The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 08, 1908, Image 1
ftbe Bailp IFtebrasfcan Vol. VU. No. J22. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1908. Price 5 Cents. DirfERENT VIEW OjW03(KKJK)KCMK)K5K300 FRESHMAN RULE LINE-UP OF CORNHU8KER8 18 MATERIALLY CHANGED. APRIL 10; 8:30 P. M. FRATERNITY HALL v - -t ENGLISH AND AMERICAN IDEAS NOT THE SAME. Americana Consider Morals, English- men the Property Rights Involved, Says Prof, Guernsey Jones. That temperance agitation In Eng land wHl Increase, with a growing Chance of final BUCcesB, Is the expec tation of Professor Guernsey Jones, who spoke at Convocation yesterday on "English Temperance Legislation." Professor Jones emphasized the dTFl ferent ways In which Americana and Englishmen approach the question. Here It is a question of morality; there the primary consideration is prqperty. , s "The temperance movement which Js sweeping over this country has its 'components in European countries," said Professor Jones. "The move ment there seems mild compared with tours, England being the most pro gressive. "The timidity with which the Eng lish have approached the temperance question has npt been due to better conditions there- than elsewhere. In .fact, the English saloons are quite as objectionable as our own and their (numbers are proportionately greater. In all England the proportion of sa loons to population is one to three hundred. Here in Lincoln we have one saloon for every thousand or twelve hundred inhabitants. In Ox ford and Cambridge, two great Eng lish university towns, the number of persons to each saloon are one hun dred and eighty-four and one hundred and forty-five, respectively. The Eng lish saloon interests wield a tremen dous political Influence. Thus we see that the problem Is even more press ing there than In this country. "The"rea8ons for the timidity fn approaching- the natter are" several. Tradition in England is opposed to legislation which restrict individual llberty. Gladstone In the early nine ties condemned the refusal, of licenses on the ground that such action would harm free tTade. We must consider also that in England, the brewing business is. eminently respectable. 'Lords are among the leaders of the -liquor Interests. The business is a recognized avenue of political prefer ment "The English persist in looking up on -the question from the standpoint of the property Involved, They be lieve, that the liquor -dealer must be compensated for his loss of income. The first temperance measure became a law in 1904. It provided that every holder of a license must contribute about $50 to a compensation fund, this money to be used in compensating dealers , whose licenses 'were retired. The English license is peculiar in that, although it is" subject to re newal annually, it has come to be re garded as a permanent asset of the ;holder. ,. Licenses are valued as high as 150,000, their value "of course be . tag . entirely speculative. About ten .'years ago the 'brewers bought up a , (CoatInnibnJpage4)j Junior ABBOTT'S ORCH. CHINA MISSIONS. Talk by Returned Missionary in Y. WY Rooms Yesterday. Miss Patterson, a returned mission ary from China and now acting as traveling secretary for the American Board, gave a most interesting talk In the Y. W. rooms Tuesday noon. Miss Patterson is a very charming speaker and her account of Chinese life and customs was made particu larly interesting because of her own Interesting personality. She had much to tell of our foreign neighbors, especially of their manner of living, their strange moral standards in many instances, and their present needs. All the students of the University will be enabled to hear Miss Patterson for she speaks in convocation Thurs day morning upon the work now be ing carried on in China, particularly by graduates of Nebraska University. - i Milm ii GEOLOGY TRIP. Dr. Condra's Class Does Some Field Work. Dr. Condra's class In agricultural and field geology took a trip to Pleas ant Dale and Mllford last Saturday. They left at 6 a. m. via the Burling ton, returning lao In the evening. Special study of the different forma tions in that vicinity was made. At the invitation of Adjutant General Culver the class visited the Shogo Lithla bottling works, where they saw In process of packing a shipment for Panama. On the return trip the class walked to Emerald, studying the. glacial deposits prominent In the rail way cute. Thee were seventeen peo ple in the party, which was conducted by Dr. Condra, Messrs. Keyser, Chase, and Perron. Dr. Condra expects to take another party to the Platte dur ing vacation. ' Pies like mother tried to make. Baked freak twice, a day by an expert woman pie baker, at The .Bostoa Lunch. UfVfyUWwfwSUSwfwSUUUUSU Glee Club ) Oliver FRIDAY, ac t 2 i jC W . J. - ',-. " MATINEE AND EVENING 5 ' Loaaowwwo-ewJow Informal TICKETS $f.25 (Limited to 80) "CASCADE CONFERENCE." Former Visitors Will on Sum mer Meeting Tonight. Tonight a good rousing meeting will be held in the Y. M. C. A. rooms con cerning the summer conference to be held at Cascade this summer from June 12 to 22, inclusive. Men who have attended the conferences here tofore held at Lake Geneva will talk and arouse Interest among the fel lows. It Is hoped that a large crowd will attend Cascade from here at the coming summer conference. For a number of years the summer conference has been held at Lake Geneva, but the attendance has been so large, especially from these mid west states, that in order to Improve the work hereafter the conference for this section will be held at Cascade. If you are interested, come out and hear the kind of work that is done there. Begins promptly at 6:50 and closes promptly at 7:30. , Special Meeting of'Medical Society. A special meeting of the Medical Society of the University Medical De partment was called at 12 o'clock Monday, baseball matters being the most Important business. Mr. C. F. Charlton Ib manager and .Mr. Hlck mun captain. A committee of three was appointed to see members of the faculty and ask for their staunch sup port. The New Mexico Agricultural Col lege recently suffered a $2,000 loss by the burning of the meBs hall, Klon dike by name., The fire was discov ered before It had gained much head way, but since the only method of fighting was by a bucket 'brigade and the building a frame structure, it was soon a mass of flames. One of the students had a narrow escape from death while a number were unable to save any of their belongings. Beckman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. at Concert Theater f APRIL 24 oo Harris, Sturtzenegger and Greenslit Benched 8ome New Equipment Purchased for the Trip.. The adoption of the Freshman rulo by the Athletic Board has made quite a change in the line-up of the Corn huskers. Shortstop Harris and Catch era Sturtzeneggor and Greenslit wero put on the bench. This has forced Wo change of Klein to first baso and Denslow to backstop, while shortstop Is again wldo open. Dudgeon will probably cover second since the change of Klein, and Boltzer will hold down the third sack. Tho advent of Sleuter has put new hope into the hearts of the fans, as the left garden is now sure tp be welL cared for. Tho pitching staff is causing some worry on account of tho wildness of most all of the boys, but it Is still early In the year and by the time the trip Is well started tho boys will be playing a number one baseball. When the Cornhuskor baseball team leaves on the Eastern trip they will not need to be ashamed df the equip ment that has been furnished for their use in the games. In addition to the new suits pur chased last year, Manager Eager has received a full equipment of baseball coats that will be served out to tho men who make the team. These coats are double-bfeaBted af fairs, box cut, and Dave double rows of pearl buttons as large as, dollars down tho front. Upon the arms are diamonds In scarlet, blazoned with a cream N, and the three large pockets are each decorated with the Initial. Besides the suits and coats, two sets of caps will he given out. The one gray iq match the uniforms and to bo worn In games, the other a red skull cap bearing a white Initial, to bo worn with citizens clothes while on the road. The team will put up a splendid appearance, and it is hoped that ln splto of the passing of the freshman rule, which has been extremely coat ly to Nebraska's hopes, they will be able to put up a class of ball that will not belle the classy uniforms. The Department of Electrical En gineering at the Unlversltyoflllinols, reecntly gave a public exhibition of electrical apparatus. A miniature power plant, running a( Kr W. genera tor, a wireless telegraph system, a small electric railway, manual, and automatic telephone systems, and many other similar appliances, were demonstrated. The show was a suc cess arid will be attempted again next year. - Two upper classmen at Minnesota, over-anxious lest they be slammed In the annual's Joke section,' looted the "Gopher"- archives theother night, destroying much "dope" and 'several photographs. . , . ' ... K r. . , . "v T