THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN Oliver Theatre TsO - A V MATINEEf 2:3a P VUnT TONIGHT, 8:15 HENRY WOODRUFF In the Original College Play 'BROWN OF HARVARD" Mat, $1.00 to 50c. Night, $1.50 to 50c FR)., SAT. & SAT. MAT., MCH. 20-21 "BIG HEARTED JIM" EVE., 50i.35,& 25c- MAT., 25 and 10c WED.'MAT. & EVE.', MARCH 25. "A Knight for a Day" LYRIC THEATRE MATINEE 3 P. M. EVE. 7:45 & 9:00 V ' ' PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CENTS . RICHARD BARRY and ? - VIRGINIA JOHNSON Offer their (Latest Travesty "Held for Ransom" ILLUSTRATED SONG "When the Blue Birds Nest Again, Sweet Nellie Gray' THE TRANS-ATLANTIC FOUR High Class Comedy Singing Act PETE GRIFFIN Singing Comedian TWO LEVONOS Popular Entertainers MAJESTIC Week CeMenoing Monday, Mch. 16 FULTON STOCK CO. IN Tho Beautiful Irish Comedy Drama "Kathleen Mavourneen 95 Evening prices 15c and 25c Matinees, Wed. and Sat 15c boats reavd, Box office opeim 1 1 n. in. i BUSINESS DIRECTORY Kvary Loyal University Stadeat U j argad to patronise these Nebrai- if kan advertliera, and to mention jj the pape while doing no, t i t U 41 ATHLETIC GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co., Girard Cycle Co. BANKS First Trust and Savings. Central National. BAKERIES Dalrymple, Folsom, Pe try. BARBER SHOPS Grand Central, Green's ShopB, Marshall, Emmert. BATH HOUSE Chris'. BOOK STORES Co-op; Lincoln; University. CAFE Savoy, Windsor, Sams, Dons, Buds. CLEANERS Wood. CIGARS Cole & McKenria; Matt'a Place. BUSINESS COLLEGES Lincoln Bus iness College. CLOTHING Farquhar; Magee & Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. COAL Gregory; Whltebreast. CONFECTIONERY Dalrymple; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olympla Candy Co., Rood, Hirschner-Morse. Folsom. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln, Pitts'. DENTISTS Graham, Yungblut, J. R. Davis, Hill. DRY GOODS-Herpolshelmer; Miller & Paine. DRUGGISTS Riggs. FLORISTS Chapln; C. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Budd; Magee & Deemer, Mayer Bros., Sterling, O. A. Fulk. GROCERIES Capital Grocery. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. J. C. Bell. HATTERS Budd, Heffley, Lincoln Hat Co., O. A. Fulk. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris; Myers, Tucker, Hallett, Henderson and Hald. LAUNDRIES Bvann; Merchants; LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom. Dalrymple, Hirschner-Morse. OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazek, Hayden, Townsend, Clements. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch ; Buds; Camerons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons: Francis Bros.;' Sams; Windsor; Elam's. SHOES Beckman Bros; Cincinnati Hereford & Petty; Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. TAILORS Backstrom; Dresher; El liott; Heffley; Herzog; Ludwlg; Scotch Wollen Mills, Union College Tailors. TELEGRAPH S C H O O L Western Telegraph School. 'THEATERS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; Lyric, Bijou, Wonderland, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood, Sun. KEYS Thorp. ATHLETIC BOARD. (Continued from page one.1 know what they are paHBlng on. There are "frat" and "non-frat" ath letes In this school who aro able to act oh that board and who will draw equally strong from both elements, and these are the men who should bo chosen to represent ub in' the control of our athletics. JAS. B. HARVEY. HUYLER'SI Chocolates and i Bon Bona. H Tin Dntf CutUft. CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK TWELFTH AND 0 STREETS P. L. HAtL, President P. E. JOHNSON, Vice-President BEMAN O. FOX, Cashier, W, 'JVvHACKNEY JrT; Asst, Cashier L University Students Ladies and Gentlemen If in the market for a new typewriter or desiring to rent one, wo would be glad to have our sales man call and demonstrate the -visible Underwood. Yours re- spectfully, UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER GO. 714 P St. Bell 348 UNIVERSITY JEWELERS OPTICIAN C. A- Tucker JEWELER Dr. S.S. Shean OPTICIAN - 112! 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Yaw fatraaais' tilklM ' CINCINNATI OUT PRIOI oHOESTORi -AND- Efcfkio Shtt Repair Faatary W--MVBS YOU;- r TIME - and - NINIY 1210 tt, ' u Student's Opinion. Editor Dally Nebraskan: The announcement in yesterday'B Daily that the Athletic Board was tak ing stepB to revise the ay at em of elect ing student members, limiting tho vot ing to men, abolishing the twenty-five cent registration fee. and requiring the candidates to be "N" men, Is the moBt welcome athletic news tho paper baa printed this year. It means a re form that will restore the student body to participation in the government of Its athletlcB, in wlilcb the larger part of them have bad no vojee for Beveral years. The old system of election, what ever Its merits, produced more "frat" and "barb" partisanship, more atten dant bad feeling and corruption, more alienation of student support from the board, ami more bad reputation for the University among Nebraska people at large, than wo could afford to stand. It received its Indictment when the "slush-fund" campaign, made possible by it, went through, and the disgust which that notorious and odorous epi sode gave the moBt of the student body was fittingly demonstrated In the last two elections, when one hundred votes and sixty votes were cast, out of twenty-five hundred eligible voters, and with a normal vote In other years of five or bIx hundred. Think of electing student members of a board which controls our athletic policy, and spends nearly ten thousand dollars a year, with sixty votes! "Disgusted ,v is a fair expression of the majority of Btudent opinion, for the falling off or five-sixths of the normal vote for the last two elections was almost entirely due to the conscientious boycotting of the election by students who could Bee no other wny to force tho Athletic Board to recognize their proteate against the system. Past athletic boards, whose student members were benefiting by the sys tem as It existed, refused to reform, through short-sightedness and selfish ness. Tho present board deserves credit, therefore, for the patriotic wisdom which makes It realize that it must ally with it the support and, enthusi asm of the students. An nthletlc field subscription by students will never amount to anything, unless the stu dents help to elect the board which will spend the money. The board de serves credit if it takes this step, which will permit the students to chooBe really representative members and to hold an election without a "frat"" and "barb" contest, without "slush funds," without "buying .girl votes," without dlsfranchising-the self respecting members of tho student body. The board's proposed reform is prac tical. It -limits the voting to men; not 2 per cent of the girls of tho school want to vote or have ever voted at this election unless some man or some "slush fund" paid their registra tion fee. It abolishes the trouble-making 25-cent fee; only fifteen dollars was realized from this source by the .board last year, and twenty-five the 'year before, a ridiculous sum for the 'board to take, in lieu of student sup port, seeing that it must raise ten (thousand dollars a year lor athletics, almost entirely by virtue of such sup port and co-operation. It limits tho .student members to "N" men. This ;is a statesmanlike proposal. -It at once destroys the possibility of divid ing the University into two camps, with a "frat" ticket and a "barb" ticket, and centers the candidates on well-known individuals, whom we stu dents can choose between with some fair discrimination. "N" men may be jsure of receiving student support as they merit it, without reference to whether they are "frats" or "non Ifrats." It is well known that there is a.Pan ;Hellenic agreement that certafn fra iternities on alternate years Bhall f'havo" a member on this board: it jwill be a welcome change to not have to choose between the favored sons of ROB v jyB ' kv'vffvvBaaai WWWW "jl xJuer wKSl. aal kBaaaaavwBHaaaawjijBaVBfli HHHKHkvkHakVBaaajivaaaaisBj EVERYTHING IN Sporting Goods Spiojif DUituntfa Studtnts GIRARD CYCLE COMPANY, 140 North 14th St. TheACME lowling, Billiards, Pail and Cigars Tho Finest Placo in tho West. 934 P Streot MEM MEN CANNON CO. Petry Bakery Co. BWng Orders JlHad Promptly HMC RICE iDCADWK'SrTCrALTY PHONB UB AND YOUB OBD1R WILL BKOKIVB PROMPT ATTENTION ym T.J.THORPSCO. Rusbcr Stamps, Stencils, Seals, Trade Chicks, Key Lscksn) thing. General aahlas Werks, Matfe) Makers, Etc MS Mm, lltfc, LImmIb C A LLt N G CARDS 817 80UTH TWELFTH ST. THE FIRST TtSST & SAVINBS BANK I MB Ml PAID AT tt PEB OKNT rfNt'NUeal Sank Reame, Tenth aril 0 LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY -1139 N St. Social nights Mon. and Frid., 8 to 11 Beginner's night, Wednesday, 8 to 11 UNI. STUDENTS ESPECIALLYINVITED SELECT CROWD- L. J. HERZOG the umvEmmr mm' tailor Th flnsat work dona aad price right Oall at omr bow atorev it30 o an. Llnejoln "WwUti DonarA - iJia. fa iTa at"VA. Jv AVIV1VV TY ,,.1 CLUPECO SHRUNK UUARTER SIZES IB CENTS EACHra FOR '28 CENTS LliwtL'PMbodr A.Cn. ' Mikrtmof Cluott And II .r v- ' JlCBftTtU BOUT ". l different fraternities or not vote at all