The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 09, 1908, Image 1

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fol. VII. No. J2d.
Price 5 Cents.
." COSTIGAN remains.'
Professor Maxey Remains and Profes
sor Ayers to Resign Contract for
the Engineering Building Let.
The Board of Regents closed their
meetings yestorday after a two days'
session. Much interest has been
manifested in these meetings by' the
University in general because of the
number of important matters that
came up. Probably most Interest was
centered about the election of the
fuculty of the law school, because of
the friction which was known to exist
there. Last Friday and Saturday a
petition was circulated to have Dean
Costigan removed and another to have
Professor retained. It was claimed
that these petitions were quite gen
erally signed by the law studentB.
Later those in favor of the retention
of Dean Costigan adopted resolutions
discountenancing the reasons given
for his removal. The Dean himself
was in favor of the removal of Pro
fessor Ayers and the retention of
Professor Maxey. The Regents de
cided to retain Dean Costigan and
Professor Maxey, but asked for the
resignation of Professor Ayers at once,
to take effect at once.
The contract for the new Engineer
ing building was let to Qoujjd & Son,
of ;OnjattfjJi7,hQ., original plan 6f the
building called for an appropriation of
$95,880, but the Regents added $33,000
to this amount for roofing and other
things which were not included before.
Many professors were raised In
rank, and the annual budget for the
different departments was apportlbned.
Several changes will be made about
the campus of the State Farm drive
ways, walks and gardens will be laid
- out.
IJt was expected that some action
would betaken in regard to the pur
chase of a new athletic field, but-that
matter had to . be deferred until the
next meeting when the committee,
v7hlch- has several places under con
sideration, will report.
The length of the Easter recess was
not changed, as had been rumored
about the campus.
Junior Informal
ABBOTT'S ORCH. TICKETS $f .25 (Limited to 80)
Ov0pOOn(0CHKOOIKirO'KOil(0 w O w O O'fOJKOJKOvO'lfOJIfOJlfO'fcO'lfCHrOilKD
Y. W, C. A. NOTE8.
Home Concert.
.The Glee Club is fast rounding Into
shape for the home concert on April
24. The vacation comes between this
time and then, which will probably
cause a few extra rehearsals, but the
boys are all willing to put In the extra
time because they, feel that this year's
t concert will be the beBt ever. There
remain three out-of-town dates yet, at
which the club expects to put on the
program almost as it will, appear in
Lincoln on the 24th. By doing this
the club will be perfectly familiar with
the prograln. On April 14 the club
will make Wahoo, on April 21, Kear
ney, and April 22nd, Central City or
some town in that vicinity..
The, tickets for the homo, concert
wJll probably be out before'the stu
debts go home for vacation.
Cabinet Conference to Be Held Next
On Tuesday a very enthusiastic mis
sionary meeting was held In the
rooms. Miss Patterson, who Is con
nected with a mission school for girls
In Pekln, China, gave a rousing mis
sionary talk, which was thoroughly en
joyed by everyone.
.The weekly praise service was held
Wednesday noon. After the opening
song service, a violin boIo was ren
dered by Mr. Quick, who Is the leader
of the Oliver Theater Orchestra. Mrs.
Conant sang in her usual beautiful
way. After a short Scripture reading
by the president, Mr. Quick played
again. The muBlc at. the Wednesday
praise service Is always good, but yes
terday It was especially fine. Both
Mr. Quick and Mrs. Conant are genu
ine artists and It was a great treat to
the association, to have them at this
Next Saturday a cabinet conference
is to be held In the assoclailqn room.
Four universities, IVesleyan, Cotner,
Doane and Nebraska, will be repre
sented. The program Is as follows:
10:30 to 11:30.
Devotional Service, ledby Miss
Dickey, Extension Secretary of
City Y. W. C. A.
Message to Officers of the Associa
tion, Carrie K. Schultz.
Message to Committee Chairmen,
Miss Slmmonds, State Secretary.
11:30 to 12:30.
Presentation of State, and National
Work. Mrs. Ff M. Hall, Chairman
State Committee.
The Summer Conference, Mrs. E. B.
Barber, Former National Secre
" tary.
2:30 to 3:30.
Conference of Committees.
3:30 to 4:30.
Address, Mrs. Lance, of Moody Bible
Musio will be furnished by Wes
leyan girls In the forenoon session.
Miss WIlhelmlia Herrold will sing for
the afternoon service.
This conference promises to be both
interesting and helpful All Univer
sity girls are especially invited to the
11:30 and 3:30 sessions.
Led by Men Who Have Been to the
Geneva Conference.
The Y. M. C. A. meeting last night
waB turned into a review of what the
Geneva conference had been, and what
the Cascade conference will do, for
the University Y. M. O. A. Men who
had attended Geneva at some time
were full of enthusiasm and praise of
Geneva and urged all men who pos
sibly could go to make arrangements
to attend Cascade this year from
June 12 to 21, Inclusive.
Mr. Walters spoke for a few mo
ments on "The Men I Met." Yoder
told us about "The Fellowship of the
Men." Willie Klein gave a brief de
scription of the "Morning Watch," and
what It meant to the fellow who at
tends, not only while at the confer
ence, but after coming home.
Forell spoke on the "Ilfe Work
Meetings," Ayres on "Preparation for
Y. M. C. A. Work," and Gherrington
on "Athletics;'-' Jorgenson coming last
and, summing up the whole, urged
men, not for their own sake, but for
the good of-the association, to go.
About ten men signified their inten
tion of going, and It is hoped that tho
association can have, at least twenty
five representatives out there next
Gymnastic Team Leave for Western
Intercollegiate Meet at Madi
son Only Two Men Go. "
Students Debating Club.
At a meeting of the Students' De
bating Club Saturday evening, April
11, tho following question will be de
bated: Resolved, That the safety of.
the country requires that additional re-
trictions be placed on, foreign immi
gration. The affirmative debaters are
Messrs. Halldorson and Morgan, the
negative are Messrs. Kazebeer and
Paulson. A short parliamentary law
practice will be given before the de
bate. Visitors are invited to be present.
PJes like mother Cried to make.
Baked fresh' twice' day by an expert
woman pie baker, at The Bostoa
Glee Club Concert
" Oliver Theater f
The University gymnastic team left
yeBterdny afternoon for Madison, Wis
consin, where they participate tonight
in the annual Western Intercollegiate'
Gymnastic Meet. Nebraska's hopes ot
winning this year are notvery bright
According to Conference rules, neither
giaduate students nor Freshmen will
bo allowed to compoto arjd consequent
ly KlesBelbach, one of tho stars of last
year's team, will not enter. Thld
darkens Nebraska's 'prospects consid
erably and not a great deal is expect
ed in the way of a team showing.
Switzler, who has been doing good
work thiB year and who was a member
ol last year's team,, did not go on the
trip. He has an arm which was in
jured several years ago and the stren
uous work-outs of the past few weokj
put It out of commission entirely.
Most of Nebraska's points will be
won by D. C. Mitchell. His work in.
the recent contest was very promts
lug and he has developed wonderfully
under Dr. Clapp's Instruction. He has.
decided to try out for the individual;
championship at the mee. ThiB re
quires work in one additional event.
fancy club swinging. Most of the.
other contesting teams are strong In,
their work on the .side-horse. Mitch
ell's work in this event is consistent,
though not brilliant; on the horizontal!
bar and in tumbling, however, he ex
cels and Dr. Clapp considers his.
chances of winning very good.
Seldelbach of Wisconsin won the in
dividual championship last year and.
he Is one .of the Badger team again
tills year. Dr. Clapp himself used to
hold the eastern Intercollegiate cham
pionship o"n the flying rings, the hori
zontal bar and the parallel bars, and,
he says that the Wisconsin, gymnast)
has several stunts which even hlsT ;
never, tried. With such competitors
as this, Mitchell has a task cut out
for him If he wins the championship.
In this year's meet, contrary to
precedent, only one trial will be .al
lowed a man for any one stunt Tne
object in this rule 1b twd-foidi; first4,'
to run the numbers through faster,
since as many as thirty men will be ,
entered In some events, and, second,
to compel better work and make the;,
points more difficult to secure. The,
coring is based on the approach, the
beauty and, difficulty of exercise, the
form, and the retreat. Hundredths of,
points are counted and the average of
the scores of three judges, taken,
One of the main phjecta in Bonding,
a team was to strengthen Nebraska
chance of getting the meet here,, next,
year. It has been held almost every
where else except Lincoln and Ne,
braska will be, a, strong bidder for the,
honor next, year;
Those who .went on the trip wero
(Continued on page 4)