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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1908)
THE DAILY INBBRA8KAN ?; '- , Oliver Theatre TONIGHT AT 8:15 r MAX FIGMAN IN rhe Man On the Box PRICES, $1.50 TO 50 CENT8. SAT. MAT. & EVE. APRIL 4. Lyman H. Howe's Pictures Mat. 25 and 10 cents. Eve. 50, 35 & 25c. Tuesday Night, April 7. LILLIAN RUSSELL In "WILD FIRE." Ore. $1.50., Bal. $1.00., Gal. 50c. LYRIG THEATRE MATINEE 3 P. M. EVE. 7t45 & 9t00 PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CENTS p. HOWARD & GERMAINE Sensational Casting and Rebounding h Acrobats ILLU8TRATED .SONG John J. Wilde Ki v. WtfECAN AriD SEARLES German Comedy Duo u . GEO. ; BARNE8 AND IRENE1. WEST V.audtfyl.lle's Fayorltes BAADER LA VELLE TROUPE Bicycle Whirlwinds DAN ROBY i.v. The, Wan Tvhat Makes a Noise Like a " ' ' Trombone - 1 LYROSCOPE. MAJESTIC ' Week CoiMJJcini Moidafc Hch; 23 i FULTON STOCK CO. " , IN , In the Delightful Society ,l!W''fee'dy'" A Family Affair Evening prices 16c and 25c ' Matinees, Wed. and Sat r . .-. tBo beata rcsvd, Box office opens 11 a. m. , ii.a. ft hv- v. - r, I I'n t . . . v J t ' THE 'INI' SMOKE HOISE Wejcomea all'atudents and Invitee you to eHjypur 'Smoking and Reading Roo'rti, iH'a"arlaaure to please. .Try tie. , ; : v UNI,r SMOKE HOUSE.' V;V li3?!? STREET , '!' , :'' )S jTH J "-' fT-Tv w r v Itwtkf, lUllirdt,Psil isi Clftrt j TMi.Ff,Pc IntKeWMl. 934 P Street MErtMEN CANNON CO. .y ! v fciCLUIVkT : TAILORS I 1SM N St.r'Uii!!!, Nku j U W..' - i CHAMPION8HIP8. (Continued from pngo ono.) form, 4 points, and retreat, 2 points. The events came off In this order: 1. Horizontal bar. 2. Parallel bars. 3. Side horse. 4. Flying rings. "5. Tumbling. The scores of. the individual men follow, the numbers indicating the points won by each man in each con secutive event: Mitchell, first, 21, 23, 24, 19, 26. Toa!' V?' OUI1II11UI, HCUUUU, 1074, I't'fy, --072 13, 16V4. Total, 78. Switzler, third, 11, 16, 17, 11 20. Total, 77V4. Moorehouse, fourth, 12, 13, 16, 16, 9. Total, 68. KieBselbach, fifth, 22, 22, 23. Total, 67. The team which will go to Madison has not yet been definitely selected. According to the Conference rules, graduates and freshmen are barred, bo in all probability only three men will be sent. NEW POSTAL RULING. By a recent order of the Postmaster General, no daily newspaper is al lowed to send copies to subscribers who are three months or more In ar rears. There are a few of the sub scribers to the Daily Nebraskan who are in arrears to that extent and un less payment is made in the near fu ture the subscriptions will be stopped. We trust that this will not be neces sary and that the circulation of this paper may not need t be reduced by the oversight of some of our friends. If your subscription Is unpaid, kindly mall a nioney order or draft to the manager as soon as convenient. This order gooB into effect April 15. At the mid-week meeting Wednesday night, S. J. Simonds, state student sec retary M spoke .to an. audience of fifty on varloiis Jtopps. JThoBo who were out were repaid, for the time spent. The Equal Suffrage Club will meet next Tuesday evening, April 7, at the Alpha Omlcron Ft Jiouso, 745 Sputh Fifteenth, at spvep p'clpck Allr mem bers are urged to be present. Prbf F. A. "Stuff Heclured Deforethe Woman's Club, Thursday afternoon. His subject, was "George Billot's works. ',.;.;; -Save Friday evening . for the En gineering .Society ?HopM, , Tickets lim ited to eighty. Fraternity Hall, April 3rd, 8:30 p. m. , HERE'S A "SNAP!" An Al foun tain ten new, self-filling, 25 per cent discount Inquire at Nebraskan office. Just received, the handsomest lot' of Indies' tan pumps and oxfords you .Yfi3K.Sd5fife! ,-.-. '"Have your clothe' pressed 4t Web er's Sultorium, cbrn'ellth and O .. '. - - , 1... ... Till f - ,ri r The' best place J$ eat In town is at DoiB.IJaePjayejatattQat Marshall, students barber. Corner Thirteenth and O, under Famous.. ' ".Your nect'f - Arlsto -Barber .Shop, 1206-Or.Sbr J i . -sn , Swell spring tan oxfords "18 to $6. Sanderson's. -t - - t v- Dr. Hill? Dentist, 233 So. Seventh. ilX()t(X0X)XH())H(U i BUSINESS DIRECTORY Bvary Ioyal ValTeralty Btsdaat It H urfd to ptroBlB the Kebrms J kn dvertUrs, ttsd to mentloB 4 1 k paper wkll dolar . n ATHLETIC GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co. BANKS First Trust and Savings. Central National. s BAKERIES Dalrymple, Folsom, Pe try. BARBER SHOPS-rGrand Central, Green's Shops, Marshall, Emmert BATH HOUSE Chris'. BOOK STORES Co-op; Lincoln; University. . CAFE Savoy, Windsor, Sams, Dons, Buds. CLEANERS Wood. CIGARS Cole & McKenna; Matt's Place. BUSINE8S COLLEGES Lincoln. Bus iness College. CLOTHING Farquhar; Magee & Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. COAL Gregory,; Whltbreagt CONFECTIONERY Dalrymple; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olympla Candy Co., Rood, Hlrschner-Moree: Folsom. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln. Pitts'. DENTISTS Graham, Yungblut, J. RJ r DaVlB, HlHr DRY GOODS Herpolimeimer; JWller k Paine. - DRUGGISTS Rlggs. FLORISTS Chapin j C. H. Fey. FUitelSHlNGS-j-BudoY Magee & Deemer, Mayer Bros., Sterling, O. A. Fulk. GROCERIES Capital Grocery. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. J6. Bell. HATTERS Budd, Heffley, Lincoln Hat Co., O. A, Fulk. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris; Myers, Tucker, Hallett, Henderson and Hold. ' . LAUNDRIES Evans; Merchant; LUNOHEONETTES-rToinmjr, Folaom. Dalrymple, Hirschner-'Morse. OPTICIANS-tOIallett; Myerrg; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazek, Hayden, Townsend, Clements. PRINTERS-r-George Bros.; Simmons. REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS, Boston Lunch; Buds; Camerohs; Church J Climax; Dons; Dickinsons; Francis Bros.; Sams; Windsor; Blam's. .SHOES Bookman Bros;1 Clneinnatl Hereford ft Petty; Rogers ft Per kins; Sanderson.' J " J TAILORS Backs trom; Dresher; El liott; Heffley; Herxog; Ludwlg; Scotch Wollen Mills, Union College Taityrs, - TELEGRAPH S C H O O L Western Telegraph School, w MAYER BRO'S. Kollegti Kioto Carry the stamp of fashion that gives the wearer distinc tion and preference. Prices are fair $10 and up. This store Is the recognized headquarters for College Shoes, both for young men and young women. MAYER BROS. Pay Your SUBSCRIPTION p , AND KEEP THE OFFICE CAT FAT I '!! We're now located in the most beautiful store in the west; We handle the finest ' :n HOT DRINKS W :; , 1 r in the city. Come in and try them Llncaln Gmdv KltchtR J4th and O So. west Comet ' I T.J.TW0RrtC0. ikW lliaM IkaaM J"" mmww VPMVflVy HaAklaa Warka Haiii S.lltk, flwte Lawlor Cycle C2ov. Ratytkt tmi Ivtr-JtlMSta lltytltt. D. & M. latthall If tit. jC ptr tt..rtMtltii ' tt stufaits Iff tbty MMtltii this ad. f i. r f -tw. E33 r .