Xlbe 3aih flebraekan V , VoUVU. No. J07. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH J8, J908. Price 5 Cents. ATHLf TIC BOARD WHAT STUDENT8 THINK OF PRO P08ED CHANGE. METCALfTS TALK WELL-KNOWN EDITOR DELIVER8 EXCELLENT ADDRESS. u . Claude AlcJen, James B. Harvey, and a "Student" Have Pertinent Re marks on Situation. In response to yesterday's article In the Nebraakan, the following self-explanatory letters have been received: March 18, 1908. To the Editor of the Dally Nebraskan: I notice In yesterday's paper that the Athletic Board contemplates changing the qualifications and plan of electing the student members of the board. This plan is by far the wisest and most important change In ath letics since I have been In school. It will do away entirely with factional fights. The men who will represent the student body will not only be the most popular men in school, but, since they will be "N" men, will be able and willing to devote more time and thought to the direction of athletics than many have In the past. The present system is a farce. When pnly forty votes out of a body of al most 3,000 students are cast it is either because there" Is a lack of interest or something is radically wrong with the plan of election. Owing to the fact that in the past two years hardly a single vote by a girl has been cast, and that girls take practically no part In intercollegiate athletics, the plan to eliminate the girls' vote Is for the best interests of athletics. By barring all except "N" men from the board, the students are assured that the men they elect will take an active, capable part in the affairs of the board. The removal of the twenty-live cent tax will stop entirely the fraternity-barb contests which ' have been so detrimental to athletics In the past. In endorsing the planias submitted in yesterday's paper, I am sure that I express the sentiment of a large ma jority of the students. Respectfully, CLAUDE ALDEN, 08. From an "N" Man. To the Dally Nebraskan: ' The Athletic Board's desire to know the opinion of the students In regard to the adoption of the new plan of election of student members 'of the board warrants mo In expressing the following opinion: The general inter est of the student body has not been maintained In athletics because of the partisan politics which have had such control heretofore. It was useless to attempt to work up any other element which had for Its motive the selecting of men better qualified for the posi tion. " ' Our athletics are .controlled by the board 'and the students should be al lowecP&irequal chance. in the selecting of their representatives. Politics should be eliminated and the candi dates be men who draw equally strong from "all elements of the" University. These candidates should also be men who are thoroughly 'acquainted with the inside interests of athletics and (Continued on page 3.) University Cadet Band Concert March 27 T E M P L Adm, 25c XO0OmKXIKmmW MINNESOTA GIRLS. Players of Long Experience and in Good Condition The Nebraska Team Improving Daily. Word has been received that the Mlnnosota girls' basket ball team will arrive Friday morning over the Bur lington from Omaha, in charge of Miss Anne Butner, director of the women's gymnasium. The players expected are as follows: Miss May Newton, cap tain, and left forward. Miss Newton has played two years on the 'varsity team, and for three years played on the St. Paul Central high school team. Miss Mary Shlely, guard, a senior and member of Alpha XI Delta fraternity. Miss Shiely played one year on the St. Paul Central high school team, three years on the 'varsity squad, and one year on the 'varsity team proper. Miss Lou Fleming,- forward, senior. Miss Fleming played on the 'varBlty squad two years, and on the 'varsity team two years. Miss Marie Neilson, guard, junior. Miss Neilson played on the St. Paul Central high school team one year, and has played on the 'var sity team one year. Miss Elsie Wel and, center, a junior, and a member of Alpha Phi fraternity. Miss Weland played on the Minneapolis Central high school team one year, and has played on the varsity team one year. Miss Ruth Ericson, guard, freshman. Miss Ericson played two .years on the Minneapolis South Side high school team. Miss Nellie Loberg, center, freBhman. Miss Loberg played three years "oh the Minneapolis-South Side high school team. Mr. Oscar F. Woolrlch, the trainer of the team, and the one who trained the Minnesota men's team, which ad ministered so overwhelming a defeat recently to the Nebraska men's team, will accompany the Minnesota girls, and serve as umpire during the game. Mr. Wxolrich has been a -member of the Minnesota 'varsity football, basket ball and track teams. The manager of basket ball at Minnesota, Mr. Day F. C)K)K0)WDC4KJ Engineering 1 APRIL 3 f Fraternity Hall Abbott's Orchestra 4ttHtfKJKQK E THEATRE Reserved Seats 35c Okes, will also accompany the team. Both gentlemen are members of Sigma Chi. It Is conceded that the Nebraska players have "had nothing like the ex perience with the game of the Minne sota players, being only recently or ganized; also that the team Is no where near so strong as that which defeated the Minnesota players so de cisively in their visit hero In 1904. Nevertheless, the Nebraska girls have been showing up pretty well lately In practice, and their trainer, Miss Inn Glttings, expresses herself as well pleased with their progress. They are weakest in size, most of the players being very small, and In endurance; the latter deficiency being due to the short time they have been in training. LAW MASS MEETING. Receipts From the Law Hop Applied to Baseball. Baseball In the law school is now a settled matter. At a mass meeting yesterday, President Helnke of the Seniors presiding, it was voted to ap ply the balance left from the'Law Hop to the Bupport of the team. Manager Randall has already scheduled several games one with the "U" team for Saturday afternoon, one with Wes leyan the 28th, while Doane,. Bellevue and Peru are being negotiated with. If the Conference rules appl yto fresh men this year on the 'varsity squad, the Laws will make -the1 rest of the University departments go some. With men like Stevenson and Decatur In the box, Stutzenegger and Greenslit behind the plate, Jessup and Randall on first, and others-who have not yet worked out,there can be no limit to good prospects. Practice has already begun. ', Baked beans, baked on the prem ises and' served hot with delicious brown bread, 10c, at The Boston Lunch. ' Found A fountain pen. Call at Ne braskan office. Soc'y- Hop Admission $1 Limited to 80 at JF a j Draws References From the Nation's Political History to 8how What Buncombe Is and How ll Acts. "Buncombe" was the subject of an address by Richard L. Metcalfe, asso ciate editor of the "Commoner," at convocation yesterday morning. Ac cording to Mr. Metcalfe, bnncombo Is the action of tho man who is self, deceived and who seeks to deceive others. Applying this definition to tho acts of politicians and pplltlcal par ties, the speaker drew numerous Illus trations of practical buncombe. He said: Every victory won on a false state ment or on pledges not fulfilled causes the sincere man Increased difficulty In tho furtherance of his reforms. Bun combe Is largely responsible for cynic ism. Once deceived, many men come to believe thnt all things are more or less deceptive. Buncombe covers a multitude of Blna as well as much foolishness. Wo see examples of its use all about us. We hear it argued that tho railroads have developed the country and are therefore not amenable to the laws of th nation. Tho fact that kerosene is cheaper today than it was twenty-flvp years ago is cited as an excuse for the existence of the oil trust Wo are often told that the offlco seeks tho man, yet as a matter of fact the offlco Js In hiding and the man Is In desper ate pursuit. All these thlngp are bun combe. Likewise, although sincere de votion to the flag is admirable, a cheap appeal to patriotism Js nothing more than ouncombe. In this day when the newspapers, many of them owned by the special Interests, soabuse.the privilege, the "liberty of the press" Is mere buncombe. Ther presidential campaign of 1896 was noted for its buncomber It was claimed that tho- iriysteriouB "16 to 1" represented tho principles of the hi metallists. This phrase, as a matter of fact, stood not for the principle, but for the most natural method of bring ing about a realization of the real principle of bl-metalllsm. It is well that the young man JUBt entering upon his citizenship should know that men in republics as well as in monarchies will commit crimes In tho name of liberty. It Is no longer generally-denied that Samuel J. Tilden was entitled to the presidency in I87p, when the office was giyen to Ruther ford B. Hayes by a piece of pplltlcal jobbery. In 1884 when Blaine, repre-' sented'the Republicans and Cleveland led the Democrats, principles gave way to personalities. It required an investigation of several days to de termine which candidate had carried New York state. The contest- was ,' . uuniiy uuiuuu, iii mvur oi uiuvuianu. Many' men believe "that this, was due to .the action bf the moneyed interests who feared Blaine's' tendency to' bi metallism more, than the tariff reform (Continued on page four.) r ' 1 rt