X THE DAILY NBBRA6KAN K I ,iA' Oliver Theatre Ffcl., SAT. & SAT. MAT., MCH. 20-21 "BIG HEAR f ED JIM" EVE., 50, 35 & 25c. MAT., 25 nnd 10c WED. MAT. &. EVE., MARCH 25. "A Knight For a Day" THURSDAY NIGHT, MARCH 26 45 Minutes From Broadway SATURDAY NIGHT, MARCH 28 Francis Wilson LYRIC THEATRE MATINHE 3 P. M. EVE. 7t45 & 9:00 PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CENTS RICHARD BARRY and VIRGINIA JOHNSON Offer their Latest Travesty "Held for Ransom" ILLUSTRATED SONG "When the Blue Birds Nest Again, Sweet Nellie Gray" THE TRANS-ATLANTIC FOUR High Class Comedy Singing Act PETE GRIFFIN Singing Comedian TWO LEVONOS Popular Entertainers MAJESTIC Wirt CwwuiclirMiiila), Mch. 16 FULTON STOCK CO. , . -IN- . The Beautiful Irish Comedy Drama "Kathleen IIILavourneen 39 Evening prices 15c and 25c Matinees, Wed. and Sat . . 15c beats rcavd, Box office opoiiM 11 a. m. SI flUYLER'S Chocolates and Bon Bons. TIm Dff CfttUtv CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK TWELFTH AND 0 STREETS P. L. HALL, Prbsldont P. E. JOHNSON, Vico-President BSMAN O. FOX, Cashier, W."V7. HACKNEY Jr., Asst. Cashier UNIVERSITY JEWELER k OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr-S.S.Sheaii OPTICIAN Mil STREET. YELLOW FRONT M W rSI- Sj " ).ffjfl.,,,,,,,tfr,l.i w '2 . BUSINESS DIRECTORY B-rjr Ifvy1 tTBlvenlty:8tndt U j rd to patronise thet Nebrti- 4 ( kn d-rtliars, nd temcntlon jj hm paper wbll doing io,..i t i Jt it ATHLETIC GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co., Glrard Cycle Co. BANKS First Trust and Savings. Central National. "ft BAKERIES Dalrymple, Folsom, Pe- try. BARBER SHOPS Grand Central, Green's Shops, Marshall, Bmmert. BATH HOUSE Chris. BOOK STORES Co-op; Lincoln; University. CAFE Savoy, Windsor, Sams, Dons, Buds. CLEANERS Wood. CIGARS Cole & McKenna; Matt'a Place. BUSINESS COLLEGES Lincoln Bus iness College. CLOTHING Farquhar; Magee & Deemer; Mayer -Bros.; Sterling. COAL Gregory; Whltebreast. 1 CONFEQTIONERY Dalrymple; Lin coln Candy Kitohen; Olympia, Candy Co., Rood, Hirschner-MOrse. Folsom. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln, Pitts' DENTISTS Graham, Yungblut, J. R. Davis, Hill. DRY GOODS Herpolsheimer; Miller & Paine. DRUGGISTS Rlggs. FLORISTS Chapln; C. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Budd; Magee & Deemer, Mayer Bros., Sterling, O. A. J Fulk. , GROCERIES Capital Grocery. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. J. C, Bell. HATTERS Budd, Heflley, Lincoln Hat Co., O. A. Fulk. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris; Myers, Tucker, Hallett, Henderson and Hald. LAUNDRIES EvanB; Merchants; LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom, Dalrymple, HIrschner-Morse. OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazok, Jfyyden, Townsend, Clements. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch ; BuJb; Cnmerons; Church; Climax; - Dons; Dickinsons; Francis Bros.; Sams; Windsor; Elam's. SHOES Beckman Bros; Cincinnati Hereford & Petty; Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. TAILORS Backstrom; Dresher; El liott; , Heffley; Herzog; Ludwlg; Scotch" Wollen Mills, Union College Tailors. TELEGRAPH S C I. O O L Western Telegraph School. THEATERS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; Lyric, Bijou, Wonderland, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood, Sun. KEYS Thorp. University Students Ladles and Gentlemen Mijln the market for a new typewriter or desiring to rent one, we wou)d be glad to hare our sales man call and demonstrate the visible Underwood. Yours re spectfully, UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER GO. 714 P St. Bell 348 CINCINNATI . OUT PRIOI 8H0E STORE -AND- Baatrit lata Rtpak Faaiaaf TINE - aM , MMV 1M0 9H ATHLETIC BOARD. (Continued from page ono cares who control athletics. If they elect "N" men, all right, and If they elect others nil right too, but let the old rule stand. A STUDENT. I favor the proposed method of elect ing student members of the athletic board for several reasons. Under the new system all wire pulling and political manlpulat'ons would cease. The best man, all things considered, would then be elected re new members wbuld exert much morj influence with the board than hereto forfore, because the board would know that those student members Were elected by the expressed will of the student body as a whole, and not be the purchased vote of a bevy of girls or the clique vote of some particular crowd. With a stroug representative board composed of athletes who are thor oughly acquainted with their duties, all branches of athletics at our Uni versity would mean more to "barb" and "fraf men nllke. The University Ts larger and more important thnn any of its parts. And keeping the best good of Nebraska above all petty, selfish considerations, let us refuse to take account of wheth er a man be a "frat" man or a "barb" and cast our ballots for candidates on the basis of merit alone. j Every male student has a right to cast his vote for his choice of eligible candidates. Let's pluy fair and give every male student a ballot. We can do no less. Do we not want a student board truly representative because elected by the whole student body, strong with the board because representing the expressed will of all the students, and therefore calculated to broaden nil athletics and deepen our spirit for Nebraska? SIDNEY COLLINS. To Editor of the Nebrnskan A few objections may be brought against the action of the athletic "board in its re cent plan for arranging more general interest in the administration of Uni versity athletics, for this is manifestly the fundamental purpose in the move ment. Some may object to limiting the ! candidacy to "N" men, but In answer, it can be said that this will get rid of much of the "class machine' kind of politics. An "N" man, besides being one willing "to work for and -bio to understand athletic problems, must essentially be more than a L'wurdTpoll tician." Again, some organizations may be unwilling to give up the representa tion they are sure of on the board whenever their "term comes. It may not be generally known that there Is among the fraternities a well organ ized schedule whereby each organiza tion gets its man named as a candi date in a certain order. Five frater nities are represented this year, live different ones next year and so on. Also, contributions to 'the "slush fund" are regulated among the organizations with the same sort of precision. This smacks too much of management. The present scheme alms at elimina tion of factional fights and It is the most plausible and sane ever suggest ed for arousing genuine, broad, enthus iastic Interest In Nebraska athletics an Interest just now particularly needed. J. C. KNODE, '08. Found A fountain pen. Call at Ne braskan office. SAY, BOYS I The girls are wearing mighty fine Tailored Suits this 8prlng. "DO YOU THINK" They want to spend their money for Tailored Suits and go with afetlow wearing a Hand Me Down Suit. "THINK IT OVER." We will give you the Latest Style, Perfect Fit and the Nob biest Assortment of Woolens in the city. $25 and higher. Elliott Bros., Tailors ; 142 South 12th 8t, TheACME Bowline, Billiards, Pail art Clears The Finest Placo In the. West. 934 P Street MEM MEN CANNON CO. Retry Bakery Gq. Baking Orders Filled Promptly! ITHE RICE PDEAD OUR SPECIALTY PHONB UB AND YOUB OBJUR WILL BEOHIVB PROMPT ATTENTION THE FIRST TIHST & SIVINBS MM MR PUD AT H FSB 09NT UNI KftUM-1 a Inm, TMtk ani 0 L. J, HERZOG tie whwhhity mir tjulm Tks fi&est workdoM ad frioss right. iaao oat - Lirf in HAVal THE EVANS Do Your Washing HAIR CUTTING A SPECIALTY THH- Qtilak art Easy larbar Shaa C. WMMERT, Ptfl 201 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET Give me c-H ' .SVBSHftSBBBBlSBSSavaWisssMSrailVBfebv "9" "fBiw 1 T -BBbBbV . LH w am W 11 BMiV aL Q DonarA n 0 ARROW ClOpeco Shruhk Quarter Sizes h 16 cents each: 2 for 28 cents h 1 1 ClatU, Pcslody A On., Mir of Ooett bJ II VU" -- t i Nuo-rco bhlit JJ