The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 10, 1908, Image 4
i 0 ! TH OAIL.Y JMEBIMeKLAN JL Tis Easier to to $5 Than Save &2 toEarn It ' ' ' ' - ' - ' ' in.- i Bk BbS-S uIm'jIsw . ' ' Armstrong Clothing ho : Gooci Clothes Merchants "Show me"wh$re to save, you say Just step into our sjfcore Here we will show you hundreds of chancesjust as many chances as there are w Suits Overcoats and Raincoats in our popular priced lines, at $10, $15, $20 and $25 Every Garment Saves You $2 to $5 Not just the same as the Suits and Overcoats others sell for 20 per ct more, but superior to them. Most of the high-class tailoring houses that supply us with men's apparel sell to us ex clusively preferring our immense orders at low" prices to uncertainties . We Stand Equally Well With All Classes of Clothes Buyers BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL MtN, because we give them the garb of gentlemen for so much less than the charges of the high-class custom shops; YOUNG MEN be-? cause the clothes that we supply have all the jaunty new touches that stamp them as strictly up to date; lyiEpHAN-, ICS AND OTHERS, who work at the trades or jn.the shops or on the farm, because we make their wages go so much farther when they buy new clothes; FOLKS IN GENERAL, because the great majority ojE mankind likes to dress well but have to think twice before they let their; dollars go and have found that thistore The Arm strong Store always ives long-time satisfaction. s- - - I JPP?.nJ,' J- V'o 1 rffMWKmiMMlHWUlK tOYKIM r fllrtm 1 1 rtm mm itiimi