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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1908)
THE DVILY NEBRASKAIN 1 Gbe Dails "nebrasfean THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Llnooln. Nebraska. PHLIJHEO EVERT BAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PrtlicatlM Offlct, 126 Ho. 14th St. EDITORIAL STAFF. Edltor-ln-Ohlof 'A'?" K,.n' Manaolno Editor Q. L. Fenlon, '08 Atioclato Editor R. L. Harris, 10 BUSINESS STAFF. Manager George M. Wallace, MO Circulator W. A. Jonei, 10 Assistant Circulator L. J. Weaver, MO OFFICE HOURB. Mdltor-ln-Chlef 2 to 4 p. m. Manager 9 to 10 a. m. Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ, Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. B Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at the rate of 10 cents per Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly be published free. Entered at the postofflce at Llnooln. Nebraska, as second-closs mall matter under the Act of Congress of March 8, 1179. Have you seen the Senior Prom poster? It looks good enough to Bteal. But don't let's do It. And If we catch another at It, let's help bring him to justice. It IooUb like the Athletic Board have succeeded in tlelng the election matter up pretty effectually. Of "course little eflse can bo expected from the personnel of the board and their Intention Is to hold things as long as they can. They ought not to feel, however, that this Is a divine prerogative. A good many men over the country vanced rapidly, simply because of his; excellence, will realize his expecta tions, and there is not the question of a doubt but that the man who HAS excellence in his employer's eyes, will be advanced in position and wages according to his employer's estimate of this excellence. Experi ence has proven time and again that there is no employer of labor who 1b not looking and In many cases look ing In vain for men who have excel lence in order that ho can success fu'iy carry on his business." The trouble with the young fel lows whom I have come In contact with since I left school four years ago, has been, in the cases where they have not been promoted with the rapidity they think they should have been, due to the fact that they considered the jobs offered them too humble In character, and to the fact thai they were too prone to stop the stroke of a hammer or a pen the In stant the whistle blew. "Nothing succeeds like success," Is an old time worn quotation, but I want to say that in most cases, in fact all, it is true, and furthermore, success 1b Bpelled "WORK"- In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred. It takes work and any amount of it at any and all hours to show most men that you have "excellence" and, furthermore, this work must be per formed under any and all conditions wllh a smile and not a grouch. I cunu'.t refrain from repeating that It takes WORK, WORK, WORK, to show most men that you "can de liver the goods," and It Is safe to say that any one of you Purdue men can get a job and hold it against all comers If you will only work. Pur due Exponent. The above article was written by one of the managers of the Westing- The Harvard Medical School With tho complotlon of tho now buildings, which wero dedicated Sep tember 26th, 1006, this school riow has facilities and equipment for. teach ing and research in tho various branches of mcdlclno probably unequaled In this country. Of tho five buildings, four arc dovqtcd entirely to lab oratory teaching and research. Numerous hospitals afford abundant op portunities for clinical instruction In mcdlclno and surgery. COURSE FOR THE DEGREE OF M. D. A four years' course, open to bachelors of arts, literature, philosophy or science, and to persons of equivalent standing, leads to tho degree of M. D. The studies of the fourth year aro wholly elective; they Include labora tory subjects, general medicine, geneial surgery and the special clinical branches. Tho next school year extends from October 1, 1908, to Juno 24, 1909. The diploma of University of Nebraska Is accepted for admission. For detailed announcement and catalogue, dddrcss HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Boston, Mass. &r vtvri s 7 -&& on ORDER YOUR PUNCH at FOLSOff S Also everything in the way of cakes, pies, candies and ices. Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream after tho show. Bell 466 Phono us for Prlcos Auto 2214 Don't Read This If you don't wont good music. We guarantee this orchestra to be second to none. We don't charge two prices. Try us. Ask for recommendations. G. F. THORNBURQ, Director. Violin Taught. Auto 5877 UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. RESU L T S T ELL! IHTfTT" I 1 W okdm to bo the best GLEANERS and DYERS in Lincoln and are to preve It Our methods aro the VERY LATEST and our work mm th beat that money can ssoure. W etean the finest dresses and robes without -danger of fading or shrinking in any way, We also clean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Goods called for and delivered. AH goods thoroughly sterilized. We do Hering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LI8T. J. C WOOD &rGO. Phene Ball 147 1S20 N STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phene Auto 1292 Saturday, April 11. 7:30 p. m. U. 106. Students' Debating Club meets. Wednesday, April 15. 6:00 p. m. Easter recess begins. Wednesday, April 22. 8:00 a. m. Easter recess ends. Friday, April 24. Lincoln Hotel. Senior Prom. Glee Club Concert, Matinee and even ing. Saturday, April 25. 8:00 p. m. Temple Theater. Dramatic Club play. Friday May 1. 8:00 p. m. The Temple. Y. M. C. A. Minstrel. Company B Hop. Friday, May 8. Sophomore Hop. are now objecting to basket-ball aB being too rough. "It is coming to be merely a question of who is the trickiest at concealing fouls," says one. President Jordan says it is be cause of the "obsession of the student body to the one idea of victory," and that "it is the presence of the pro fessional coach, the promoter of ath 'letics, who makes his living through winning victories and who goes as far in securing them as a relaxed public opinion in town and in university will let him." Lost A Theta pin and Black Masque pin. Please return to Miss Jessie Power and receive reward. 714 P St. Have your clothes pressed at Web er's Sultorlum, corner Hth and O Marshall, students' barber. Corner Thirteenth and O, under Famous. Mr. Bryan and Mr. Taft are having a strenuous time getting the people acquainted with themselves. Every day Is a round of receptions and speeches in which neither discusses the problems that his party has failed on or the problems yet unsettled, and both blame each other for everything that has not gone right since Wash ington. It wouldn't pay, though, to say much at this time, for they might have to take It all back before the campaign is over. house Company for the Purdue Ex ponent. NEW POSTAL RULING. By a recent order of the Postmaster General, no dally newspaper Is al lowed to send copies to subscribers who are three months or more In ar rears. There are a few of the sub scribers to the Dally Nebraskan who are In arrears to that extent and Un less payment Is made In the near fu ture the subscriptions will be stopped. We trust that this will not be' neces sary and that the circulation of this paper may not need te be reduced 'by the oversight of some of our friends. If your subscription Is unpaid, kindly mall a money order or draft to the This order goes Into effect April 15. manager as soon as convenient. UHIYEMITY JEWELER 4 IPTIGUN C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr.S.S.Shean OPTICIAN Mill STREET. YELLIWFROMT Ytur Prirtaaie MMbi feEOBB&M I COPPER PLATE ENGRAVING I I STEEL DYE EMBOSSING 1 H A NICE LINE OF STATIONERY I I Fraternity Blfe, LINCOLN, NEB. J University Students Ladles and Gentlemen If in the market for a new typewriter or desiring to rent one, we would be glad ,to hare our sales man call and demonstrate the visible Underwood. Tours re spectfully, UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER GO. Bell 348 Telegraphy... Is a lucrative occupation and a great educator. Positions secured when jrof icientr Classes three nights a week Western Telegraph School 1134 0 St. Bell A 2311 "There is 9. certainty that the man who expects to be boosted, or ad- The Student Dramatic Club at Iowa City has chosen its next play, a c6m edy of a very superior order, the com mittee deciding upon "The Impor tance of Being In Earnest,", of which Oscar Wilde is author. "Your next" Aristo Barber Shop, 1206 O St. LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY 113 If St Social nights Mon. and Frid., 8 to 11 Beginner's night, Wednesday, 8 to 11 UNI. STUDENTS ESPECIALLY INVITED SELECT CROTO Let us take your measure today and make to your order a suit that is perfect in Style, Fit, WorKmanship and Quality DRESHER, The TAILOR 143 Soy th Twelftti Street LINCOLN; NEBRASKA