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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1908)
L THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ty, help make Nebraska b better ' r " S3! 'School. m i i; M? ki J HI f ' ' ,. . , , Gbe mails IRebrasfcan i i Hi THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERT DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AHD 'UONDAT BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Psblicitloi Office, 126 No. 14th SI. EDITORIAL STAFF. EdItor-ln-Chlef Rom King, '08 Managing Editor Q. L. Fenlon, '08 Associate Editor R. L. Harris, 10 BUSINESS STAFF. Manager George M. Wallace, MO Circulator W. A. Jones, 10 Assistant Circulator L. J. Weaver, '10 OFFICE HOUR8. EdItor-ln-Chlef 2 to 4 p. m. Manager 9 to 10 a. m. Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 5 Cents Each rj? Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL, NOTICES will bo charted for at tho rate of 10 ccnta per Insertion for ovcry fifteen wordB or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly be published freo. Entered at the postofflco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. The cdltorinl duties for this issue devolve upon the office boy, as Editor King left for nis home yesterday after convocation. So much for undergraduates. On the other hand, graduate students, by going eaBt may greatly benefit Nebras ka. If well prepared here their work there can not but reflect credit on this University, as well as on the other one to which they go. The broader ex perience thus acquired by living in different sections of the country, iq an education in Itself to the student. And a general Interchange of students 1 between different sections of the country promotes nationality and good With two exceptions, all organiza tions and bodies politic are amenable to public opinion. The first and great est of theBO exceptions is the Russian government. The second, and one which more Immediately concerns us, 1b the Nebraska Athletic Board. This latter august body, has so ingeniously avoided taking a stand on tho reform in athletic management now being agi tated here, that the diplomacy of the Russian autocracy is grossly untactful in comparison. Tho board's decided Inactivity is, in effect, a renounce ment of the proposed changes and yet they have not plainly said so. The Russian government must at least be given credit for having the courage of Its convictions, oven though on the wrong side. "Caesar had hid- Brutus, CharleB I had his Cromwell, and the Nebraska Athletic Board will have its way." Every day we have opportunities to "boost" for Nebraska. .Each Uni versity student may do a great deal to ward the destruction ok Bentiment throughout the state which 1b hos tile to the University. We all know that especially among the agricultural classes, much of this sentiment pre vails, which 1b unfavorable to higher education. It 1b up to the students and tho graduates of Nebraska to prove that higher education is a suc cess and that It should have the un qualified support of all classes. Per haps when you are at home during the coming vacation, you will meet men who hold such hostile opinions. Do not condemn tnem nor dispute their opinions, but by your morals, your manners, and your general con duct try to stand before them and be fore all others, as exponents of good sane, and just living and thinking. This is the true Nebraska spirit, as it Is the true University spirit. Now is the time to begin to create a good feeling for the University, of Nebras ka, which will make Itself manifest In the attitude of the next legislature which meets In January. Miss Nellie Stevenson is the sixth captain of the basket-ball team to win Phi Beta Kappa honors since basket ball was Introduced into the Universi ty in J896. There have been but nine captains during that period, some of the players having held the position for two years. RESULTS TELL! W claim to be tho best CLEANERS and D7ERS in Lincoln and are lr to prore It Our methods-aro the VERT LATEST and our work men the beat that money can seouro. We olean the finest dresses and robes without danger of fading or shrinking In any way. We also olean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Ooods called for and delivered. All goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering And repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. I J. Phone !! 147 . WOOD & 1320 N STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Auto 1292 "What can I do for Nebraska?" That Is a question which every student in the University should ask himself. It is the custom ot many undergradu ates to study here, a year or two years or three years and then ''go East to finish." If the "migration of students" were a general custom In this country as it is in Germany, this would not be detrimental to our University, but, since they are apt to be tho best stu dents who leave to finish at Cornell, Yale, Harvard, or Columbia, the Uni versity can not help butsuffer from the loss. The larger eastern schools have reputations, j. .Nebraska is gain ing one. Able graduates are second, not even to an able faculty, In building up a schooVa reputation. Jf you feql that you have, or may acquire,. unusu al ability in any liqe, .do not leave Nebraska, for- whit you , think a bet ter school, but stay, and by that.abili- The president of the College Girls' Equal Suffrage League newly organ ized at the University of Wisconsin is Miss Janet Van Hise, daughter of the president of the university and a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma. The Komensky club subscribed sev enty dollars to the late Pofessor Jef frey D. Hrubek's memorial fund. Have your clothes pressed at Web er's Sultorlum, corner 11th and O If you want to see the swellest things you dver saw in tan low shoes, drop in at Sanderson's. Look In at Sanderson's window. See the lady change he,r shoes. Changes every minute. .Notice. FreBhmen desiring class caps will please see Alden Bumstead, Lester V V,-; IF YOU SPEND EASTER AT HOME You will need a new suit, a 'nifty" hat and some furnishings. We will box nicely any package from our store, making it easy to carry i Our display of Easter "fixins" for college fellows is Unusually large MAGEE & DEEMER THE HOME OF COLLEGE CLOTHES UNION OOLLECE tailors tusn Ftr First Class Tailoring AT LOW PRICES AUTO 48 COLLEGE VIEW Let us take your measure today and make to your order a suit that is perfect in Style, Fit, WorKmanship and Quality DRESHER, The TAILOR 143 South Twelfth Street . LINCOLN, NEBRASKA UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. Wednesday, April 15. 6:00 p. m. Easter recess begins. Wednesday, April 22. 8:00 a. m. Easter recess ends. Friday, April 24. Lincoln Hotel. Senior Prom. Glee Club Concert, Matinee and even ing. ' - - Saturday, April 25. ' 8:00 p. m. Temple Theater. Dramatic Club play. Friday May 1. 8:00 p. m. The Temple. Y. M. C. A. Minstrel. Company B Hop. Friday, May 8. Sophomore Hop. Students who Intend doing any kind of soliciting during the summer will find that tho Nebraska Farmer, 217 North Eleventh street, offers the most agreeable, cleanest opportunity for canvassing to be had. Not only are the publishers willing to make you a proposition which will pay better money than can be had working at anything else, but they give you a moral support which is absolutely in valuable to the student who goes out to work in a strange community among farmery. Call at once and ask for the editor, S. R. McKolvie. She's a beauty the lady in Sander son's window. Clements' photos are the best. Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh. I COPPER PLATE ENGRAVING 1 I . STEEL DYE EMBOSSING 1 jj A NICE LINE OF STATIONERY S I Fraternity Bldg,, LINCOLN, NEB. J Telegraphy... Is a lucrative occupation and a great educator. Positions secured when proficient. Classes three nights a week. Western Telegraph School 1134 0 St. BelA2311 CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK TWELFTH AND 0 STREETS P. L. HALL, President P. E. JOHNSON, Vlce-Proeldent BiMAN O. POX, Cashier, W. W. HACKNEY Jr., Aeat. Cashier ww & ry -ymswi .