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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1908)
SmttUmt & TttEfc EiAlUV P I I -' YoucmMit withyoureyBS Couklln'H Self-Filling Pen Is the best fountain pen for both student and professor on account of the Crcscont-Fnier. To fill Conklin's Fountain sar- FILLING Pen simply dip It In any Ink and presa tho Crescent-Filler that's" nil. No dropperno inky fingers no ru filed temper. Ouurauteed to bo a perfect writer. Leading doolorn hnmllo tho Conklln. If yours doos not, order direct. KofuHo nub ntirutci. Bond for linndRomo now catalog. THE CONKLIN PEN CO. 310 Uialiillia Balldlntf, TOLEDO, OHIO HEFFLEYS UNIVERSITY TAILORS .and HATTEftS I337 O STREET yete now located in the most beautiful store in the west We handle the finest HOT PRINKS in the city; Come in and try them. Lincoln Candy Kitchen Hth and O So. west Corner SAM'S CAFE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN 'SEASON HENRY CLARKE, Prop Have THE EVANS Do Your Washing Don't Read This don'lwajil good music. Wo guarantee this orchestra to be Becond tii j nepxef. We, Aon' charge; two prices. Ttjr utf Aic forreoofelmenaaUbnsj' o. FfHdRNiiOilifc,,bipctor;. V&liTaik . Auto 67 vJA HBa f fW Q Ideals. Wo, If we only' recognize tho opportunity, may bo Instrumental In lending her, by showing hospitality to her students, nnd by giving her tho opportunity to copy our Ideals. If she, In her awakened strength be comes ii mere militant power, It win bo tho fault of tho Western world." UNI DEFEATED. (Continued from Pago 1.) with pnoumonln nnd is not strong yet. Last year he was ono of our best mon, and will doubtless take his old place this season. Tho llno-up was: Greonsllt, catcher; Stevenson and Mather, pitchers; Donalow, first baso; Dudgeon, second base; Bolteer, third base; Harris, shortstop; Sloutor and Frooland, right field; Dollamy, center field; Jennings, right field. Umpire DeLare. Time of game 1 hour and 40 rtiln u.tes. Two months more of school. Lot ub havo your duplicate order for pictures as soon as possible. Townsond. Mathematical 8em1nar. The Mathematical Seminar will meet Saturday, AprU4, at 7:30 p. m., In M. A. 301. Tho following Is tho pi ogram : Explanation of tho Tolharmonlum. . H. O. Baumann Review of tho Introduction to Do Morgan's Calculus F. H. Rosencrantz Moment of Insertion and Radius of Gyration M. E. Strletor "Townsond Panel" a style and ef fect In portraiture that Bpoaks for Itself. (Jet your baseball supplies of the Unl Book Store. Notice. There will bo no mooting of Pha Alpha Tau next Tuesday as tho reg ular time of meeting is the second Tuesday of the month, April 14th. Clements' photos aro the host Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh Bajls, bats, mlts and masks at the University Book Store. Dramatic Club Notice. There will be a meeting of the Dra matic Club. Tuesday, April 7, at 11:30 a. m., In U. 10G. All members are urged to be present. Tan cadet high shoes, regular mili tary styles. Sanderson's. Spalding's baseball and goods at the Un( Book Store. tennis Miss Vera Fall, an old University student, who now llves-In Texas, was renewing old acquaintance? on the campus yesterday. Go to Mrs. J. C. Bell, hairdresser, for chiropody. Got your track athletic goods at 340 North Eleventh street. All candidates for the freshman baseball team meet in the gymnasium at 11:30 a. m., Tuesday, April 7. John S. Boyce Assistant manager. Advortlse your wants in tho Ne braskan. A full line of baseball goods at the Unl Book Store. Herbert Potior wont to Omaha yes terday to spend Sunday. Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. Try Proncl8 Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P Beckman Bros. Fine'shoe.a. 1107 O. tt Subscribe for the Daily Nebraakari. O. H. Frey; florist', 1133 Q 8t Dairy luncheDairmfjlp'a. Wrt ft mrk'il B 1 -W Tho grasp H'lT of the clasp W MM is easy. It's iiai wic oniy noso- Itltflv (Int. ntnitn mrlm Is Uio Brighton. Mill! ons of men know this buy them and wear them. Tho wear is there, and lliey cost only n quarter a pair. Itrmembcr it. PIONEER SUSPEXDEI CO., 718 Mum St., Pnutartu 0 APRIL 10; 8:30 P. WL Junior ABBOTTS QRCH. , OO0OOOO000O000(. Suits and Moats NO MORE NO LESS World's Greatest Tailors UNION MADE J. F. CREQ0RY, Manager and Cutter UrciIi Branch, 145 So. I3tl St. 00000000q0000Om( Senior Prom Lincoln Hotel UNION COLLEGE sraaww!" ? TAILORS BWS - .1 . j -1 UNIVERSITY JEWELER OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr.S.S.Shean OPTICIAN U2I I STREET. YELLIW FRONT 111 J. i. ' i ,' Now Is tlie Time! Subscribe " l l ft -J , i Tli Nriraskan for rm.l.dir. tf Schiil iJSj Brlditons arc math) of pttro silk web. Tlio patterns aro now, cxclustvo vari ety t'lioush to tisfv everybody. All indnl nni-k arc of heavy nickcl-plaii-d brass. If your Oealer can't supply you, a pair will bo sent upon receipt of price Hunt er PIONEER SHSPOKRS FRATERNITY HALL Informal TICKETS $f .25 (Limited to 80) Hade to Order, $15 ytt B J April 20-four Two-fifty ooooooo Ftr First Class Tailoring AT LOW PRICES -AUTO 48 COLLEGE VIEW CINCINNATI OUT PRIOI . - SHOE STORE -AND- 1 Dtttris Shtt Rqik Fattaqr AVEYU , v TIME - mil MONK 1220 O St. ! ft ft h'- i