The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 21, 1908, Image 3
THE: DAILY NEBRA8KAN L fv Oliver Theatre mAtimpp O'sm i r 11 a a ' r " --! - lyWI-A" I TONIGHT, 8:16 "BIG BEAMED JIM" EVE, 50. 35 & 25c. MAT., 25 and 10c WED. MAT. & EVE., MARCH 25. "A Knight For a Day" THURSDAY NIGHT, MARCH 26 45 Wnutes From Broadway SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCH 28 Francis Wilson LYRIC THEATRE j t MATINHB3 P. M. EVE. 7iA5 & 9:00 PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CENTS " RICHARD. BARRY and VIRGINIA JOHNSON Offer their Latest Travesty "Held for Ransom' ILLU8TRATED 80NG "When; the Blue Birds Nest Again, Sweet Nellie Gray" THE TRAN8-ATLANTIC FOUR High Class Comedy Singing Act PETE GRIFFIN Singing Comedian TWO LEVONOS Popular Entertainers MAJESTIC WitltjCeipjicliig MiRday, Mch; 16 FULTON STOCK-CO. IN The Beautiful Irish Comedy Drama "Kathleen Mavourneen" Evening prlcesr 15c and 25c ' Matinees, Wed. and Sat 15c boats resvd, Box ofllco opena 11 a. m. AUTO 3634 - BELL A634 DR. J. R. DAUIS PENTIST Office hours 9 to 5. Sundays 10 to 11 SPECIAL RATE TO 8TUDENT8 Over Bank of Com., 13th & O 8ts. THE 'INI' SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all. students and Invites you to enjoy .our Smoking and Reading Room;' It's' a pleasure to please. Try us. ,' "UNI" SMOKE HOU8E. 1132 O STREET ! TheACME 't - . Bowline Billiards, Pool and Cigars The Finest Place fh the Wosi. 934 P Street MEMMEN CANNON CO. r JuriIor"ha'td niay be 'ordered 'from thef committee or at Mayer Bros. Orders' ,.shjjji be otJen;Jn;al (Jticg, asfthor- ' ders wiu'be sent next week. ' J FnynFpnF'yp'F'FTHnF'pFE r BUSINESS DIRECTORY vary Iral University Btadaaft U mrf4 to patroalaa theaa Hebrai kaa advertisers, and to taeatloa ta. paper wall delaf I I t M(jBbkbbh)BrbaflgVtsaBBiLBfBBfsWlBB' itM sf tat k? af 1sVbbb1 ATHLETIC GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co. BANKS First Trust and Savings. Central National. BAKERIES Dalrymple, Folsom, Pe- try. BARBER SHOPS Grand Central, Green's Shops, Marshall, Emmert. BATH HOUSE Chris'. BOOK STORES Co-op; Lincoln; University. CAFE Savoy, Windsor, Sams, Dons, Buds. CLEANERS Wood. CIGARS Cole & McKenna; Matt'a pin (j A BUSINESS COLLEGES Lincoln Bus iness College. CLOTHING Parquhar; Magee & Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. COAL Gregory; WhltebroaBt CONFECTIONERY Dalrymflle; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olympla Candy Co., Rood, Hlrschner-Morse. Folsom. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln, Pitts' DENTISTS Graham, Yungblut, J. R. Davis, Hill. DRY GOODS Herpolshelmer; Miller & Paine. DRUGGISTS Riggs. FLORISTS Chapln; C. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Budd; Magee & Deemer, Mayer Bros., Sterling, O. A. Fulk. GROCERIES Capital Grocery. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. J. C. Bell. HATTERS Budd, Heffley, Lincoln Hat Co., O. A. Fulk. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris; Myers, Tucker, Hallett, Henderson and Hald. LAUNDRIES EvanB; Merchants; LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom. Dalrymple, Hirschner-Morse. OPTICIANS Hallett; MyeTs; Shean. PHOTQGRAPHS Blazek, Hayden, Townsend, Clements. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. ,REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch? Buds; .Camerona;1 Church; Climax;' , Dons; Dickinsons; Francis Bros.; Sams; Windsor; Elam's. SHOES Beckman Bros; Cincinnati Hereford & Petty; Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. TAILORS Backstrom; DreBher; El liott; Heffley; Herzog; Ludwfg; Scotch Wollen Mills, Union College Tailors. TELEGRAPH S C H O O L Western Telegraph School. THEATERS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; Lyric, Bijou, Wonderland, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood, Sun. KEYS Thorp. BIOKSTROM COMPANY EXCLUSIVE TAILORS 1320 N St., Lincoln, Neb. LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY ' 1138 N St. Social nights Mon. and Frid., 8 to 11 Beginner's night, Wednesday, 8 to 11 UNI. STUDENTS ESPECIALLY INVITED SELECT CROWD II PaeeT I iIBIBj II I 13 hP9M' I 'Hb'.Jb PJBPBb , .!BS PI n BBaw VsJw. .-ep n IJ DonarA n - Clupeco Shrunk Quarter 8ize,s - m ib cents each: 2 for 28 cents pi f II CJuett, F.CL-Xa,2? j',?'By xA ) PACE THAT WIN8. (Continued from pago one.) Mr. Donald Plumb. Another meeting will be hold tomorrow night at 6:45 and will close in time for the girls' basket-ball game. "Dad" Elliott has a sincerity and earnestness that must be heard, to bo appreciated and it is hoped every man in the University will attend. HIb subject will be "Some of My Experiences in Ath letics and in Life." (Continued from pago one.) Vera Bargor; guardB, Nellie Stephen son (captain), Anne Watt, Hattio Rol lings. It Is not certain, yet which of these are to play and which to be sub stitutes. The Nebraska team has been trained mainly by MIbs Ina Gittings. Between the halves of the game a small advanced gymnasium class will give the tambourine dance and one of the Swedish folk dances. Miss Adams .will give the "Maid of the Mist dance, originating with Professor Gilbert of Boston, and very popular at present with eastern gymnasium classes. Patrons and patronesses for .the game tonight are Governor and Mrs. G. L. Sheldon, Prof, and Mrs. E. H. Barbour, Col. and Mrs. F. M. Bills, Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Tuttle, and Miss Anna Rogers. The Minnesota players have been entertained during their stay as fol lows: Miss Loberg at the Alpha Omf cron PI house, Miss Shlely and MIbs Ericson at the Kappa Alpha Theta house, Miss Ueland at the Alpha Phi house, MIsb Neilson at the Chi Omega house, Miss Newton and Miss Fleming at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. EXCHANGES. Three hundred and eighty men have registered for admission to Dartmouth with the class of 1912. This is an in crease of ninety over last year, at this same date. The faculty athletic committee at Pennsylvania has passed a rule limit ing the number of indoor athletic meets in which their track athletes may compete.. The Andover Theological Seminary, one of the oldest theological schools in the country, will be removed to Cambridge next fall and become affili ated with the Harvard Divinity School. The girlB of the University of UEF cago recently "gOtrout an Issue of the Daily Maroon, as a special leap-year number. No mere man was allowed a hand in the preparation of the issue. At Syracuse a squad of several uni formed .policemen patrolled the cam pus one day last -week to quell a dem onstration that one of the city papers had said was being planned on the, occasion of the trial of several stu dents, arrested for alleged participa tion in a theater riot. No disturbance resulted, and the polipemen were called off. ijo committee of faculty members of the University' of Minnesota, who' were appointed to investigate whether or not the students were being over worked in that institution, have re ported that instead of being over worked, they are not worked enough. What the students lack, they say, Is system in school work. The students, In order to break even "with the fac ultyalso put a qommittee to work siz ing up the faculty. The report of the student committee ,is thatrtho faculty, as a whole, is underworked. vJrt i9tV smhsaV courses: Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, English, Penmanship, 4,0. Lincoln Business Cflltgt HAW THE EVANS Do Your Washing L. J. HERZOG tk WHVHt4n mm' tjulh 'Thm Mmmi ww k Ioa ami ft 1 right. OaU at eeir mw . 1130 O Si! Uneeln Telegraphy,.. Is a lucrative occupation and a great educator. Positions secured when proficient.' Qasces three nights a-weeku Western. Telegraph School . 1134 0 SI Bell A 2311. MHUHPaplRi to I t, 0 'Si CfcbcolaUs Bon TIm Dfw 'OetMfw UNIVERSITY JEWELER 4 OPTIOJAH C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr. S.S. Shean OPTICIAN H.I I STREET. YELUWFIIIT w-... Mimii a.ii.M-i WW PPBa ejeeiepjw TWliWei QftfafiHMws BeeBP'eVeakMV'iPeeeeeeeeeefaeeeeeB!MrpV aH VPa,. DP.lB'iBeBWPal Plal aW''e'WPBP''''a4CVPlall BBVaVJpeTeSeHtaejeaVpVPJB)aMaaeefi