fi be Wmly Ifaebraefian s ...,... ...,., , ,,, , . --" T , , , ' VoCvit tto. 116. . UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, MARCH 3 J, J908. Pjrice 5 Cents. fr HOWARD SPEAKS r LE6f ORE" SUNDAY EVENING AT TvL the TEMPLE THEATER. .' ', V v '" ' J - ' ('Sociology of the Saloon Question" Dean 'Ward Presides Auspices of Civic League and University i f-rrt, i,f- 0K00K)KiK0 Engineering Soc'y. Hop V IB3g "V APRIL 3 f Fraternity Hall Abbott's Orchestra Dr. George Elliott Howard, head of the department ,of Political Science and Socidlpgy. .tipoke on "The Sociol ogy or the SalpohXuestion," at the Temple .theater Sunday-eveaittg, under the combined auspices of the Civic League ofLincoln and the University. A fair sized audience heard the lec ture, considering the fact thatvabout a dozen other meetings of the same- na ture took "place throughout the city at the sametlme. Dr. Howard was- introduced by Dean i B. Ward of the college of medi cine, and spoke in part as followB: "It It our privilege now to take part in a great moral revolution,, a part of which Is making itself known in the rising or the American people with quickened consciences against the sa loon. I lntend,tonight to doyelop three propositions; that ttiis movement Is a ,'struggle"f6r social liberty; that It can . -be realized; and its success means He. triumph 6f higher ideas. Taking up ihe first" proposition, thatthis'ls a struggle for- social liber ty.l'wlli first Turn to the sham that prohibition is a curtailment of per sonal liberty. I answer with the eter jaal verity" that all personal liberty do spends on social liberty. Revolution is a crisis in evolution, brought on by a damming of the current of reform. The groans of stricken families have long risen in vain yet this revolution 1b the calumet and sanest ever brought about. Society as opposed to the In dividual, has a right to pvercome anti-social forces such as avrTce, "re7 venge, and the drink appetite, If they W. centered in narrow, selfish Individ glials whQcanndt see what they must forego tu enJoyhisher liberties. if "The expansion of social "liberty at Jithe expense of a pergonal liberty is "tevldehced in the extension or the po ullce power, A .court decision says; that a-glue factory may he compelled to rmove to another location if it Is a '.huisancejwe liave quarrantlno lawB, moke-nuisance laws, 'and vaccination -law.s; i (yet- who can doubt that the evil '" flowing l from the saloon is not greatcjr than froriTany of these? In the 'expansion of the functions of the state we .have an Invasion, of business with Hisurylaws, gambling Jlaws, lottery jlaws, pure food laws and factory regu- latlonBas, to woman, and child labor and wehave an' invasion of the home i with compulsory education, juvenile courts, reform5 schools, and womamand child labor laws. And' the result of all this curtailm'entr of "personal liberty is v that the'vindivlaual1 In the idncT'enjoys that, finer and "greater thingsocial liberty. Then why not abolish the saloon'entifely, that institution whose function it is to foster and instill 'the . drinkv appetite?"" ' ;' ' T t In taking uphQsecond proposition the purpose o'f this revolution can be (Continued on page '3.) KKOJWiKKK Admission $1 Limited to 80 DR. LUTOSLAW8KI. WISCONSIN MAN. Eminent Polish Professor to Lecture Here 8oon. Chancellor Andrews recently re ceived a letter from President David Starr Jordon, of Leland Stanford Uni versity, concerning Dr. WIncently Lut oslawskl of the Polish University ol Krakow, who has JiiBt given a num ber of lectures at Stanford University. He will visit Lincoln in the near future and deliver two lectureB at the State University by request of the Convoca tion committee. Dr. LutoBlawski came to this coun try to give the Lowoll Lectures In Bos ton, and he is now viBiting California! expecting before very long to return to the East. He Is an excedlngly inter esting lecturer with a remarkable com mand of English and with a way which at once commands the attention of students. He is eager to talk to those! who want to learn. Dr. Lutoslaw'skl Is the "Yogi" of Dr William James' recent article on "The! Energies of Man' and his remarkablej experiments on the development of will power form the most interesting of his topics. Among these nre: "Poland." "Physical Regeneration." "The Development of Will Power." He Is also perhaps the highest living authority on Plato. In a letter accepting the invltationi to visit Lincoln, Dr. Lutoslawskl adds that the sixth letter jjLhJsjiame when written is not a i't," but that The" let ter "JL" crossed at Its top. When print-edf-a-short line similar to a hyphen Is drawn horizontally through the mid dle of the letter whether lower case or capital. ' GYMNASTIC WORK SUCCE88FUL EXHIBITION WAS HELD 8ATURDAY NIGHT. Gymnastic Team Goes to Madison Tryouts Wednesday Evening University Track News. Two Important Lectures are to Be Given. Professor Paul S. Reinsch of Wiscon sin University 1b to be here Thursday and Friday of this week. He has boon giving a series of lectures In California since last January, and will give two of them here In Memorinl Hall as fol lows: Thursday, at eight p. m., "The Chin ese Reform Movement. " Friday, 11 a. m., "The Present Situ ation in Russia." These lectures are open to all, and both the students and the general public ar ecordlally invited to attend. In addition to the above Pro fessor Reinsch will give a talk on "In vestigation in Political Science," at four p. m., Thursday in U 106. All In terested faculty members, advanced students and-others-are invited.' - The Glee Club went to York Friday and gave a concert in the evening. The house was not extra largo, but those who were present enjoyed the concert very much. About fifteen men made the trip. The next out-of-town con cert will bo either at Ashland or tWa-hoo. Band"Concert. Friday evening the University Cadet Band, under the Jeadershlp of August jtlagenow, gave their fourth annual concert i-lri the Temple Theater. The audience. was not as large as it might .have been but everyone present ap preciated the music, as was shown by the applause. The numbers given were as follows: ' Overture Jubilee C. Bach Selection from "The Jolly Widow" Lehar '"Song of the Evening Star" from (Tannhauser Wagner Trombone sole Mr. Er-T Phelps Waltz VlennaBeauties Ziehrer Slumber Sweotly Beaumont Intermezzo The Secret ...... Gantier Overture Le" Domino Noir Auber Baked beans, baked on the prem ises and served hot with delicious brown bread, 10c, at The Boston Lunch. ' Miss Helen Hendy, '07, was seen about theUnlyerslty Saturday. 0000K APRIL 1 0;. 8:30 P. M. FRATERNITY HALL Junior Informal (-- ABBOTT'S ORCH. TICKETS $f .25 (Limited to 80)' tw jSl The fifth annual gymnastic exhibi tion took place in the gymnasium last Saturday evening. It was by far the most Interesting and exciting ovont.of . its kind ever given atth6 University. Financial as well as in all .other re spects it was most successful. Among the new additions to the pro gram were the dances and drills by the young ladies, The Swedish-folk dance "Frykdalspolska," was given-by a class of normal training students in physical education. The "Maid of tho Mist," by Miss Adams, and the tarn borlne dance by a class of young ladles were both well done nnd well received. The inter-class relay races were very exciting. In the preliminaries the sophomores defeated the fresh men and the juniors and seniors tied. This necessitated three teams run ning in the finals. The sophdihoros team won this by the narrow margin of two feet. All of the races . were closely contested and intensely excit ing: - - - t "-j In the wrestling exhibition thefjfirst bout between Harvey and Johnson re sulted in seven minutes of stiff work with no fall. In the secondhdut. ho ever, .Harvey won a fall in less than three minutes. The University cham pionship, which now lies between tween these two men, will be decided on Wednesday evenlngrin-the Armory. At1 tho same time the candidates for gymnastic team will finish their try outs. ' I These try-outs are in a regular con test in which the same events are used that will be required in the-lnter-col-legiato gymnastic meet at Madison on April 9. A part of the contest has already been pulled off and the present stand ing of the candidates Ib as follows: Mitchael, 68 1-2; Kiesselbach,- G7 3-4; H. G. Schmjdt, 48 1-4; -Swltzler, 45 3-4; Moorehouse, 42 1-4. The winner of this contest will bo awarded an "N" in circle. These try outs will be open to the- public free of charge. 'A meeting will be held this morn ing at 11:30 o'clock in .the chapel for all men who are interested in track athletics. At this meeting all ar rangements for out-door work will be made, including 'excuses from drill and gym classes, training, and the'peW iods for work. The out-door work will begin on Wednesday. Dr. Clapp wishes every one who Is 'interested in any branch of track athletics to be pres ent. ' Athletic Announcements. ' 'Meeting of Inter-Frat Athletic Board at 11:00 o'clock, Dr. Clapp's ofllce. Meeting of candidates for track team in tho chapel a 11:30 o'clock to-day. C V K0)KroK003ro