"r- THE DAILV NEBRflSKAN '" NCN5rMfcETlN&85 ( . ! . - y ,-.,- --- - - 1 1,11 I ,111,1 1,11 I, 111,11 , I I , II I - 1 1 , , I I I I . I I . I I I 111 II - Pi fa I w it. M I' V W t . Y. W. C. Av Programs Varied,- But Especially Interesting. Last Wednesday n rouBlng Cascade meeting was hold, whore the songs silng ht the summer conference woro 8i)ng, giving an Idea of the "fun" fll'do of Cascado conference as Been In th'o College Day exercises. "Scarlet and Cream" was sung In closing iirnT wyiy that left no doubt as to the ldyalty of tho-' Y. W. C. A.-girls to our dear old University. 'KUIc -Adams spoke for- n few min utes about tho fun we had. last- year, mentioning as" wlrocbulrt not liQlp but d"6 the venrhell) dnd'gdta In such a place.'. ,...'.. , ' " ' ' Monday noon a rouBlng meeting wan held by the membership committee, as' tblB week rtnd rioxt there 1b a membership campaign on, with Caro line Osborne captain of the Cream side and Cora B. RocUwood of the Scarlet. Carrie Schultz spoke of our aim for 200 more members in this campaign and called on Miss Osborne and Miss Rockwood to speak. "Scarlet and Cream" was sung with the thought of showing our loyalty to our University by making the associa tion tho strongest In tho United States. Next Monday another membership meeting will bo held 'and results or the week's work announced by the captnlns. Many are responding when asked to Join the association. ' Friday evening the first of a -series of five socials was held In the Y.W. C. A. rooms. Evangeline Strickland planned the social as social chairman and, as usual, It was a great success. Helen Gray, Delta Delta Delta, had charge of part of the program and "Mary Jane" was enjoyed by all. An outdoor social will be next In order. Miss VIbbard spent Friday, Satur day, Sunday and Monday at Peru, Ne braska; State Normal, holding several services and having many personal Interviews. She also spoke at tho Baptist church on Sunday night. All of these services met with wonderful results and Miss VIbbard speaks In the highest terms of Peru Normal, the Y. W. C A. and the young women who were so good to her there. The Sunday meetings at the Lyric theater have been growing week by week. Last Sunday was especially strong and In numbers next to the one when Mr. Bryan spoke. Dr. Laura J. Brown Is a woman of strong "personality and real strength of char acter and her service was most help- tuL" - Sunday, MarcTT29th, a musical pro gram will bo given. The University Chorus,, under Mrs. Raymond's- lead . ershlp, and Mrs. Conant, one of tho best, ltnot tho best, soprano In the city, will furnish the program. These Sunday services will close the second Sunday of April with a stereoptlcon program, giving many of Tissot's pictures of the sufferings of Christ and the Resurrection. Thl3 will bo in charge of Professor Barker. All yoitng women are Invited to at tend these meetings. ',. ft i i Wearers Society Bit 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmW Of Good Clothes fivant) DRESS FOR YOUNG MEN Always keep ian eye on this store. They have learned to expect the best from ,us, because they always get it. Ask any of the town's well dressed men where to get the smartest suit, the swellest top coat, the correct hat, a choice shirt or tie or anything in the toggery line arid the answer will be Why, The Sterling Clothing Comp'y We've so many choice things that we can't do them all justice and cover the whole territory. So we jut ask you to come in and see our .... FINE DISPLAY The Sterling Clothing Co, 1:217 O STREET Eat at Elam'B. Indiana orators have petitioned for a chapter of Delta Sigma Rho, the hon orary debating fraternity. Cozjr suppers Dalrymplo's. Juniors of Illlnola University have already elected tho staff of the 1910 Illlo. Senior Prom Lincolii Hotel C. H. Prey, florist, 1133 O St The-Senlor class of the University of Oregon will present as their play this year Sheridan's production, "The Rivals." Beckman BroB. Fine shoes, 1107 O. st The University of California cele brated its fortieth birthday last Mon. day. Elaborate exercises constituted tho day's program. j 00 April 20-foun Two-fifty JK)K3KK3K3K3K 00KK0KKK Members of tho senior class desiring pictures without cap and gown are en tied to the CornhUBker rate. Town-send. . A. lc special post card sale at the Unl. Book Store. , . ' Clements' photos are the best. Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh. Hayden, photographer, special rates tar studeat. .1127 O street Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P The gymnasium instructor at Mis souri has introduced association foot ball into the class work and he has al ready four classes of eleven men each. Go to 'MrB. J. C. Bell, hairdresser, for chiropody. . s- Post cardsxat less than half price. The Unl., Book Store. "Townsend Panel" a style and ef fect in portraiture that speaks for itself. Advertise your wants in the Ne-braskan. Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. Suits and O'coats Made to Order, SIS NO MORE NO LCTS World's' Greatest Tailors BBKHHBMMHMHBiHHBBiMBEiVHBlBZ8li33HS8E3 UNION MADE J. P. IMQORY, Manisr and Cutter UN Irani, 145 St. latl St. Now Is the Time! Subscribe! Tht Nobraskan for remainder of School Year only 75c 1 l ' W ' V 4H Jm4Mjft.jWM'0 mV Mt-7"Vtrt 8J iU.yj&Ji -