The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 03, 1908, Image 1

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    Ibe 3)ail$ IFlebraeftan
Vol. VII. No. H9.
Price 5 Cents.
May Form Athletic Association With
Annual Dues of $1.00 to $4.00
Football Schedule for 1908.
The question of election of the stu
dent members of the Athletic Board
is still being discussed in spite of the
Board's action in regard to the recent
ly proposed changes. The board did
not deem them adequate. It grants,
however, that any change in the meth
or of voting, which would foster in
terest in athletics is advisable. Plans
are being considered for the alteration
of the present method of election with
the hope of 'satisfying all concerned
directly or remotely with University
The first is the organlzatibn of a
Students' Athletic Association, the
members receiving the right to wear
an "E. A. A." button and attend all
games at-halt price, upon the payment
of annual dues of 11.00. Another plan is
the payment of an annual fee of $4.00
for a membership in the Association
and admission to all gamed. This is
the "Minnesota way." By either plan
- the 'members 'eject their representa
tives. Whether or not the Board can
afford to grant admission at half-price
is a matter of speculation at pres
ent, but it Is believed that the first
plan might be successfully carried
out It one thousand students would
join Uie association.
State Farm Students would ajso be
eligible to membership.
The Board, as yet, have not definite
ly decided what action, will be taken
in regard to the matter of the pro
posed plans. '
' The football schedule for the sea
son of 1908 Is not cqmplete as yet.
Manager Eager has six of the eight
dates filled which will be played. Five
of the games are to be played in
Lincoln. Wabash is scheduled for
Thanksgiving day, November 26, Tho
schedule at present is as follows:
South-JDakota, Oct 3, at Lincoln.
Grinnell, Oct 17, at Lincoln.
Minnesota, Oct 17, at Minneapolis.
: Oct 24.
Iowa, Oct 31, Lincoln.
Nov. 7,
Kansas, Nov. 14,
Wabash, Nov. 26, Lincoln.
Private Property Affected.
Whoever retains possession of the
unior Informal poster does so with
ut right of ownership. The paster
Id not belong to the class of 1909, but
is my personal property. The same
way be returned by mail to me. or to
tme Registrar's orace. (Signed)
ll Order Your Com husker.
Order your Cornhusker now .froni
73'.... . n4.M .i w m Tm,'
price will .be $2.00 if ordered' before
Jthe day of publication and 1.25 after-
twards:" It yill be thebegt public
,.ilon ever 'put put. at the University of
, Nebraska. A limited number will be
published so get in early.
Varsity vs. Leaguers
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
Miss Vaderburg, '11 Dies 8uddenly of
Heart Failure.
Miss Ottllle Johanna Vaderburg, a
member of the freshman class, died
suddenly yesterday at five a. m., of
heart failure, at her home, 1327 S
street Miss Vaderburg had not been
ill, having attended her classes as
usual Wednesday. She graduated
from the Lincoln High School last
spring, having taken the literary
course and entered the University in
September with her brother Helmeth
Vaderburg. She was a bright stu
dent and popular among those who
knew her.
University 8enate Notice.
The University Senate will meet at
eleven o'clock on Saturday morning,
instead of five on Friday afternoon.
This change is made in order to avoid
conflicting with tho lectures by Pro
fessor Reinsch. ' A full attendance Is
gitatly desired.
Senior Dean.
E. J. Miller, a freshman at Do-Pauw,
was electrocuted last Thursday by a
current which flowed through his body
as he stepped into a bath-tub. It is
supposed that he was holding the
electric light socket at the same time
and a wire outside was blown against
a high tension wire of the street rail
way company.
There will be a meeting of the audit
ing committee of the senior class n
the Nebraskan office, next Wednesday
at 5 p. m. All members are urged
to be present
He-"Do you think Miss Sanger is
musically inclined?"
She MYes, at an angle of one degree
and thirty minutes."
"1 APRIL 3 :
Fraternity Hall
l Vr ,i ,
Presidents and Secretaries to Hold a
Meeting There.
Today several delegates, besides the
president Mr. Chorrington, and Der
Kinderen, the secretary of the Uni
versity Y. M. C. A., will leave for
York to be in attendance at a presi
dents and secretaries' convention of
the colleges only.
Convention starts today at noon and
will hold over until Sunday night.
One feature of tho program will be
two basket-ball games Detween .the
presidents of the association and the
Speakers from Nebraska will be
Dean Ward, Professor Barker, Joe Der
Kinderen and Ben Chorrington.
Mr. John B. Whelan, who has held
an honorary fellowship and open do
ing post-graduate work for the past
two years in the department of Chem
istry, has recently been appointed to
a very satisfactory position as an In
structor in chemistry in the Kansas
College of Agriculture at Manhattan,
A Welcome Letter.
South Omaha, Neb., April 1, 1908.
Daily Nebraskan, Lincoln, Neb.:
Gentlemen Enclosed please find my
check for two dollars, same being in
payment of my subscription for the
.current year. I should have sent this
earlier In the season, for I-know what
t. means for you 'to have a number of
subscriptions unpaid.
Am very glad to keep in touch wjth
University life, although I must con
fess the names I read in .tho Nebra
kan haye grown auite-beyppd my ac
quaintanceship. I wish you continued success in tip
good work you are doing. SJncerely
yours, J. DEAN RINGER.
Askem "Is Capital Beach a summer
resort?" '
Tell.em ''No, it's a last resort"
Soc'y, Hop
Admission $1
Limited to 80
Three Men Will Be Sent to Represent
Nebraska at the Intercollegiate
Meet at Madison, Wisconsin.
Two University championships wero
decided Wednesday evening in tho
gymnuBium. Mitchell won tho gym
nastic contest, for which he will be
awarded an "N," and Harvey won tho
wrestling championship.
Both the wrestling bout and tho
gymnastic work were Interesting and
were witnessed by a largo crowd of
In the wrestling chumplonship the
pieltminarles had boon run off about
two weeks ago. The first fall of the
final round between Jim Harvey and
P W. JohnBon (which was to be de
cided by the beBt two of three falls)
was held at the gymnastic exhibition
laBt week. At this time the two men
wrestled for seveli minutes without
either one securing a fall. After a
few minutes' rest, they went nt it
again and Harvey won the first fall
with a body hold after three minutes
6? hard work. Wednesday evening
the men met in the gymnasium to de
cide tho championship. No time limit
was placed upon the bout and eighteen
and a half minutes had passed before
Harvey won the second falj, and wity
it the championship. The two' men
wero very evenly matched. Johnson
is perhaps a little more closer at the
game, but this advantage is offset by
Harvey'B superior weight Nelthqr
one seemed to be very qu'lck at taking
advantage of openings, but noyerthe -less
It was the consensu of opinio
that the bout was one of the best
amateur contests ever soon Vere. BJar
vey won the second fall b-iurninf
his opponent over with a catch (holjl
and pinning hip abqiildors flpjgn wjth
an arm-lock.
Jn the gymnasUc congest the yjoj k
oil the horizontal Snd' garaiiej br?
and the horse; bad been finished VjTy
pusjy and on Jednjayail' that re
mained wjis the flying ringa anj turn-
bMeV "1
Mitchell easily vfpn tlje champion,,
ship. His work in every event was
first-rate and " Nebraska's success in
the intercollegiate' meet) next week
will depend largely upon his 'work.
ruuBBBiuacn, who was on me team
last year, dropped out of the contest
.L itr" ,i3iv. In. io ;r ."' ''?.-
uiiuj wo uuiru uveuu nu is a graau
ate student and would not be, eligible
to compete at Jfladlsojj Schmidt won
second place by the narrow margin
pf three-quarters of a polqt, and
ouruier, juoorenouBe ana tuesgeiQacu
finished in the order named? ,c
Tpe scoring pf the events yaa niadp
aa follows: Approach, iw point; l$J.
culty and beautypt exercise,, 3 points:
, ntnued oh pag )
Pie Ilk raotiiar trl4 to make.
? m Mm tor jft 11!?
' h '" ' ..
s J.