the boys were enthusiastically received and many times encored. The, Glee Club has appeared at Crete each sea son for a number of years, but the concert this ' year was better than ever. A whistling solo by George Ireland was vociferously en cored. Of George Ireland. Omaha Bee: "G. A. Ireland won laurels with a whistling specialty." Council Bluffs Nonpareil: "G. A. Ireland, with his whistling specialty, Friday, April 24. 5 p. m. Memorial Hall. Special Convocation. Dr. Russell of South Africa. Friday, April 24. 11 a. m. Memorial Hall. Glee Club mass meeting. Lincoln Hotel. Senior Prom. Glee Club Concert, Matinee and even ing. Thursday, April 23. 11 a. m. Dr. Clapp's Office; Meeting of all who are interested 'in fencing. Saturday, April 25. 8:00 p. m. Temple Theater. 1 Dramatic Club play. Friday May 1 8:00 p. m. The Temple. Y. M. C. A. Minstrel. Company B Hop. Friday, May 8. Sophomore Hop. COPPER PLAttEJIGRAVlNG I STEEL DYE EMBOSSING f jj A NICE LINE OP STATIONERY 9 Fraternity Bldg,, LINCOLN, NEB. i ii It's I ! SPECIAL., We Want You to know mote about our new men's furnishing's store tilled with the very cream of the new things for men. On Saturday we are going to sell all our elegant line of $1.50 fancy vests at 85c, and on-fourth off on all other grades. All the rich new patterns and newest models are nere. 0. A. FULK, 1325 0 St. 4 At 1 ft ' 1 ' ' s f . J mZMV$lmMJZ5KZiS$ZZZZmi BZ&N