The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 04, 1908, Image 1

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Vol. VII. No. 120.
Price 5 Cents.
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"The Present Situation in Russia"
and "The Awakening of China"
Were the Subjects Treated.
Varsity vs. Leaguers
Yesterday afternoon at five o'clock
Prof. Paul S. Rolnsch, head of the de
partment of Political Science at Wis
consin University, lectured at the
Temple on "The Present Situation in
Russia." Dr. G. E. Howard, In Intro
ducing Professor Rolnsch, emphasized
the facts that though Political Science
lo a very now addition to university
curricula, It Is rapidly increasing in
Importance; and that Wisconsin Is
recognized as having the strongest
department in the country.
Professor Rolnsch said In brief:
v "Of the elements of the Russian
situation, the government is best
known bore. The Department of the
Interior, with its wonderful police or
ganization, is the essential feature of
the govornmont. It precedes every
other department In importance be
cause its groat function is to protect
The sacred person of the Czar. The
organization of the police department
Is perfect in its details. The men
know no standard but obedience, and
are trained in the service.
"Opposed to them Is the revolution
ary , organization, a state within a
state, which' levies tnxes, holds
, .courts, and passes judgmbnts and Is
often, as tyrranlcal ub the government
Itself. By regular trials It orders
men assassinated and appoints men
to da the work. It compels obedience
by threats. In three years about
2,000 assassinations have thus been
done. Thus we have a paradox of
tv.o hostile, lighting states, one wlth-
iuthe other. Between the two are
the Buffering "Russian people, hoping
for a better organization.
"The three classes of the Russian
masses are the Intellectuals, the mer
chants and the peasants. The mor-
jc.hrnts, though Intelligent, do-, not
count for much as a class bdeause of
thc-ir small numbers. The iieasants
when emancipated by Alexander II,
were,, emancipated from masters, but
not from the spll which they cannot
leave, There ore good and bad soils.
The poor soils, will not support the
peasants and they must go to cities
In winter to work In factories, thus
. belng called 'gq-away Russians.' They
leturu In summer to harvest the
.crops, full of revolutionary doctrines.
What, they demand is liberty from the
Elands The richer peasants demand
ino$ glands, .uid thus the composite
'cry of Ihe two classes of peasants,
KLiuerty., aud Land.' The intellectuals
!, i. I,'1 ' , , ,' .
for nusBW, are not a promising ciass.
f Long, excluded f rom all initiative, they
hhavoV become, inactive; a deadening
influence, re'sts qx them. As a rule
jjtbey - are Kopeleis pessimists. Just
lout of the universities, they are Don
JQulxotes; burling themselves at
Jwtadmllls,, but t once cast down they
'aroi? Hamlets; wjtti distorted moral
Judgments, seeing everything awry
oooooooooooo O O oooooooo
The 'Varsity Makes Better 8howlng
Than Usual 8leuter of Last
Year's Team Is Back.
and reallz'ng their own helplessness.
An educated leadership is lacking in
"The great object has 'been to give
Russia an organ of expression a
national parliament. The first step
was a convention of substantial land
holders in 1904, which, because of the
stress of the war, was permitted to
meet to palliate Ritas. an and forolgn
opinion. They passed the 'Charter of
Public Liberties,' a great deal like our
'Hill of Rights,' and presented it to the
Czar. His reactionary advisers
triumphed and he lefused the charter
because his powers wero an entity
inherited from his ancestors, he said,
and he could not change them.
"But this was a rallying point.
Ales tlngs( under the guise of sciouco,
were held all over Russia, and the
eleven points of the charter recom
mended to the Czar. Arrests were at
tempted, but thousands of doctors,
lawyers, engineers, etc., were involved
and suppression wus Impossible.
"The second step in securing a par
liament was the strike agitation under
Father Gapon, In 1905. 1 was started
by the police, who feared the Czar
would yield enough to da away, with
the necessity for them, but It got be
yond their control and for two weeks
the Russian nation was stagnant. In
October the Czar granted a call for a
Douma and In December conferred
almost universal suffrage.
"The Constitutional Democrats se
cured 200 members, though Professor
MUenoff, organizer of the party, and
oue time professor in the University
of Chicago, was defeated by the gov
ernment, a charge being brought
against him, thus making it Illegal
for him to stand for election. The
Douma was very picturesque, the be
havior of the "peasants being very
commendable. They simply stuck to
their platform, 'Land and Liberty,'
and could not be distracted. But the
administration would not co-operate,
and they were dissolved, after disclos
(Continued on page 3.)
Donations From 8everal Manufactur
ing Concerns.
The Forestry department has recent
ly received a donation of a new pprt
able saw mill from the De Loach man
uincturing company which Is to form
a permanent exhibit for the forestry
ri tidents. Several new styles of saws,
a(speed Indicator and u few pruning
knives have also been donated to the
department by the Dlston Saw Manu
facturing company.
Both of these liberal donations will
serve as excellent exhibits and are
a distinct credit to the department
and the firms making the donations.
University Judges.
During the past week Professor
Fcgg has been to Fulrmont to act as
judge In the Fulrmont-Geneva debate
and to Beatrice to the annual debate
held by the southeastern Nebraska
Teachers association.
Professor Caldwell was also one of
the judges at Beatrice and recently
Berved aB Judge In the new high school
debating league debate at Wymore, be
tween Wymore and Beatrice. Dean
H B. Ward helped judge a debate at
Tarklo College laBt week. Professor
Muxey was one of the Judges In the
debate between Columbus and Wahoo,
held atJDolumbus.
Dramatic Club.
The Dramatic Club was entertained
Thursday evening by Miss Bonnie
Adams and Miss Lindermann at the
home of Miss Rockwell, 1341 A street.
One of the events of the evening was
the presentation of George Bernard
Shaw's dranla, "The Man of Destiny,"
by the same cast which so success
fully presented it to Rhetoric 36 last
week. The attendance was large and
everyone voted the entertainment the
most successful that the Dramatic
Club has e'verjiad.
The best oyster stew in the city is
served at The Boston Lunch. Try it
Gride Club Concert
") Oliver Theater f
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The second game of this first sorleb
was won by the Oreenbackurs in a
fas and snappy exhibition of the na
t.onal sport yesterday at Antelopb
The weatliex- was almost
warm and quiet, and the diamond was
.n excellent condition. Everybody
felt fine and there wore doings rlglit
from the start.
ho first three men up for Lincoln
went down In short order bofpro
Stevenson's smoky pitches. Tub
'varsity boys wero retired In the sorim
order, and tho first Inning was over
with no runs.
The second was played In much the
same sort of stylo and the third end
ed with a blank score board.
In the fourth Mathers went into
the box and struck out two men; tHb
third man was out on a short one tb
Harris. So the game wont until Lin
coln's lucky seventh, whon Jack
Thomas wont to first on an orrbi,
stole' second and third on a hit to
center and was called safe at the
plate on a sacriflco,. In spite 6t-i,&
pretty stop and throw by Betzr,
who whipped the ball in so quickly
that many would have said that
ThomaB was out. Score, 1-0
In the eighth Fenlon sent a.thr
bagger shooting into left. The basis
filled-on errors and rides, and tiefofe
Mather could pitch himselfo'tit oF tfle
hole Fenlon scored on a long uy
Captain Bellamy In center. Hi
brought in two more runs in this in
ning. In the next, one, two, thre
was The order, and the "Varsity" lafls
came to bat Beltzer got a hit, add
a score was made with two out oh
an error of Coach Fox!b,- who wds
covering second base, making' the -final
score JtJ in favor of the profes
sionals. Harris, Mather and Jennings were
the stars of the game. Tho latter
made a splendid throw from & lbng
catch In right field that cut off a run
at the plate. Mather pitched -fir goofl,
steady, heady game and won ap
proval from the bleachers by the way
In which he pitched himself out of
dark looking places. Harris at- short
played a pretty game all the way
through and caught two runners on
second by his accurate catching' and
swift tagging. lt .t
For the League, Bono, McKay and
Zackert served Ue ;hot ones to Zn
jan. Groenslit caught for the 'Var
sity, - - i ? c , - v
The showing made bythjBpfrearejra
of the scarlet .'!N"-.waa,. on the' whole;'
pleasing.. There itare; one, or, two weak
spptsLyet, imi therer are bopea ijorttfe
strengthening, of $Mt rj -f';"-j "
Slputer of last year's - Uasa wag oh t
iisulty todays far ?, aeccwa'lhjii
thlssofton'r He has ,U ;sfteriag-'
.' ((JpQtUmea on bage tpfr&v '
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