The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 11, 1908, Image 1 Bails flebraekart Vol. VH. lSfo. 125. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, APRIL H, 1906. Price 5 Cents. I REORGANIZE TEAM (00000000 CHANQE8 NECE88ARY IN LINE UP OF INFIELD. 'Row' Men 8how Up Well In Positions f and .Will Represent Nebraska In ; Good Shape on Coming Trip. Senior Prom Lincoln Hotel April 20-four Two-fifty ' With the final acceptance of the freshman rule by the Athletic Board, several changes have been necessary in ithe baseball team that have not particularly brightened the prospects for , a ginning team this season, but ("nevertheless, as usual, the scarlet and cream will be in the field with- a bunch that will give opponents a run for the money. Harris, who has been playing a star game at shortstop, Is a freshman, and consequently had to be retired. In his place Watson, who played first base on last year's team, has been "tried out and is showing up well. He h a little slow on his feet, but fields Well and handles a good whip. At baiting, too, he is fairly Btrong, and should fill the vacancy left by Harris in creditable style. . Sturtenegger and Greensllt, who jhad been alternating behind the bat, rhad also to be retired, and Denslow moved from first base to. the back stop position, where he has been jhandling himself in a style that is a fsource of Joy to the assembled tons. Klein, who has taken his position (on the initial sack, labors under the disadvantage of playing a position for 'the first time. He has been playing 'all 'season at second base, and the change has necessitated his forgetting the game at second, and acquiring the entirely different tactics neces sary at the first stop. (Dudgeon Is again' covering the sec ond station and puts up a better game ithan he showefl last year at any time. His 'batting eye is much better and aside from' a little clumsiness, his fielding is clean and fast "3 Beltzer still remains at the third sack to the gratification of the bleach- ;'ers. He plays a splendid game and 5xas a whlp that wins of itself. He 'iBWatiTthe ball with regularity, and Ishbuld, be ,tb,e Cornhuskers' mainstay with the stick on the coming trip. Int the .outfleldV the. positions afe filled much the same as last season, flleuter.rin left, Captain Bellamy in center, and Jennings in right . Jennings is a new man who has superseded Freeland on account of Ws ability to hit the ball and beat out bunts, He Is 'a southpaw, and this fact combined wjth his natural speed,1 enables him to get away from jbfieplaCe with a qulckriesB'that usual ly makes his, bunt a hit I Ward,, lake,, arid--Mather $ra the most likely" candidates for the rubber, and -any of them should keep the felu slvAhor8ehide"from being swatted ' too 'freely by the wlley stickers ,of the .'Eastern "schools, Z Taken, altogether, the boys should be able to roll up a few points upon 00i STUDENT A880CIATI0N8. LAW 8CHOOL CA8E8. Meeting of All College Y. M. C. A. at York, April 10-12. Yesterday Mr. Joe Der Klnderen, student secretary of the Y. M. C. A., and Mr. Ben Cherrlngton, the presi dent of the' Association, left for York, Nebr., to be In attendance at a presi dents', secretaries', committee men's, and faculty conference. This confer ence Includes all of the college Y. M. C. A. In the state. While there Der Klnderen and Cherrlngton will both appear on the program several times. Professor Ward and Professor Bar ber of the University will also make several addresses. An interesting feature of the con ference 1b two basket-ball games, to be played between a team composed of the presidents of college associa tions, the other composed of the sec retaries of the college associations, - New 8tyles in Hats. The Board of Regents at their last meeting, among other Important mat-' tors, took up the question of widen ing the gates to the campus and the walk between the Library and Uni versity Hall. This action was thought to be necessary because of the great width of some of the millinery crea tions now appearing on the campus. It Is reported that a few young ladles have had to enter by the. driveway andthat two of the new hats cannot pass on the present narrow walks. Hence the proposed' change will no doubt be a welcome one. D.l). J2U.T.-X. 6 8tandlng of Teams in the Inter-Frat 8erle to Date. The D. U.'s and the Alpha Theta Chl's held a swat-fost upon the cam pus yostorday at 1 o'clock which re sulted In a victory for the former to the tune of 22-6. The game was anybody's until the fourth inning, when the D. U.'s con nected with the sphere in "Pop" An son stylo and with the kindly assist ance of a few errors on the part of the Alpha Thet's, ran In ten of the ones that count Sears and Coddlngton officiated for There Will Be a Busy Day In the Moot Courts Today. A number of Interesting cases will come up In the courts of the Law School today. In the District Court a property case, Stevens vs. Blenk lron, will be tried before Judge Beg- thol at 9 a. m. George Tunnlson will act as attorney for the plaintiff and Clyde McWhlnney for the defendant. In the County Court the case of Decoy Burnett vs. Union , Water Co. will be tried before Judge Bachus. This Is a new suit commenced in this case. The previous case was dis missed by the Supreme Court on a technicality as to payment of costs. Lowe & Crunden are the attorneys for the plaintiff and Randall & Porry for the defendant. Both cases are' jury cases and forty-six Jurors have been summoned to give the attorneys free hand to challenge. In the Supreme Court the case of McLaughlin vs. Noll will be tried at 2 p. ra. sharp before Judges Frorlchs, Venrlck and Hough, C. J. Calkins & Dort are the attorneys for the appel lant, Grimm & Rice for the appellee. Junior Class Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Junior class at 11:30 a. m Tuesday, in Memorial Hall. Thechlef business to be transacted Is the establishment of a permanent treasury for the Corn husker, and it is desired that a large attendance be on hand. ' Clements', photos are the best Rates to students.' 129 So. Eleventh. the winners, while for the Alpha Theta Chl's, Fleming served them up to Buol. , . Ritchie was tho star for the latter toam, his two clean throws from cen ter field to the plate were beauties and deserved better results than they received. Sears of the D. U.'s also made some pretty plays. Standing of Teams. Pld. W. L, Phi Delta Theta.... 2 2 Alpha Tau Omega. . 1 1 Delta Upsllon 1 1 Sigma Alpha. Epsllon 1 1 Alpha Theta Chi... 1 0 Delta Tau Delta 1 0 Beta Theta PI 1 0 Phi Gamma Delta.. 1 0 Sigma Chi 1 0 Engineering Smoker. Another smoker Is to be given to night at 1216 H street by the En gineering Society for the benefit of tho engineering students. The last one given, which was early In the fall, proved a great success and as the same committer has charge of this one, they intend to make It a greater success than the last. They have arranged to entertain everyone and are going to spread a fine feed. It Is sincerely hoped that all en gineers will turn out and become ac quainted with each other. 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 P.O. 1000 1000 1000 1000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 Baked beans, baked on the prem ises and Berved hot with delicious brown bread-, 10c, at The 'Boston Lunch. T 00000000000000( Glee Cliib Concert i anybody's diamond. .-IV See Sanderson this week about ca dot 'tan saoea while stock is large. T JE UaMaMMHMMPM , -. jn sH a o New Books In the Library. Bogart E. lb. Economic History of the United States. Bradley, J. W. Illuminated Msa. Chandler, F. W. Literature of Roguery. ' Fessenden, Francis. Life "and Pub lic Services of William Pitt Fessen den. Garrod, H. W. The Religion of All Good Men. Hall, G. S-- Youth; Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene. , Lang, A. Modern Mythology i' Le Conte; Joseph. Autobiography. Paull, W. Physical Chemistry in the Science of Medicine, .. Plumptre, E. H. Tragedies of Sophocles. Rogers, A. OK. -Religious Concep- tlons of the World. , Rjosengarten, J. French-Colonists and Exiles In the United States. Tyler, J; M. Growth and Education. 1 0liver Theater f Dr. Dales Entertains. On Thursday evening Dr. Benton Dales entertained the Chemical fac ulty and the University Chemical . Club at his home. i)r. Dales gave a very Interesting and instructive talk on "The Co-ordination Theory of. Valerias;" after which Mrs. Dales served a dainty and delicious luncheon. 'At a Hate hour the meeting broko up, all declaring it to have been most enjoyable. FRIDAY APRIL 24 4 MATINEE AND EVENING ' ' Vi.'fp i ' n tf 3 ( 0Ol Yale's hammer throw Tecord. was recently broken by- Carroll XJooney, of the football, squad. Ho tossed the weight 161,, feet, bettering Tom Sher lln's .figures ' by eleven, inches. The feat puts Cooney right in line for the Intercollegiate championship.. CooaSjr comes from New York. " .' ? $ M M C ' a -- ,v