THB DAILY NEBR AftKAN . Oliver Theatre Society Brand Clothes are the new creations for young men TONIGHT, 8AT. A 8AT. MAT. OLE OLSON Eve., 50, 35 & 25c. Mat, 25 & 10c T0E8DAY NIGHT, APRIL 14 Lincoln Symphony Orchestra OF FIFTY MU8ICIAN8 ORC 50c. BAL. 25c. THUR8DAY NIGHT, APRIL 16. THE VIRGINIAN LYRIC THEATRE MATINEE 3 P. M. EVE. 7i45 & 9t00 PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CENTS LIND8AY Dog ."and Monkey Circus ILLU8TRATED 80NG John J. Wilde THE BERGERE 8I8TER8 Refined Vocalists The Famous Minstrel ARTHUR DEMING "A White Black Bird" W. H. MOCK & CO. Comedy Playlet "The New Minister" By Chas. Horwltz LYR08COPE MAJESTIC Week Commencing Monday, Mch.23 FULTON STOCK CO. -IN- Tho first production in this city of Bartley Campbell's Masterpiece As Told on the - Sands A Comedy Drama in Four Acta Evening prices 15c and 26c Matinees, Wed. and Sat. . ., 16c beats reavd, Box offlco opens 11 a. m. M0KSTMI MUPMY -T-CXCLUIVK TAILORS 1320 N St., Unln, Nob. THE INI' SMOKE HOUSE T i ' .. - Welcome all student and Invites you to, enjoy our Smoking and Reading Room. It's a pleasure to please. Try us. r "UNI" SMOKE HOU8E. 1132 O STREET HAIR CUTTING A SPECIALTY , fit THE lk Mi Easy Into Sktp C. W. KMMKRT, PMf. 2M SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET ' dive mm a can I .BvaLsssssstt mtittflwF fivanD DRESS FOR YOUNG MEN MI8SION8 IN CHINA. (Continued from Page 1.) body of the sick one in order to drive out the spirits. What accomodations that there are for Invalids are wretch ed. The Chinese cannot understand why it is that the missionaries aid them when their own countrymen cast them aside. But when they hear the gospel which is preached in every hos pital in China, then they understand. As they put it, their "heart-eyes are opened." The Komensky Club will hold a spe cial meeting, EViday, April 10 in Uni versity Hall, 106. Kary Pellant, of Prague, Bohemia, will address the Bo hemian students of the University on "A Comparison of Higher Learning In America and Bohemia." There will be special music. This Evening. An old-fashioned New England pot pie supper will be given at St Mark's Reformed church, 1539 Q street, this evening from, six to eight o'clock. At Michigan the senior law students. gave an annual dance on April 1, and served writs of, subpoena on the girls they wish to ask, by way of invitation. i"Your next" Aristo Barber Shop, 1206 O St Send in your news items to the Daily Nebraskan. We were showing a young fellow one of our new spring suits Saturday and he put on the coat and saw himself as others see him in the mirror. The first thing he said was, "It's a Bird." He went out with a smile of satisfaction on his race and the "Bird" under his arm. Our Suits for young men this season at from or whatever price you want to pay, certainly eclipse anything we've ever seen in suit making Come and In style and beauty they are beyond newspaper description THE STERLING CLOTHING CO. 1217 O Street Clements' photos are tbe best Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh. See Sanderson this week about ca det tan shoes while stock is large. Gf to Mrs. J. C. Bell, hairdresser, for chiropody. Beckman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. St Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. x 2v C. H. Prey, flqrjst, 1183 O St Cozy clean, pure-Dalrymple's Eat at Slam's. VEIL BARGAIN For Saturday Lare 1 lr2 yard Yells with chenijje "WH edge, in black only, Saturday night, f Hi 7 to 9, at, each , WU $20 to $30 See Them Wanted Ten students to canvass subscriptions Saturday; for the day. Send name and address to Box 1S15, Station A. Cadets should see Sanderson bo fore April 14 to Insure a fit in tan shoes. Pitts' Dancing School Class night Advanced, Monday; Beginners, Wednesday and Saturday. Social night Friday. Private clas every afternoon. Most beautiful hall in Lincoln. New location. 1124 N I street Auto 6241. .. s f t ?. .t -