Ube Hml$ IFtebraefcan Vol. VII. No. JJ8. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, J908. Price 5 Cents. RCINSCHLECTIJRE A SERIES OF LECTURES FRIDAY " ' AND SATURDAY. oooooooeooco 00 ooooooo'ooooo A S E ALL i ti .Writer of Many Books on Political Science-Now Head of Depart ment at Wisconsin. ' Oh'o of the moat' important of the many series of lectures which will be given at the University this term will occur Frlilny and Saturday of t this week when Prof. Paul S. Reinsch, hehd of the Political Science depart m'ent of Wisconsin University, will give three lectures on Political Sci ence and Sociology. Professor Reinsch is acknowledged to be one of the greatest authorities on" Political Science In the United States. He is a graduate of the Unl-I vtrslty of Wisconsin and one of the foremost American writers on con temporary political subjects. He first attracted attention In 1900 as an au thor, when he published his first political-work, "World Politics." Later he published. "''Colonial Administration" and ."Colonial .Government." He..wus one 'of the leaders in organizing the American- Folitioal- Scjen.ce.. Associa tion 'and is now one of the vice-presidents"' oT"lliesame. In 1900 he wad one of the United- States-conimission- ers to the PanAtncrlcd'n ' Conference I held Uht Rio. Janeiro ., , Ir - . Professor Reinsch-has 'been on the' western' coaBt "siiice last January, where he "lias been giving a series or lecturer to various educational' insti tutions. He ls..4iaw-reiurning ,to Wis consin and will stop over In Lincoln for two -days. While in Lincoln he wllUfftVe Iwo 'lectures "uf 1he-Temple, us ioiiows: i . - Friday, 5 ,p. m., "The Present Situ ation In RuaalaJ' Fridiy, 8 p. m., ."The Reform Move ment in China." In addition to the above he will give a talk Saturdayut 10 a. m. in U. 106, on "Investigation in Politlca 8clenco." " " The-lectures "are free and open to alK They will be found instructive and entertaining. 'Athletics -at "Washington University are at. a staHd-stlll. Owih'iTtb friction between the' students ahdN'facuUyj the schedule of'the basketball team has been countermanded and the team, Which prontfaed to be "the best in the history of the university, has dla bonded. As a clmux to these devel opments, Bfanchard.who has coached tlje football team for two years, has been requested to hand in his resign nation. The fourteenth "annual relay races, given by the' University of Pennsyl vania, wlll be. heldtaj Franklin Field upon the last Saturday in AprlL Col leges frotn all over. the. country wjll participate, and the Biiccess of the meet is ah'eady assured.. iW. R. Posey, '0T, of Hebron, has; been visiting old friends the last few, days. He waH elected county super- Intendent-of- TBRyer countylast fall. !.., Varsity vs. Leaguers ANTELOPE PARK Thursday, Friday and Saturday K00WO00000WD O GRADUATION RECITAL. Nevlsoh Roberts to Give Musical Pro gram Thursday Evening. Nevlson Roberts, of the University School of Music, pupil of Mortimer Wilson, will give a recital for gradu ation at the Temple, Thursday even ing, April 8nd, at 8 o'clock. The pro gram will be of original compositions. The public is cordially invited. The following Is the program: Prelude and Fugue In D minor Sonata in C Sharp minor Allegro moderate) Scherzo Adagio Allegro niolto Huiuoresque Melodle d'Amour Suite. No. 2: Forest Shadows "The Edge of the Nlghl" The Constellations Mystic Procession The Ruined Hall Trolls' Dance Two Mexican Pieces: Serenade Minstrels' Dance A Carnival Scene University Judges. Professors Fogg and Caldwell went to Beatrice last evening to act as judges at a debate to be given by the Southeastern Nebraska Teachers' Association on the subject of govern ment ownership of railways. Tie- Sliver Serpents have electoilf1' wil1 be presented by the Palla the following new members: Kate Field, ,Heleu- Mitchell, Alleen Gantt, Mildred Holland, Josephine HiiBe, Al freda Powell, Edna Steven. Unzle Hannu, Marion Whltmore, Mable Nel son, Esther Bailey, Nelle Whltmore. Northwestern University has -decided to give University credit for work In athletics, provided the work be of such regularity and efficiency that It will he equivalent to four hours' work in the gymnasium. 0KJKOJK0)KKrt ... hmeevmg soc y. 1'APRIL 3:.( ' fraternity Hall Abtoti(s Orchestra 6KMG0&t O K) TODAY'S CONVOCATION. An Indian Song Garland by Miss Liza Lehmann. The Following program will be ren dered at convocation this morning: Miss Annette Abbott Soprano. Miss Grace Cutter Contralto. Mr. Everett B. Cordrr Tenor. Mr. Chas. H. Miller Baritone. Quartet Night Tall in Hydennbad. Cont. Reelt. The Serpents Are Asleep. Tenor nml Diirltone Duet Palanquin Bearers. Soprano Solo Cradle Song. Baritone Solo and Quartet The Royal Tombs of Golcondu. Tenor Solo Love Song. Quartet Indian Dancers. April Fool. A very pleasant April fool greeted the students in Physics 11 yesterday morning in - the shape of a poster on the bill board jri front of .the Physics building stating that those receiving a grade of A, Bor C op the last quiz need not take the regular mid-semester examination. Many of those who saw it, believ ing It an "April fool," .went direct to Professor Almy and Wore told that It wasn't a Joke. Three Rahs and a tiger for Almy! i '-i i' -'; it, 7: ' '. ! Boys' Program t ; Don's full to heaf tlie hoys' program" In PaHudinn Hall,- -Friday evening- -A leajL-year" play, drawn from coTO" Jf" UB(r ht(e (Urect0l.: A ro; diun boys. The greatest combination of amusement and Instruction ever Btaged. Wili begin at 8:15 sharp. The "Women's Athletic Association at Michigan will hold its annual meet for girls of the university April 8th. Among the events arranged are: Thirty-eight yard dash, six-pound shot put, and rope-climb. T, - Your car fare would pay for a nice lunch at The Boston Lunch. Why go home? ...t . - v 4 V " Admission $1 ; )-. ." f t Limited to 80 Mof . '3L ijC 1 - U "T ." J ,0 PLAY RETURN GAME GIRL8' BASKET-BALL TEAM. TO LEAVE FOR MINNE80TA. Seven Players to Go, Accompanied by Miss Gittlngs and Miss Pound' Enthusiasm at Minnesota. The girls' basket-ball team start tonight Tor Minneapolis. The team has been practicing during the past week, and though It has no expecta tion of winning on a strange floor, when It did not on Its owtr, It hopes to make as good a showing, relatively, as it did In the local game of two weekB ago. Some of the girls of th,o Minnesota team have written back that they had the best time of their lives while they were In Lincoln, and the one they will remember longest. Similarly, the Nebraska girls expect to enjoy greatly their two days' visit at a sister university. Those making the trip are: Nellie Stephenson, Mossle Klmmel, Beulah Ruder, Vera Burger, Huttle Rollings, Mattle Woodworth, Anne Watt. The team goes In charge of Miss Ina Olt tlngs, Instructor In the department of Physical Training and coach of the team,. and Miss Louise Pound, acting manager. Mrs. R. G. Clapp expected also to go( but she has been uhBc'nt front jjcUooL (luting .the. past wuak,. bo, cause of serious illness. The teum will misfa pne day of school, work only., The following extract from the .Minnesota Dally shows that much In terest is oeing'mnnlfested In the 'game there: "Special interest Is manifest among, the faculty In the coming Nebruska, co-ed- busket-hnll game because of the number of faculty members formerly, connected with Nebraska. Professors .Clements, Westemani Brooliov and .NlcholBoqiare alfetoupkamenj' "Nebraska's party will consist of the Hot 'off hrf'HkGf.hnltirlrli their conch. cejjticm will be held for the- visitors on Friday afternoon In Shevllu Hall. Other entertainment may be plunned. le Stanley Hall game tomorrow night will nor only decide the Btate championship, but ulao 4)tit the Mlu neaotu girls in good condition for the Nebrnska contest next week Battir duy." Students of the Agricultural and Mechanics College of Texas are In open revolt against their president. They recently refused to attend clusses until the president should bo removed. It Is thought that the presi dent will be compelled' to withdraw because of student animosity. Get your Engineering Society Hop .tickets of the committee R. M, Al len, W, ,H., 'Burleigh, O. A. Crooks, ,R, fU Leberman, and O. L. Olson. Price, $1.00. The students of Amherst College, after two nlgh'ts discussion of' tho uummer baseball question: by the Jui major sport managers and coaches, 'votes,' 278 to'GB'that men bp aUowed ". t " 1 ji'k i- f i ' . 'i I , .I h to piay tue uo-caiioa summer baseoaii. v