The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 21, 1908, Image 1
. . j&be 3)atl$ IFlebraekan Voi.vnr.No. no. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, MARCH 2J, J9C8. Price 5 Cents. PACE THAT WINS OIlKilllliOOK "OYM" EXHIBITION ANNUAL C0NTE8T8 TOBE HELD 8ATURDAY EVENING. I T'. ri.uvri LECTURE BY "DAD" ELLIOTT AT h 1 TEMPLE LA8T NIGHT. Meeting Presided Over by Dr. Condra -Vocal 8olos Rendered by Mlsa Vera Upton and Donald Plumb. "Dad" Elliott, International secre tary for the Y. M. C. A., gave his lec ture, "The "Pace That Wins," to quite a large audience of University men at -the -Temple last night. The. meeting opened at 7 1 00 o'clock and lasted until 8:30. The audfqnce joined In singing several hymns under the leadership of Mr. Kettrldge, after which MIsb Vera Upton rendered two very beautiful yocal solos. The speaker of the even ing was Introduced by Dr. Condra', who plead that the young men present llaten with unbiased minds and in Sympathetic attitude to what Mr. El liott) .a man of high standing when In the University and broad experience ija life since leaving, had to say. Mr. Elliott said in part: "However we may disagree on some things, on principles, or on creeds, all of you young men here must admit one thing, that you are all Interested In making your lives a success, or you would not be here In the University. And I want to say that never -in the history of the -human race has there been such a premium on strong Chris tian character as now. This is evi denced everywhere in the secular press. The thing demanded in busi ness now Ib responsibility, financial and moral. If a young man goes to a city now to get a position, he Is re quired to give a bond and references to men of character whom he knowB. These men are sent lists of questions which read as if the young man were trying to join a church, but this is only straight business. Once in then position the man's every act is watched and often the thoughtless acts of a single night blacklist a man for life In a-buBinessuway. "It Is the business ofevery mani to know the code of right living, as ex emplifledin the life of Christ just as much as mis of an engineer to know the code of right-railroading. We must not be guided by what we think is right, or even by our consciences, but by what is right. "It is in the University that It is determined what kind of men you are to be. But one man in nine ever changes his character after leaving cdllege. I wonder what Bome of you are .coming to when I think of some of the practices in this University con nected with University politics. .Many tthings have been excused in students which are not tolerated in others. Why point the finger of scorn at cheating, lying, and buying votes In real life and laugh at them In school? "It is time that we begin to stand on principles of Christian living and do right because It is right. It is time that you begin to translate the principles of Christ into actual living on the University campus." The meeting closed with a solo by (Continued on page 3.) 5ivW basket Ball fl&inneeota ve. Gymnasium, 8 p. m. THE GAME TONIGHT. Arrival of the Minnesota Players In Lincoln. The girls of the Minnesota basket; ball team reached Lincoln yesterday morning at eleven o'clock. A large number of NebraBka girls were on hand to receive them, aB well as Mrs. Clapp, the director of the woman's gymnasium, and Miss Pound, the man ager of the team. The visitors were taken to the University in automo biles, after a short spin about the city, and from the University went to their various destinations lor luncheon and rest after the trip. Yesterday afternoon, from four till five o'clock, University girls and others were given a chance to meet the players of both teams at a very pleasant Informal reception at the University Temple. Among the ladles of the faculty present were" Mrs. Bar bour, Mrs. Frye, Mrs. Richards, Mrs. Wlllard, Mrs. Barker, Mrs. Raymond, Miss Howell, Miss Kennard, the head of the dormitory, and others. Ices were served by Mrs. Barbour and Mrs. Richards, assisted by a number of young ladles. The room was prettily decorated, and thronged with playerB and visitors, made an attractive sight. Last evening the Kappa Alpha Theta girls gave an Informal dance In honor of the Minnesota team. About "twenty couples were present At noon today, the Nebraska and Minnesota teams are to have luncheon together at the Lincoln hotel. The Minnesota line-up -for tonlghtU?nlted i?8- At Present ho Isat will probably be as follows: Forwards, Miss Newton (captain), Miss Shiely; center, Miss Loberg; guards, Miss Ueland, Miss Ericson; substitutes, Miss Neilson, Miss Fleming. -The girls have been trained by Mr. Oscar Wod rich, the trainer of the Minnesota men'ti team. The Nebraska players tonight will bo five of the following Forwards, Mossle Kimmel, Mattle Woodworth, Beulah Rader; center, (Continued on page three.) 0KK)0K)KCHCHK 8 EXPERIENCES FROM ATHLET- I ICS AND BUSINESS i A ADPRESS BY I DAD ELLIOTT " SATURDAY, TEMPLE AUDITORIUM 5 645r8tJ5 P. M.' omooooOKHpow flebraefta J Saturday, March 21 TENNIS PRACTICE BEGIN8. Officers of the Club Intercollegiate wonicsis r-roposcu. v inpse wnoBo aiuaies in me aorary have lately been broken in upon by such cries from the west side as "Outside," or "Love, fifteen," probably know that with the spring days of the last week the tennis devotees are again out. Though it is rather early and the courts are in poor shape aB yet, several men are playing regularly and the club hopes to schedule some intercollegiate contests before the semester is over. The officers of the tennis club are: H. G. McComb, president; H. D. Young, manager, and Tt. E. Campbell, secretary and treasurer. The fee Is one dollar for the semester and one dollar extra for those who intend to play next year. TJiIs rule' is for the benefit of the seniors who did not wish to pay the full fee of two dollars for the short time that they will be In school. The first contest will prob ably be with Kansas. Gets Appointment. Mr. Leslie L. Zook, '07, who has been employed, by the Field Crops depart ment of the University and stationed at the State Farm, has recently ac cepted a government position under Mr. Hartley, who has charge of all the United States government corn experi ments west of the Mississippi river. Mr. Zook will have charge of corn growing in the western part of the xuma, Arizona, wnere no win remain for a brief period. Minnesota University has dropped George Capron, the great athlete, irom its rolls and will not allow him to re enter until September. It Is not known whether his absence will bar him from participation in football next fall. t Pies like mother tried to make. Baked fresh twice a day by an expert woman pie baker, at The Boston Lunch. Championship Wrestling Contest to Be Added This Year Preliminaries to Be Held at Early Date. The coming annual gymnastic ex hibition which takes place in the Armory next Saturday ovening fs arousing a great deal of interest. There is to bo a now addition to the regular program this yoar In the form of a championship wrestling contest so dubboduuu ui uuiuiug sucn a con test comes from Dr. Clapp and it seomsvto be meeting with the approval of all whoaro interested in this very exciting branch of athletics. The pre liminaries for the championship will be held before homLso that only the finals will be loft for the night of the gymnastic exhibition. . All the wrestling matchesNwlll bo pulled oft under the A. A. U. ujes, which will do away with tho excessive roughness of professional matches. The A. A. U. rules bar such holds as the "full Nelson," the "hammer-look," the "strangle-hold" and all others that endanger life or limb. Consequently men need not hesitate to enter for fear if tiatnfv ln4tttA1 r V The matches are open to all stu dents of the University regardless of weight, except professionals. The time limit of tho contest will bo short so that a man will not have to be in ex tra good condition to entqr. Another advantage of the short time limit-is that the bouts will bo more lively. In professional contests where no time limit is sot, the wrestlers usually loaf a good deal of the time in order to rest This will not be the case in a ten-minute bout, because even a good wrestler -will-have to hustle to throw an Inferior one In so short a time. The first round of the preliminaries will-be -held in the Armory this after noon at 2 o'clock. Anyone who is in terested should be .there at that time. Another number on the program of the exhibition will be an exhibition 'in fencing by a special class. -The-mem-. bers of this class are requested by Dr. Clapp to meet in tHe Armory today at' four o'clock. Juniors. All Juniors wishing to try out for the ' class relay team for the interclass re lay race at the gymnastic exhibition, !will meet In the Armory at 4 o'clock, p. m. on Monday, Wednesday and Frl-. day of next week. - .' 1 C. W. HUGHES, Captain. nonce. The Auditing Committee of the Senior class has been delegated to collect 25 cents from each member of the class for Ivy Day funds. Please turn this money into the Nebraskah office. W. R. KING. At Ann Arbor the attendance at church last Sunday was JO per ont of the student body. Only 1 per cent of the population! of Ann Arbor attended church. I I I I t .