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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1908)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAIN I ft tfbe Hail ffiebragftan THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVER8ITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln. NobraBka. fWUSHEO EVERT DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PriltciUoi OtflCI, 126 HO. 14th St. EDITORIAL STAFF. Edltor-ln-Chlef Rom Kino, 08 Managing Editor Q. L. Fenlon, '08 Associate Editor R.L. Harris, 10 BU8INE88 8TAFF. Manager George M. Wallace, MO Circulator W. A. Jones, 10 Assistant Circulator L. J. Weaver, MO OFFICE HOUR8. EdItor-ln-Chlef 2 to 4 p. m. Manager 9 to 10 a. m. Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Post'offlce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 5 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged foi at the rato of 10 centa per Irmortlon for every fifteen worda or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly be published free Entered at the postofTluo at Lincoln, 'Nebraska, as second-class mall matter tinder the Act of Conpross of March 3. 187D. Last ovonlng'B Star contnlnod a statement to tho effect thnt the stu dents of tho fjnivorslty can Vote If they desire to do bo. They can vote In tho coming elec tion only In cases whore thoy are not depondent upon others for support and tire not merely attending the Unlverelty for the purpose of obtain ing an education, rfow many such students are thoro In the University of Nebraska? Not to exceed ten per cent of the student body. Then de duct the number that are otherwise disqualified and how many voters have you? Tho Civic League and the RESULTS TELL! W claim to be tho best CLEANERS and DYERS In Lincoln and are hart' to prove It Our methods aro the VERT LATEST and our work sea the best that money can securo. We clean the finest dresses and robes without danger of fading or aarlnking in any way. We also clean gentlemen's" clothing of all kinds. Goods called for and delivered. All goods thoroughly sterilised. We do altering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. J. C WOOD & CO. Phene Eell 147 1820 N STREET, LINCOLN, NEE. Phone Auto 1292 .prohibition cauBe in Lincoln ought to want only legal votes, yet Buch -organizations for a good cause are wont to leave the question unsettled so that, "students can settle tho mat ter for themselves," To conBtrue the case of tho Wes leyan students "to mean that students In general have a legal right to vote if they. merely express their deBlro to change their residence to Lincoln is the tvery worst sort of pettyfogglng. Thoro is no matter of Intention In the case. 4c man's personal desiro to cast his vote for prohibition In Lincoln gives him no legal right to vote and the representatives of tho Civic League have plainly, if not intention ally, -withheld an adverse opinion In tho matter In tho hopes that Btudents would be carried by their enthusiasm Into voting. - What are the national issues for the next campaign T- The Nebraska Domporatic platform and the' Ohio -Republican platform contain almost 'lh: game words on the tariff question, i'MiyBrya'ri makes the statement; one 1 toy ttattV Republican, are to blame for the recent financial panic and the next day says they are not; the cur rency question is ono on which oven the members of CongreBB have not yet formed their opinions. About the only issuo Beems to bo on the ques tion of centralization vb. state rlghU. This 1b a question on which students of history ought to' tiaVo "an opinion. A prominent Btudent of the Unl varsity recently made the remark thut he Intended to go to some othe school next year In order to avoid the many afllllatlons which he had formed at Nebraska and which took till his time in school. His sonti- mentB express wlmt is to many a si rlous question while in college. How much ought a student to mix? There are those who say Immediately that he ought to take part in all the school irtercst that he has an opportunity to participate in. The trouble Ib that he will have too many opportunities. A man Ib In school primarily to got on education In the broad sense of tho word. He can never get It unleaa lie holds studies first. And yet where would a student spend his Bpare time, for ho ought to havo spare time, if ho had no suc'u nfnlintions? He would probably waste it Instead of using it to the beBt ad vantage by having It allotted to cer tain definite outside work. There la a point at which a student does not get out of his ' "Interests" all that be puts In them. This Is reached when the balance of his time Ib de voted to ruBtllng for the Alfalfa club instead of learning something about the raising of the plant. We nre uil glad to attend all the functions that we can and belong to all tho clubs and organizations that we can but there is a limit to mortal strength expressed In that word "can." Y W. C. A. Noon Meeting Bulletin. Monday Membership rally. Tuesday Special prayer service for the prohibition campaign Wednesday Praise, service. Thursday MIbb Vlbbard. Prldny Missionary Rally. Louis Llghtner, Law, '03, visited the University yesterday. Llghtner is a succesBful lawyer at Columbus, Neb., where he is in partnership with for mer Chief, Justice Sullivan of the Su pi erne Court. In tho University Lights nor made a lasting reputation as a de bater by his work In the Monroe Doc trine fight with Kansas in 1904. He was Democratic nominee for Unlveral ty Regent three years ago. . Mr. Ray Q. Steele, 1909 forestry, has just been appointed to the posi tion of forest guard at a salary of $100 per month. He Is at work in the na tional forests of Nevada and reports for duty in Nevada April 15. Mr. Steele has had ' considerable experi ence in riding the range which, with, his technical forestry training should make him a rafuahle man for tho UiliteatattMOTpBervide, ' The Harvard Medical School With the completion of tho now buildings, which were dedicated Sep tember 25th, 1S06, this school now has facilities and equipment for teach ing and research In tho various branches of medicine probably unequaled In this country. Of tho flvo buildings, four aro devoted entirely to lab oratory teaching and research. Numerous hospitals afford abuhdAnt op portunities ror clinical instruction In medicino and surgery. COUR8E FOR THE DEGREE OF M. D. A four years' courso, open to bachelors of nrts, literature, philosophy or science, and to persons of equivalent standing, leads to the degree of M. D. Tho studies of tho fourth year are wholly elective; they Include labora tory subjects, general medicino, genoial surgery and tho Bpeclal clinical branches. Tho next school year oxtends rrom October 1. 1908, to June "24, 1909. The diploma of University of Nebraska Is accepted for admission. For detailed announcement and catalogue, address HARVARD MEDICAL 8CHOOL, Boston, Mass. jgzs" ORDER YOUR PUNCH at FOLSOffS v U 0 " 80 everything in the way of cakes, pies, 7&Si candies and 'cos. Hot Chocolate with Whipped tCy&Zrm Croam after tho show. Boll 456 Phone us for Prices Aulo 2214 1 UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. April 10. Junior Informal Temple. Wednesday, April 15. 6:00 p. m. Easter recess begins. . Wednesday, April 22. 8:00 a. m. Easter recess ends. Friday, April 24. Lincoln Hotel. Senior Prom. Glee Club Concert, Matinee and even ing. Friday May 1. 8:00 p. m. The Temple. Y. M. C. A. Minstrel. Company B Hop. Friday, May 8. Sophomore Hop. Just received, the handsomest lot of ladies' tan pumps and oxfords you over Bttw. Sanderson's. J. J. Runner, '07, who Is teaching hi the Kearney high school Ib visiting at the SIg Alph house. Havo your clothes pressed at Web er's Sultorlum, corner 11th and O Tho best place to eat In town Is at Dons Cafe 114 So. Eleventh street. Marshall, students barber. Corner Thirteenth and O, under Famous. "Your next" Arlsto Barber Shop, 1206 O St. Swell spring tan oxfords, $3 to $6. Sanderson's. Dr. Hill, Dentist. 233 So. Eleventh. NEW POSTAL RULING By a recent order-of the Postmaster General, no daily newspaper Is al lowed to send copies to subscribers who are three months or more in ar rears. There are a few of thb sub scribers to the Daily Nebraskan who are in arrears-to that extent and un less payment is made in the near fu ture the subscriptions will be stopped. We trust that this will not be neces sary and thai the' circulation of this pfaper may not need to be reduced by the oversight of some of our friend, If your subscription is unpaid, kindly mail a money order or draft to the manager as soon as convenient. This order goes into effect April 15. Let us take your measure today and make to your order a suit that is perfect in Style, Fit. Workmanship and Quality . -v n DRESHER, The TAILOR y 143 South Twelfth Street A. G. SPALDING fel) nnrt nfr&y The Largest Manufacturers In the World of OFFICIAL ATHLETIC 8UPPLIES Base Ball, Fodt Ball, Golf, Lawn Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey OMclal Implements for Track and Field Sports Uniforms for All Shorts Spalding's Handsomely Illus trated Catalogue of all sports contains numerous suggestions. Send for it It's free. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, Washington, St Louis, Pittsburg, Buffalo, Syracuse, Cincinnati, Kansas City, Minneapo lis, New Orleans, Denver, Montreal. LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY -1133 N St. Social nights Mon. and Frid., 8 to 11 Beginner'B night, Wednesday, 8 toll UNI. STUDENTS ESPECIALLY INVITED -SELECT CROWD- L. J, HERZOG the ymvEiuiTV mitr tailoi Tk finest work doa tad prices right. 011 at mr mw tow. 1130 O St. Llnsoln H HtjYLER8 Chocolates and Bon Bona. Tsm Dnsi QMMrw LINCOLN, NEBRASKA ll..? V A -1 W T ... !. - ,.-.. 1" mmam mm m nmviimM amn rhiMnwsWninni?