Mini mi i THE DAILY NBBRASICAN ' X A. G. SPALDING mm BROS. The Largest ManufacturorH In the World of OFFICIAL ATHLETIC 3UPPLIE8 Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn Term fa, Basket Ball, Hockey Ofllcial ImplomentB for Track and Fldld Sports Uniforms for' All' SportB Spaldlng'H Handsomely Illus trated Catalogue of all sports contains numerous suggestions. Send for It. It's fjoe. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore, Washington, St. Louis, Pittsburg, Buffalo, Syracuse, Cincinnati, KansaB City, Minneapo lis, Now Orleans, Donvor, Montreal. GEORGE Printers ! COPPER PLATE ENGRAVING AND STEEL DYE EMBOSSING A NICE LINE OK STATIONERY Fraternity Bldg., LINCOLN, NEB. mmtmrnttmrniiiisa We're now located in the most beautiful store in the west. We handle the finest HOT DRINKS in the city. Come in and try them. Lincoln Candy Kitchen 1 4th and O So. west Corner CINCINNATI . . .... , OUT PRIOI SHOE STORE HtiWi Shgt fop air Ftttoy IAVM YOU - TIME - wdU MffttY llStTSst: - CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK TWELFTH AND 0 STREETS s P. L. HALL, President P. E. JOHNSON, Vico-Prosldeut B MAN O. POX, Caahlor, W, W. HACKNEY Jr.. Asat. Cashier Pitts' Dancing School Class nights Advanced, Monday; Beginners, Wednesday and Saturday. 8oclal nightFriday. Private class every afternoon. Most beautiful 'hall R Lincoln. New .location, 1124 N street: Auto 5241. Hayden, photographer, special rates to students, 1127 O street. I .aw Notes. Doan Costlgan and Professor Wilson woro both unable to meet their classes Monday. The freshmen's time was utilized by Judge Hastings in an equity teBt. Now that the Conference rules re garding athletics have been adopted, the future for a good law team is as sured. At least six men who were try ing out for first team positions will be barred. Their addition to the law team Hhould they make it, will make, without a doubt, the strongest team In the University. PaladiatiB Elect. At a meeting of the Palladian socie ty the following new officers were elected : President, John McNicol. Vice-president, Miss Ada Taylor. Recording secretary, Miss Mabel Mc Vey. Correspond secretary, Miss Addle Bernhart. Treasurer, E. F. Guidlnger. Historian, E. W. Hills. Critic, H. F. Wender. Program secretary, Leroy Cherry. Sergeant-at-arms, Miss Beth Huston. Stanford Boat Crews Disband. The Stanford boat squad, both var sity and freshman crews, has dlsband- od owing to the fact that Capfiin Gay was among the students dismissed for insubordination. Captain Fen ton has dlsUanded thebaseball team owing lo the action of the committee, though the organization may finish the season under another nanip. Tennis practice has been suspended and although , f?-k,Tbklboeeeetnitna. .peannTral Trainer Moulton has requested all track men to continue training, several or the best athletes have signified their intention of taking a leave of absence. NEW POSTAL RULING. By a recent order of the Postmaster uenerai, no dally newspaper Is al lowed to send copies to subscribers who are three months or more in ar rears. There are a few of the sub scribers to the Daily Nebraskan who J are In arrears to that extent and un- less payment is made in the near fu ture the subscriptions will be stopped. We trust that this will not be neces sary and that the circulation of this paper may not need t be reduced by the oversight of some of our friends. If your subscription is unpaid, kindly mall a money order or draft to the manager as soon as convenient. This ordexfiaes into effect April 15. - English Club The English club will meet with Miss Cauger, 2031 South Seventeenth, on Saturday evening, April the 4th; "Townsend Panel" a stylo and ef fect In portraiture that speaks for itself. host An open-raced lady's pin and watch between' Fourteenth and S, and campus. Reward. Two months more of school. Let us have your duplicate order for pictures as soon as possible. Townsend. Clements' photos are tbe best. Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh. Go to Mrs. J: C. Bell, hairdresser, for chiropody. Advertise your wants In the Ne braskan. Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P Beckman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. et. Subscribe for the Dally Nebraskan. C H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. Dalrymple's quality. Eat at Elam's. The 'Varsity Backstop A Catcher on a college nine cannot be too careful about the Mitt he uses the Big Game may depend on his ability to hold the ball? The majority of 'Varsity Backstops, like the majority of the great League Catchers, use ReacK Catchers' Mitts The arrangement of padding and deep hollow holds the ball every time. Reach Catchers' Mitts ."" 1 -, N'i? "' fcjsSESj II TyaLsW A BBBBBBBBBBaPBW BHBfeHIB,"Mn"""MBBBlHdabMnHfliBllMBBBH ' ety to select values Rogers 11.29 O Suits and O'coats NO MORS NO LES World's Greatest Tailors -UNION MADE- J. F. GREGORY, Manager and Cutter UrciIr Branch, 145 So. 13th St. (UHuruiUMi WE WANT YOUR FRAT TRADE We can glvo you the be.t prices, belt good, and best service CAPITAL GROCERY &f & 1435 M Street are maae in ngnts ana lens, and range in price from 25c. to $3.00 each. The Rga&k Ball- has been adopted by the great ' American League for a ten year period. It is also used by all the big 'Varsity and Prep. School Nines. The Rgajliv Giaraitec The' Reach Trademark on all Spoiling Good Is a guarantee of quality, if means satisfaction, a new article or your honey back (except on Bills a,nd Bats under SI). The Reach eificlal lase'lall Gaitie Itrl9t8 Now ready contains flaying ntled of the American ami National Leagues. History and action pic ture of the 1907 World's Bert. 10 cents at dealers or by mall if nbl dl you? dealers, M will Alt your oider direct on receipt of price Write 1 for looa I(io Itall CMalogoeaml freo Hue Hull Story JjyKlbertllubbirav A. J. REACH CO., 1799 Tlli St, FUtatfclrlila. hb NfMRftX Tan and Black; Tan and Patent Leather Oxfords " ' ' - 1 - We have the largest stock, the greatest vari from and are giving the" best- :: :: :: .. 8c Perkins STREET Made to Order, $15 5ii jp i . i