Shsilx IFlebraeftan f.'-r- tfol.VH. No. H4. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MARCH 27, J908 Price 5 Ctnts. f . ' VBP ' .". - . -. w j '. " 'i v-sp BIG RALLY TODAY 4 PROHIBITION SENTIMENT TO BE -, EXPRESSED. 01K0OtK)1KK A TRIO W PLAYS DRAMATIC CLUB ENTERTAIN., MENT8 IN NEAR FUTURE. R Kv Dean Bessey to PresideTalks by Pro ', feasor Howard, Sidney Collins, Arthur Jorgensen, and Others. All arrangements have been made for the special temperance convoca tion to be held today at 11 o'clock.. Dean Bessey will preside arid Prof. George Howard, Sidney Collins, Ar tliur Jorgensen and E. E. Bennettof tfie Civic League will" each give slx iri'inute talks'. All " eleven d'clock classes will be dismissed. A few days ago a movement was starred by. several s.tudents to And out what the real- sentiment was in the University In regard to the sa loon questlbn. It had been charged that the University students were In sympathy with t;he saloons. It did not take long to find out that senti ment was strongly on the other side. After today's demonstration there will no longer be any doubt -In the minds of the people of Lincoln or the state of Nebraska where the University students stand. The demonstration of the students of Illinois- University will be a small affair when compared with that which Is to take p lace here today. At the close of convocation the stu dents will form In line and parade down Eleventh street to P street) then around the postofflce and up O street. The band and one company of cadets will lead the procession. A float is "being prepared and a number of ban ners wlth appropriate- words on them to be carried by the students. Everyone is expected to be out, as this hour Is most convenient for the students and opportune for a demon stration through the streets. Exer cises will begin sharply at 11 o'clock and tire parade will form at the south gate of the campus soon after 11:30. Palladian "Program. The Pallad'ians will elect the offi cers for the remainder of this year this evening at their regular meeting. A good musical program has been prepared and visitors are welcome. The program is as follows: Selection Westcott's Orchestra Piano Solo Bertha Williams Quartette Palladian Quartette Vocal Solo Mr. Peterson Piano Solo Miss Overstreet Quartette Palladian Quartette Selection Westcott's Orchestra Lecturo to Forest Club. The Forest Club will hold its next meeting in U. 7, Tuesday evening, March 31. Dr. Condra will give an illustrated lecture on the "Relation of Glaciatlon to Forests." This subject is of interest to every one and the meeting should be well attended. Everybody welcome. Princeton, Bowdoln and Dickinson are the only American college's' each of which has graduated hotha president of the United States and a chief jus tice of tfie supreme court University Concert TEMPLE THEATRE Admm. 25c Reserved Seats 35c PHI BETA KAPPA. Some Nebraskais Who have Refused Scholarship Honor.. At this season of the year elections to Phi Beta Kappa are being made In' universities and colleges, the country over. A University- ofr California senior has refused the usually coveted honor because he "did not believe that it was fairly earned by students In the general culture colleges, as some of the courses offered In them were veri table snaps in comparison with the work in the engineering colleges." The Daily Callfornian calls him "the only one of his kind." A five minutes scurry around the campus revealed a number of Nebraska graduates who have refused the honor, though none of them for the Bame reason as that given by the Callfornian. A partial list of these is as follows: G. E. Howard, '76; Mrs. G. E. How ard, '76, nee Miss Alice May Frost; Chas. N. Little, '79; H. W. Caldwell, '80; Samuel D. Cox, '80; H. K. Wolfe, '80; E. P. Unangst, '81; ,and Jay A. Barret and Hovey Barret, '88. Mr. Unangst is at present a judge of the Superior Court at San Luis Obispo, Cal.; Mr. Little Is professor of civil engineering in the University of Idaho" at Moscow; Mr. Cox ,now deceased, was a well known editor of Nebraska, at one time editing the Dally Call In Lincoln and later a paper at MInatare, Nebraska; while Messrs. Walfe, Caldwell and Howard are members of the faculty at Nebraska; Professor Wolfe being In the department of Education; Professor Caldwell, head, of the department of American His tory, and Dr. Howard, head of the 'de partment of Political Science and Sociology. Three members of Professor Cald well's class were elected to the so ciety and all refused, the other two be ing Samuel D. Cox and Professor Wolf. Thus the class of 1880 is not represented in the Phi Beta Kappa (Continued on page 3.) 0KK3K3KMDI3D NON-COM., FRIDAY, MARCH 27 . K$w5k5kotf Fraternity Hall; 8:30; Walt Orchestra Cadet Band JP March 27 GYMNA8TIC EXHIBITION. University Athletics In Armory Satur day Evening. From the preparations that are be ing made for the gymnastic exhibi tion, which takes place Saturday evening, the Indications are that the Interest being shown In the event is well founded. The gym was well filled with athletes from the different classes yesterday who were trying out for the class relay teams. The final try-outs will be held this afternoon and the teams selected. The primary object In giving the exhibition is to raise sufficient funds to send a gymnastic team to the Western Intercollegiate Gymnastic Meet at Madison next month. Ne braska has always been well repre sented at these meets in the past ind so far as gymnastic materh goes, will be this year.- All that -is" neces sary is the wherewithal to send the team. The excellent program which' has been arranged for Saturday even ing should be an Inducement to every loyal student to bo present In addition to enjoying an evening of excellent entertainment, every one who attends will have the satisfaction -of having lent his assistance to the support of an Important University activity. Tickets for the exhibition are on sale at Harry Porter's, the University Book Store and the Co-op. The exhibition takes place in the Armory, Saturday evening, at eight o'clock. -The constitutional committee of the Union at Minnesota is corresponding is corresponding with like clubs in -other universities in order to obtain information on minor points of practi cal administration and status of unions. Pies like mother tried to make. Baked fresh twice a day by an expert woman pie baker, at The Boston Lunch. "A Game of Comedy," "Mrs. Plod- ding's Nieces," and "Grlngolre" Casts of the Three Plays. Twice this year has the Dramatic Club conro before tho public, once with Bernard Shaw'B comedy "You Never Can Tell," nnd more recently when MIsb Howell, president Of tho club and head of the department or. Elocution, presented so admirably Percy MacKay'g "Jeanne D'Arc. For the third tlmo tho club will offer an entertainment In the form of a series of one-act plays to be given this coming Saturday evening in tho Temple Theater. The cast of tho first play was announced in a recon,t isBue of the Nebraskan. For the ben efit of those who may not have seen it, II Is given again. A Game of Comedy. M. Fromont, a Parisian aotor Mr. G. A. Montgomery M. Pierre, valet to. M. Fromont.. Mr. E. Wilson Mario, tho maid Miss Kathleen Llnderman A Hbcond will bo "Mrs. Ploddlng'fl Nieces,' a drama with nine charac ters: Mrs. Manhattan, her six lovely daughter, and Mrs, Plodding, Mrs. Manhattan's sister. Tho Manhattans' live In the .city. They receive word' Hint Mrs. Plodding is coming to visit' them for the purpose of choosing one' of her nieces for tho wife of her Bon1 Fritz. The nieces have been well educated in every line but domestic science. However, knowing that! housework Is a hobby with Aunt Plod-1 ding, they resolve to prepare the meals during her vIsIC Complications arisp naturally, but in the end one ot the nieces is chosen. The caste is composed of the fol lowing young ladles: Mrs. Plodding Smith.. Miss Helen Day Mrs. Manhattan. ..Miss Hazel Hempel Vloletta Miss Edna Rudersdorf Clementine Miss Margaret Guthrie Mary Miss Helen Baratow Antoinette . . ,t-t . . . Miss Mabel Snyder Estelle Miss Wllberta Knjght Angelina Miss Ada Morgan Hannah Miss Harriet Long A little French play Is the last o the series. "Grlngolre" has for ita. hero a ballad monger whose sympa thies naturally leads him to write poetry for tho poor and oppressed. He falls In love with Jeannette, tKe daughter of a wealthy burgess, whom he dares not hope to win. His verses bilng him to the notice of the king, who first condemns him to die for his boldness and then gives him a chance to live it he can successfully woo Jeannette within one hour. Mr. S. A. Ersklne will represent Grlngolre; Mr. Frederick Copeand, Louis XI of France; Mr. Bates Oliver L'Daim; Mr. John Walker, Simon, a wealthy merchant of Tours;- Miss Jessie Cook, Jeannette, Simon's daughter, and Miss Hewitt, Nicole, his sister. The scene is laid In Tours, in Simon's house. In addition to these, there wlUNb'o one' or two musical qumbers. ! Do not forget the time and placeV Temple Theater, 8 o'clock" Saturday; evening;- March 28th. Admission, 251' cents. i