THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Oliver Theatre SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCH 28 Francis Wilson IN "WHEN KNIGHT8 WERE BOLD" PRICES $1.50 to 50c. TUE8., WED. & WED. MATINEE March 31-April 1 The Lion and the Mouse PRICES $1.50 to 50c. THURS. & FRI. EVES., APR. 2-3 MAX FIGMAN IN The Man On the Box LYRIC THEATRE MATINEE 3 P. M. EVE. 7:46 Sc 9:00 PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CENTS EHRENDALL BROS. Marvelous Equilibrists. ILLU8TRATED SONG "She Was a Grand Old Lady" RU8SELL AND CHURCH From 8oclety to the Bowery ROBT. ROGERS and LOUISE MclNT08H In Their Laughing Playlet, "OUT OF SIGHT" R08A ROMA Violin Virtuoso THE MIZKOFF TROUPE ' The Only Whirlwind Dancers LYR08COPE MAJESTIC Wrt Gowtiiclng Monday. Mch.23 FULTOH STOCK GO. IN The Girl I Left Behind Me Evening prices 15c and 25c ""Matinees, Wed. and Sat 15c boats resvd, Box oflQco opens 11 a. m. AUTO -3634 - BELL A634 DR. J. R. DAVIS DENTIST Office hours 9 to 5. 8undays 10 to 11 8PECIAL RATE TO 8TUDENTS Over Bank of Com., 13th & O 8ts. THE 'INI' SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all students and Invites you to enjoy our Smoking and Reading Room. It's a pleasure to please. Try us. "UNI" 8MOKE HOUSE. 1132 O STREET SBBSHBMSBSBBMeSBBBBMsaBaBSHNSaSBHtBBBSMBKBHBBaSMBMBHBHBasaBMBSJSBSHBBSBB The ACME i Bawling i Billiards, Fistl and Cigars The Finest Place In the West. 934 P Street Clothes for the Young Man of Today Young men are demanding clothes of altogether different typo from num . of more mature years. To this end we have designed for us models that emhody radical style features and they have proven decidedly popular with the college fellows. The new tan and hrown effects predominate and are most fitting colors for spring wear. $15, $18, $20, $22 and $25 Tht Wen's Store MAGEE & DEEMER The Men's Store PHI BETA KAPPA. (Continued from page one.) fraternity. Professor Caldwell de clined because he "does not believe in. making distinctions of that kind and prefers to remain a democrat." Dr. Howard, who graduated In '76, was offered the honor a fow years ago while holding the chair of history at Leland Stanford. Ho refused on prin ciples which he still holds, saying In part, "While I do not censure anyone for accepting the degree, I declined It because I think giving such distinc tions tends to lower standards by causing students, in the scramble for the honor, to be led Into the habit of choosing 'snap courses.' " These nine cases, ranging from 1876 to 1888, and not being a complete list of such cases at Nebraska, thus clear ly robs the Californian of the distinc tion of being "the only one of his kind." Board of Inspectors Meet. Inspector A. A. Reed has gone to Chicago to attend the meeting of the Board of Inspectors of the North Cen tral States of the Commission on Ac credited Schools and Colleges, and of the North Central Association of Col leges and Secondary Shcools, March 25- 27. Important changes in the defin ition of units for admission to colleges and a plan for Inspecting colleges will be considered. Last year nine secon dary schools were accredited to the North Central Association, Beatrice, Brownell Hall, Fremont, Grand Island, Hastings, Lincoln, Lincoln Academy, South Omaha, and York. Several more will probably be admitted this year. " Notice. Candidates for th"e University teach er's certificate In June are requested to fill out the application blank which can be obtained from Professor Luckey, secretary of the Teachers' Certification Committee. This final announcement Is made in order to reach all eligible candidates who have not yet applied. Two months more of school. Let ub have your duplicate order for pictures as Boon as. possible. Townsend. University and Lincoln post cards at lc each. The Unl. Book Store. Dainty Wash Fabrics For Summer Gowns Fashion to be used In making up the summer gowns the "Fairy" like wash place. We candidly say that never before have we offered such a large variety of tasty designs and such charming, harmonious color combinations as this season. Mora than 3O.O00 Yd. In th showing;. You will agree with us that such a vast assortment demonstrates that we are. well prepared to meet Fashion's demands in price range, plain colors, color ' combinations and weights In the dainty wash fabrics that constitute milady's wardrobs. BE 4 Headquarter University Cadets, Lincoln, Nebraska. March 24, 1008. Orders No. 8. 1. The resignation of L. W. Stalder, color sergeant, Is hereby accepted. 2. Subject to the approval of the Chancellor, the following promotions, appointments and assignments are announced; To be color sergeant, vice L. W. Stalder, resigned, J. P. Dlerks, priv ate, unnsslgned. ' To be sergeants: W. A. Davison, Corporal Co. "C," to Co. "C." C. W. Mengel, Corporal Co. "A," to Co. "A." C. A. Thornburg, Corporal Co. "D," to Co. "D." J. T. Zlmmer, private Co. "C," to Co. "C." To be corporal b: A. L. Briggs, private Co. "C," to Co. "C." H. C. Hatliaway, private Co. "A," to Co. "A." J. M. Alexander, private Co. "B," to Co. "B." R. K. Taylor, private Co. "C," to Co. "C." H. N. Cain, private Co. "A," to Co. "A." F. B. Tarnek, private Bond, to Band. W. A. Kerl, private Band, to Band. G. Mattlson, private Band, to Band. To be lance corporals: J. P. Hepperlin, private Co. "C," to Co. "C." C. H. Chalmer, private Co. "A," to Co. "A." H. G. Huse, private Co. "B," to Co. ."B." J. W. Kelfer, private Co. "D," to Co. "D." !By order of Captain Worklzer: (Signed) B. A. FROYD, lBt Lieut, and Batt. Adjutant, Uni versity Cadets, Adjutant - , Notice to Catholic Students. The lecture which wan to have been given Saturday, March 28, by Mr. Paul L. Martin of the Crelghton Law College at Omaha, has 'been post' poned until Saturday evening, April 4th. This lecture will be given in the music hall of the Temple. Every member of the Catholic Students' Club is urged to be present and bring student friends. "Fairy" Don't Read This It you don't want good music. Wo guarantee this orchestra to bo second to none. Wo don't charge two prices. Try ub. Ask for recommendations. G. F. THORNBURG, Director. Violin Taught Auto 5877 Pitts' Dancing School Class nights Advanced, Monday; Beginners, Wednesday and Saturday. Social night Friday. Private class every afternoon. Most beautiful hall In Lincoln. New location, 1124 N street. Auto 5241. BIOKSTRON OOIPMY EXCLUSIVE TAILORS 1320 N St.. Llnaaln, Nob. HAIR CUTTING A SPECIALTY THE Qstltk anil Easy larbsr Snm C. W. EMMSRT, Ptp. 101 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET dive hm caH " Petry Bakery Co. Baking Ordeis Filled Promptly TOfB RICE BDCAD OUR SPECIALTY PHONE UBAND YOUR ORDER WILL RECEIVE PROMPT TTEJTTXOH - DojsiarA ARROW Clupeco Shrunk Quarter Sizes is cents each: 2 for 25 cents duett, Vulxt&r A Co., Maker of Cloett and Monarch SblrU Of all the cloths as , ,-..... j ... like wash fabrics Hold first .' it y . MEMMEN CANNON CO. t