Ebe 3).aih iRebraehan ypi. vn. No. J28. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, UISfCOLN, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, J908. Pt Ice 5 Cents. cv . DRAMATIC CLUB 0KKOOOJKJK GEOLOGY TRIP SATURDAY EVENING APRIL 25T H, 1908 4 I ' h : r ' TO PLAY "WELCOME," 8ATURDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING. Third Play of the Season to Be Rend X ered In the Temple By 8trong Cast ateoklebcrg's Orchestra. 5 The Dramatic Club wll present the second largo play produced this Beason by Its members. ji.lt is an old French play which has been re-christened "Welcome" and re written by Miss Ruth Bailey, who has also coached the play to Its successful completion. Miss Bailey is one of the first members of the club and has been a popular coach for the high school and University plays for a number of years. She, with her cast, has expend ed much time and effort to perfect this comedy in every detail. . The scene is laid in a Wyoming -towji and in the old home of Lady En- dlcott who was formerly Louise Looke. Peter Franklin, an old friend of Lady Endicott, comes to visit at the home. The whole plot hinges on a letter written by Lady Endicott to Peter Franklin, and hidden in a statue three years before this viBlt. There is an ef fort to secure the letter by Lady Endi cott. Franklin also endeavors to ob tain it Welcome Pierce does all in her power to assist Lady Endicott In her endeavors to secure it. There are two romantic situations which are rendered most interesting by the eccentric Miss Ellen, admir ably impersonated by Miss Neva Hlb ner, who is always present with her, "Oh, j: know you, are going to say something shocking." The cast is composed of strong and talented members of the club. Miss Margaret Guthrie has the title role and Is therefore welcome. Miss-Kathleen Uriderman will represent Lady Endicott, tfhile the Misses Mabel Snyder, Ada Morgan and Esther Bailey are respectively Matilda Locke, Mrs. Taylor and Pauline. Mr. A. E. Hlbner, who, as woll ag,..Mlss HIbnor, ia a recent addition to the member ship of the club, In his Interpretation of LordTEndicott is the "realization of . the Typical Engllshma I. P. Hewitt, who will Impersonate ;Peter Franklin, and F. W. Bellamy, now Mj., Bilmore, wlU be remembered as the men who assisted in making the football play, put on at tho-Ollver Theater a few years ago, so success ful. H. P, Letton and It. A. Van Ora cle will lend .their assistance as Tony and Thomas, respectively. ' . The staging and scenic effects to bo used will be better and more, pictur esque tnan on any previous occasion. There; will be some electrical effects that are new and Impressive. Another feature, not to be over looked is1 the music which Mr. Steckle burg's orchestra b to "furnish. This orchestra is one of the best and Is weU known to. -Lincoln audiences for the fine, quality and the exquisite reu tiering of its music. i Plea like mother, strled to make; Baked reAffriffj '4ajlby,;an $xpe.rV Jwomim; pj? o,aker fh0 Boston fcuncn. , " ' l M . The Dramatic Club ... PRESENTS ... "WELCOME" A Comedy ti Thret Acts TEMPLE THEATRE 0GXO0 UNIVER8ITY GLEE CLUB. Miss Adah Castor Will. Sing at Home Concert. Tho Glee Club Bang Tuesday night a Kearney and ' again last night at St. Paul. These two dates were scheduled for tho purpose of giving a final rehearsal to tho program which the club will put on for tho home con cert at the Oliver next Friday after noon and evening. Miss Adah Castor, who Is to give part of the program assisted by tho club, met the boyB at Kearney. Miss Castor is remembered in Lincoln as a local singer with a marvelously beauti ful natural light dramatic soprano voice. After a .year's residence study in Now York with Herman Klein, Miss Castor moved to Denver and for the past year has adopted a. professional musical career, and has created the greatest enthusiasm wherever she ap peared. MIbb Castor's appearance next Friday night at the Oliver will bo her first appearance in Lincoln sipce she left here three years ago. "Crip" Kimmel, the veteran comedi an of- the club will have charge of the funny part again and has worked out a new and very clover farce on Uncle Tom's Cabin. Ed Johnston will not ap pear with tho club, but "Crip" Kimmel announces that he has discovered two new stars in John Ageo as Uncle Tom and "Hungry" Holland as Little Eva. The trip Is reported as a buccoss fi nancially. Professor Howard Speaks. "Last Fridayevenlng Professor How ard delivered a lecture to one of the societies of Peru normal college, of which, he was once president. The minutes of -the meeting when Profes sor Howard was elected was read In honor of the speaker. i Water polo is to bo among tho ath letic sports at the University of "Illinois. Glee Club Concert Oliver 'FRIDAY, V'j , " , iMATDNEE mQ0OKWO JUsirvad Stats, 60o On Salt atTtmpli and Ptrtir's COMMENCEMENT. Graduation Exercises at the Farm To morrow. The School of Agriculture will hold its annual commencement exercises. tomorrow. At 1:30 p. m., competitive drill will take place, after which Com mandant Worklzer will present tho first and second best In tho Individual drill with appropriate trophies. At tho end of drill all will assemble In Agri cultural Hall and listen to a number of addresses. K. A. Marsh, senior, and Otto H. Lu bers, Junior, wll give farewell greet ings to seniors. Ed. Vanderborg will speak on -behalf of the commissioned officers. Professor A. E. Davlsson, president of tho Agricultural. College, and A. G. Haeckor, professor In dairy husbandry, will make tho principal ad dresses. At seven p. m., tho Bonlor class .will hold a banquet at the Lindell hotel, which will be attended by the faculty, students and alumni. Signs of 8prlng. Friends of Merrll Burbank and Edith M. Sanborn were surprised to learn of their wedding Monday afternoon. Both were freshmen, and their borne Is In Omaha. Mr. Burbank Is a member of Alpha Tau Omega Tho young couple do nofuxpect to remain in schoofc- Another well known student who was just married Is "Dick" Hunter, -Sigma Alpha Epsllon. Mr. Hunter was married yesterday afternoon to a Miss-Taylor of Lincoln. Ho will con tinue his work for" the rest of the year at least. ' - Principal Waterhouso, 'formerly of the Lincoln high school, but now of Omaha, has been "appointed head of the Fremont schools. Theater f APRIL 24 AND EVENING TRIP TAKEN TO PLATTE VALLEY DURING VACATION. Number of Students Under Dr. Condra Spent Three Days Studying Along Salt Creek and Platte Valley. Fifty-four students spont throo days of vacation on a trip to tho Lower Platte Itlvof, leaving Lincoln over the B. & M., at 7:15 Thursday morning and roturning at 5:35 Saturday ovonlng. Tho ontire trip was very carefully planned and organlzod. An outline was furnished to each Btudont and doflnite observations and descriptions were re quired. The party was separated into four Bquads under tho leadership re spectfully of Schram, Porrin, Koysor, and Dr. Condra, who had also tho gen eral supervision of tho trip. Profes sors Barbour, Tuckorman and Hack ac companied tho party during tho first day. Th first day, having studied tho Salt Crook valley from Lincoln to Ashland from the train, tho parly at once di vided Into squads and studied the for me tlons southwest of town. From thoro, the walking was down tho rail road with side trips into tho ravine where rock beds were correlated with thoso at Ashland. The stxty-four-foot bluff of Dakota Sandstone at the mouth of Salt Crook was studied and tbe travelers refreshed themselves at one of tho springs whore" tho water from tho porous sandstono seeps out. On roachlng tho impervious beds bolow On toward South Bend prominent ledgCB were studied and the Murphy quarry visited. This is ono of the largest in tho state, working an eleven foot ledge of limestone and crushing It for concrete work. Upon arriving at South Bbnd"fc-lhe baggage, somo thirty bundles was se cured at the depot, and camp wa,s made oast of town noar tho rjvor. Each squad had its own tent and did its own cooking. The rambles of the day, somo fifteen miles or more, had prepared tho men for supper. Aftor supper, a large camp fire was built, roll was called and Dr. Condra made a general-quiz on. the day's work, giving, di rections for thopropor form of field notes. Then followed speeches by several men of the party, who-have traveled in foreign countries. Mjr (Thomas-fold of Mexico and Hfo there, Mr. Tuckerman of tho Alpha, .Mr; Heck fof tho Southland. The enjoyment of the camp fire was dampened then by rainfall, so all betook themselves to tho. tents. After breakfast Friday morning the men crossed tne river and traced the rock formation to the' State Fish Hatcheries, then coming back oppo site South Bend, walked down the val ley along tho hills to Meadow. On that part of the trip they studied, several abandoned quarries; clay pita and sand dredges. Crossing the river to Louisville camp, was made, supper eaten and' the camp-fire quiz convened, Some of the business met of Louisville were Inter este( visitors here. Talks by" Con dra, Schram, Perrin and Beechley,.mon who have worked .on the U. S. survey were next in order. ' '' ' Saturday morning the -party visited (Continued, on nage ,8) " !