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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1908)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i. I She roatt TRebraeftan THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publication Office, 126 No. 14th St. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor-in-Chief Roit Kino, '08 Mnnaglno Editor Q. L. Fenlon, '08 AMOclate Editor R. L. Harrli, 10 BU8INE88 STAFF. Manager Qeorao M. Wallace, '10 Circulator W. A. Jonet, 10 Aitlttant Circulator L. J. Woaver, '10 OFFICE HOUR8. Editor-in-Chief 2 to 4 p. m. Manager 9 to 10 a. m. And you can't say that the organiza tion Is Intended for anything but the best.' ' Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance 8lngle Copies. 5 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 conte per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo published free Entered at the postofflco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as Becond-class mall matter under tho Act of ConprCBB of Marco 3. 1879. What do you know about Arbor Day1 Rest always enables one to look at things more sanely. We don't always feel Inclined to work when the warm days come, but after vacation Is not tho time to let feelings get the better of ones best Judgment. Now Is the time to break the record In what Pro fessor Fogg, In his excellent talk In chapel the other day characterized ns "faithful consistent work." President Eliot's Advice. Young college Instructors should live in a state of single blessedncsB, according to President Eliot of Har vard University, who lectured on "The Trustees," at Northwestern Unlversi ty. Only when the Instructor had ad vanced to an assistant professorship should he contemplate matrimony, is the view of the eastern educatof. "The trustees of a university should use careful judgment In regulating the scale of salaries for teachers and of ficers of the university,' Said Presi dent Eliot. "The salary for an in structor should be the amount needed by a young unmarried man to live comfortably but not In luxury. The salary should be advanced as the in structor gains In usefulness, and by the time he Is ready for an assistant professorship hiB salary should be enough to enable him to support a wife and two or three children com fortably, but not In luxury. Under all circumstances the trustees should use good judgment In arranging the scale of salaries, and take into considera tion the circumstances and surround ings of each separate instance. fii. Tho grasp of tho clasp is cost. It's flat tho only abso lutely flat clasp garter b tho Brighton. Milli- oub of men know this buy them and wear them. Tho wear is there, and they cost only a quarter a pair. Remember it. rWMCEl Itiirana C8., 71B Muut ST., Piunru Brightons aro made of puro silk web. Tho patterns ore Zp new, exclusive vari ety enough to satisfy everybody. All mciol parts arc of heavy nickel-plated brass. If your dealer can't supply you, a pair will be sent upon receipt of price imtil or PIWmi S8SFEMCM Now that tho student body is to have a voice In the management of athletics it becomes Incumbent upon every male student to prove tho wisdom of this franchise. Candidates' names will be published long, enough beforehand to enable men to consider their relative merits. With the responsibilities that fall upon this board a careful choice of student members is extremely neces sary. There Ib the athletic field propo- Graduate Club. The Graduate Club will hold Its last meeting of the year at the home of Governor and Mrs. George L. Sheldon this evening at 8 o'clock. Governor Sheldon and Professor Howard will make short addresses and the music for the evening will be furnished by Prof. Robert Stevens of the University Conservatory and Mr. and Mrs. Enyeart. All graduate students are cordially Invited. UNION COLLEGE TAILORS Main College lulHlng Fir First Class Tailoring AT LOW PRICES AUTO 48 COLLEGE VIEW UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. Friday, April 24. Lincoln Hotel. Senior Prom. Glee Club Concert, Matinee and even ing. Thursday, April 23. 11 a. m. Dr. Clapp's Office. Meeting of all who are Interested in fencing. Saturday, April 25. 8:00 p. m. Temple Theater. Dramatic Club play. Friday May 1. 8:00 p. m. The Temple. Y. M. C. A. Minstrel. Company B Hop. Friday, May 8. Sophomore Hop. Order Your Cornhusker. Order your Cornhusker now from any. of the Btaff or at the office. The price will be $2.00 If ordered before the day of publication and $2.25 after wards. It wfll be the best publication RESULTS TELL,! We claim to be the best CLEANERS and DYERS in Lincoln and aro tore to prove It Our methods aro tho VERY LATEST and our work men the best that money ,can seoure. We olean the finest dresses and robes without danger of fading or shrinking In any way. We also olean gentlemen's clothing of all klndB. Goods called for and dellvorod. All goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LI8T. J. C WOOD & CO. Phone Bell 147 1320 N STREET, LINCOLN, fEP. Phone Auto 1292 Telegraphy... Is a lucrative occupation and a great educator. Positions secured when" proficient Classes three nights a week. Western Telegraph School 1134 0 St. Bell A 23 11 Thoroughly Thoroughbred ThlB describes the Spring and Summer Regals on display at our store. One glance at them will con vince the college man or young buBiness man, that here is a se lection of unusual style and variety. Every model In the whole stock has true custom qtyle and Is the very latest of this season's fashion correct In every requisite. Regal Oxfords have the slip less heel, the ankle fit and the non-wrinkling instep which mean perfect Oxford satisfac tion. Come in and Bee the Regal showing. Speier & Simon We Save You Money Northeast Co. 10th and O Sts. Just out of the high rent district. THE FIRST TRUST fc JMIHGS BANK BmwMSBSHsn PAID AT 8M PEB CENT NaUsitl BMk Rooms, Tenth antf 0 Lawlor Cycle Co. Racyoles and Iver-Johnson Bioycles. D. & M. Basiball Goods. 10 per ct. reduction to students if they mention this ad. 13:24 O STREET wmawKWtfgggwmHnBw GEORGE BROS., Printers hhmsmhmm sltion. We must have men who are leaders in college, brainy men, men who have either participated or taken sufficient Interest otherwise to Insure a knowledge of the duties of the posi tion, and men with plenty of initiative. Further than this a man's affiliations ore not to be considered. The Minnesota paper states that five per cent of the male students are either actively or otherwise affiliated wlt,h'the Y. M. C. A. There are not that many at Nebraska. Morals are no more lax here, but there seems to be a permanent misconception, as to the nature of this organization. It is -not especially Intended to help any one class of men, but all the men In tho University . If you think it is not broad enough in its standards, you have a standing invitation to come in and influence it in the right direction. ever put out at the University of Ne braska. A limited number will be published, bo order now. Notice E. E. Students. There will be a ' meeting of the Junior and Senior E. E.' students to complete the organization of the Uni versity of Nebraska branch of the American InBtltute of Electrical En gineers, Friday, April 24th, at 10 a. m. Room 210 Mechanics Art Hall. HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing i i xfflgaggraMMg COPPER PLATE ENGRAVING AND STEEL DYE EMBOSSING A NICE LINE OF STATIONERY vmmwwimimMmjmammsBmm Fraternity Bldg., LINCOLN, NEB. mrnmsmi Hear Shallenberger. The Hon. A. C. Shallenberger wl address the Lincoln Bryan Club at' the Lincoln Hotel, Thursday evening, April 23, 1908, at 8 p. m., on "The Real Issue." The public is invited. . Marshall, students' barber. Corner Thirteenth and O under Famous sf Let us take your measure today and make to your order a suit that is perfect in Style, Fit, Workmanship and Quality DRESHER, The TAILOR 143 South Twelfth Street LINCOLN, NEBRASKA 1 -H.V T ttyaymsmmmxtvpnf' t - j war