itiwauiiiHnffliM ilium i .mirv.r v i.'bBSISHBBP! fl J'vpf TrBrajr Wfc r,-niw v THE DAILY if I W ITT If your clothes are ragged and frayed, see LUDWIG at once Spicial to Students This Wtik HEFFLEYS UNIVERSITY TAILORS and HATTERS 1337 O STREET We're now located in the most beautiful store in the west. We handle the finest HOT PRINKS in the city. Come in and try them. Linctln Candy Kitchen TRK"andO So. west Corner SAM'S CAFE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE BEST t)F EVERYTHING IN SEASON. HENRY CLARKE, Prop MOKSTIOI MIPMY EXCLUSIVE ' TAILORS ii 1320 N Jnlitf Nb at the olectlon. The board that puts this reform through will leave a bright name for Itself In the history of Ne braska University. A STUDENT. METCALFE ADDRESS. (Continued from page one.l Idea which would probably be followed by Cleveland. But Cleveland did not live up to the expectations of the money barons, who defeated him In 1888 by shifting the!r forces to Harrison. HarrlBon was an American to the core and soon brought himseir Into disfavor with the special Interests. News agencies controlled by these Interests at once spread re ports discrediting the acts of the presi dent. These were accepted as the truth by many readers who did not know their origin. Similarly, there is a vast amount or buncombe in the criticism of Presi dent Roosevelt. While the president may do things of which we do not ap provo, yet it is ridiculous to call him insane. The men who apply epithets are those whose speplal interests he has not favored. The same thing is true of Mr. Bryan. For the evils of today, we need an honeBt application of government, the withdrawal of the special interest, the destruction of buncombe, and the abolishment of special privileges all this wltn the view of keeping the pow er In. the hands or the people. This reform will be accomplished not with turmoil and bloodshed, but by an hon ost application or the constitution. It does not pay to be deceived, to be carried away by buncombe or raise reasoning. The man who makes n calm, persistent search Tor truth wil! meet it hair way. Honest thinkers will help the kneeling subjects or despair. AriU in all this which lyads to lire, love and truth, we reel the hand or God. Dramatic Club. The date of the Dramatic Club plays, "The Holly Tree Inn" and "Gringoire," which was announced as March 21, has been changed to March 28. These ploys wil be given in the Temple and the public Is cordially Invited. Members or the senior class desiring pictures without cap and gown are en tled to the Cornhusker rate. Town send. Decoy Burnett returned Trom a fly ing trip to his home at McCook. The rolks are all well, he says. "Townsend Panel" a style and ef fect in portraiture that speaks for itself. - Today the Famous display of Easter millinery. Your inspection solicited. The best place to eat In town Is at Dons Cafe-114 So. Eleventh street. Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house, Eleventh and P streets? Clements' photos are, tfee best. Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh. Marshall, students' barber. Corner Thirteenth and 0 under Famous. Hayden, photographer, special rateB to students. 1127 0 street. Go to Mrs. J. C. Bell, hairdresser, for chiropody. Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P Beckman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. st. Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12.. Dalrymple's dainty delicacies. C. H. Frey, florist, 133 O St Eat at Elam$. OLIVER WEDNESDAY, Mat. and Night, March 8 Honry Miller prfsonts HENRY WOODRUFF in the Original American College Play New York 380 NIGHTS This attraction is the only College play carrying the Endorsement of Every Big University in America. Seats Now Selling. The Harvard Medical School nB and research In the various brandies of medicine probably tmetroated In this country. Of the five buildings, four aro devoted entirely t? fan oratory teaching and research. Numerous hospitals f afford abundant on portunltles for clinical instruction In medicine and surgery? arUumlnnt P COURSE FOR THE DEGREE OF M. D. A four years' course, open to bachelors of arts, literature nhllosonhv or science ami to persons of equivalent standing, leads to the .degree M IX The studies of the fourth year are wholly elective; they Include laboA- bmnchcH?0018, eenenU med,clne' scnal "rzry and the special SlXal tL1C J?0?1 sch?0!, year extends from October 1. 1908, to Juno 2 1909 The diploma of University of Nebraska is accepted for admission. For detailed announcement and catalogue, address HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL, Boston, Mass. Gregory's Semi -Anthracite $7.50 FOR FURNACES GREGORY THE COAL MAN AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK BLD6. 132 N, I Id STREET Frats and Sororities When in Needof Coal .call" and see the WHITEBREAST CO. " We will treat you right. Phones, Bell 234 , Auto 3228 Office U 06 O Street. PLEASE If youjiave nojt paid your subscription, please let the matter have you early attention. $1.00 for second semester. Oce open daily 2 to 5, room 7 Administration gliding. : : : THEATRE Harvard CHICAGO 250 NIGHTS 10 CLINKER II SLATE PYY UP! Jf (,