THE DAILY NBBRA8KAN INTER'FRAT MEET' " ' (Continued from -pa go one.) RunnlngHlfllv Jump. , First Rathborieiibj Uii !' Secbnd Russell, D. U. Third Fleming, A T. C. Fourth Davis, A. T. C. 5 ft, i In. , 'Three .Broad Jumps. First DavlB, A. T. C. Second-MqDonald, P. K. P. Third Lloyd, P. K. P. Fourth Collins, D. U. 29 ft. 1 In. w v Running High Kick. Tie Itathoono, D. U.; FJemlng, A. T. C. Third Lloyd, P. K. P. Fourth RuBBell, D. y.. Tug-of-War. First Phi Knppa Psl. Second Alphu Theta Phi. Obstacle Race. First-Phi Kappa Psl. Second Alpha Thotn Chi. The following table Is a summary of the meet, the numbers at the top in dlcatlng the events In the order above given: V f- n 'HENRY WOODRUFF JftU i In the Original College Play !? 'BROWN OF HARVARD" courses: Bookkaiplng, Shorthand, TyMfwritin, Enillsh, Penmanship, A-c. Lincoln Buslntt t Colltji I 1 laliyer Tucafre I HffilH KlSJBtf BeW Mai., $1.00 to 50c. Night, $10o:60c .& . . 'FRI., SAT. & SAJ. MAT., MCH. 20-21 f BIG HEAR FED JIM" EVE:$0, 35 & 25c. MAT., 25 anft 10c t 'i Vfr & .! -WED. MAT. EVE., MARCH 25. rtatftrvhr A?) A.UAM.Wnii.f' " """" "" LU, ' . M , MATINEE 3 P. M. EVE. 7:45 c 9:00 ' PRICES ;TEN AND TWENTY CENTS RICHARD BARRY and;-2?? S VIRGINIA JOHNSON Ll.1 oner tneiratesit irayey. r , "Held for flansom" , . ILLUSTRATED SONG ''When the (Bluc, Birds Nest Again, 'Sweet, Nellie .Gray" I THE TRANS-ATLANTIC FOUR f High Class Comedy Singing Act PETE GRIFFIN Singing Comedian TWO LEVONOS Popular Entertainers MAJESTIC If!!-!!" I U Witk CmiMiclif Miliar, Mch; 16 . i i i FULTON STOCK CO. The "Beautiful Trish Comedy Drama Mavourneen r-r : n ! Evening prices..' 16c and 25c Matinees, Wed. and Sat. . J. v ... 15c ;ftetB rfsdjBoxoffico Pn8 ll a " etc Chocolate) and Bon Bont. J tr Tk. D Chrtttr. rtF A CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK r?V TWELFTH ANnQ, STREETS ' t P. L.-HALL, President P. E. JOHNSON, VJco-Pmsldeut B1MAN C. FOX, Cashier, W. W..HACKNEY Jr., Asst. Cashier '', r- ," V " "jjlK rt ,wjtjTft.r,;F!JNMjtiH UNIVERSITY JEWELEK 4 OPTICIAN , C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr. SiS, Shea n : " -''rtteflSN w HMISTIEH. tELLIWFMIT ii,x . -r i. . k. :; El 3 . tfZ wtrarMjm 1 A. T.G.. P K. P.. D. U A. T. O.. i 11 11 11 BUSINESS DIRECTORY TjrCbjrMt Cnlveraltjr Btodaat la ka r uTrtlsnii aad ( tov natlett k ppr wHlt dplBE so. I I I lk Ef .EC Etf 1 Etf. Ef .Ef .Etf Etf Lf .EcEtf Ef tElE Ef Ef E Ef Ef Ef E4 Ef Etf ATHLETIC, ,GOOPS Laylor Cycle Co. Glrard CyclaGo. BANKS First Trust and Savings. Central National. BAKERIES Dairy m pie, Folsom, Pe- try. BARBER SHOPS Grand Central, Green's Shops, Aarshall, Emmert. P.ATH HOUSE CbrlB'. BOOK STORES Co-op; Lincoln; University. CAFE Savoy, Windsor, Sams, Dons, Buds. . CLEANERS Wood. CIGARS Cole & McKenna; Matt'a BUSINESS COLLEGES Lincoln Bus iness College. CLOTHING Farquhar; Magee & Deemer;t Mayer Bros.; Sterling. , COAL Gregory; Whitebreast. CONFCTIONERYrfjDalrymple; " Lln cplhjCap'dyKltohen;, Olyiripla Candy .Co., -Rood, KHJr9hner4iorse. Folsoni. DANV3Ufer ACADEMY Lincoln, Pitts' DENTISTS Graham. Yungblut, J. R. Davis, Hill. DRY GOODS Herpolsheimer; Miller ft Paine. DRUGGISTS Rlggs. FLORISTS Chapin; C. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Budd; Magee & Deemer, Mayer Bros., Sterling, O. A. Fuik. ; GROCERIES Capital Grocery. HAIR DRESSER .Mrs. J. C. Bell. HATTERS Budd, Heffley, Lincoln Hat Co., O.-A. Fulk. JEWELERS-E. . Elemlng; Harris; Myers, Tucker, Hallett, Henderson . and Hald. . I AUNDRIES Evans ; Merchants ; LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom, v DaTrymple, Uirschner-Morse. OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazek, Hayden, Townsend,. Clements. ' PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch ; Buds; Caraerons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons: Francis Bros.; Sams; Wndsor;xT31ams. ' v SHOES Beckma'n BroB; Cincinnati , Hereford & Petty; Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. TAU-.ORS Backstrom; DreBher; El liott; Heffley; Hereog; -Ludwlg; Scotch Wollen Mills, Union. College Tailors c''v- TELEGRAPH , S C H O O L Western Telegraph School. ' d THBATBRSJewell; Joy-o; Oliver; ,.LyriQ,,BIjop, Wonderland, Elite. .. TYPEWRITERS Underwood, Sun. KEYS Thor 1 11 IV. . ll "m Members ofxlio senior class desiring pictures -AvlthQUt cap -and gown ajo on tied "to theCornhusker "rate. Town send, , K s 4 y - u 9 I 10 I 11 Tot. 4 a a 48 i 1 1 r 3 3 51 -I- I 31 r 21 51 HI 32 I- i r 2 2 32 7 -J 10 11 ll 11 11 1 1 1 11 10 110 8TUDENT BOARD. (Continued from pape one.) partisan flavor. .Men have been elect ed to the board with too little regard for their qualifications. The proposed chnnge Is designed to remedy these conditions. Members of the Athletic Board have expressed a desire to hear from students as to their opinion In the matter. "Jeanne D'Arc." Saturday evening, at the Temple, Miss Alice Howell, head of the Uni versity Elocution department, enter tained a large and appreciative audi ence in her interpretation of Percy McKaye's well known drama, "Jeanne D'Arc." The selection was divided liito live acts, each representing a definite period in the heroine's life. The first act dealt with her childhood and the visitation of her spirit noises. The second act described her visit to the court and the manner of winning the Dauphin, Louis VII, to her side. In the third act she was wounded, but hearkening to the call of her spirit voices, she rallied and raised the selge of Orleans. The fourth act portrayed the army's march to Rhiems and Jeanne's frustration of the plat of La Tremouille against the king. The last act was the strongest of the play. Here was described the maid's tor tures during her imprisonment and trial, the desertion of her ttplrit voices and the friendship of Puc D'Alencon. Miss Howell was at her best and fulfilled the highest expectations of those who were acquainted with her and her former work. Upon a stand in the center of the stage were eigh teen handsome American Beauty roses, a token of the respect and well wishes of her pupils. We Handle a Line of GENTS FURNISHINGS that will suit your- taste arid your pocketbook. Come in and examine our stock, Nebraska Clothing Store M - li. Posky,-Proprleor. i-i ,5i 128 No. 10 St.,' Opposite Postoffice y University Students 6 Ladies and Gentlemen If in the market for a new typewriter or desiring to ren't one, we would be gad to have, our sales man call and demonstrate the visible Underwood. Yours "re spectfully,, r " - ., . UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. m h TheACME j) : i . r Itwllnc, IIHIaNt, Pail and Clf art The Flneit Place In the Weil. 934 P Street MEMMEN CANNON CO. L, J, HBRZOG TIE MWWHmTY UkW TAILOB Tk iet workdoa aad prioM rif ht. OeJl at w mew eior. 1130 Olt - Llnaaln I .!- 44 - C t " - - 'l -H", CINCINNATI 8H0E 8T0RE -AN- laaifii !) Mft)Rtf F aaiafy HA'vaf Vail' TIME - tad iMIY iaaeS4. Pitts' Dancinj School Class nights Advanced, Monday; Beginners, Wednesday and Saturday. Social night Friday. Private clasa every afternoon. Most beautiful hall in Lincoln. -New location, 1124 N street. Auto 5241. :t The girls, are wearing mighty . fine Tailored Suits this 8pring. "DO YOU THINK" , -They want to spend their, meney for Tailored Suits and go with afellow wearingaHand :vMe powr8ult. T ? "THINK IT bvER.''V' We .will give you the Latest tyle, Perfect Ft and the Nob blest Assortment of Woolens .In the city. , $25 ahd, higher. I EXCLUSIVE :: TAILORS g 1320 N St., Llnaain, Na. ;! 0000000C SlOWS h' ' i Elliol Brf , , , . Tailor. VAV4r uzsouy? i2tht$t.'" i J n 'At kl Tfi v',l I "H d Send In your news items to the' " pa.liy. ,N ejjrnskRPr r; .: ato' ivHH4rt'r M-tf'Hv.jiiMi'wrmwH4 -riWZ,?. .W- iti- itr--9rr-s4rf"W U- -Sr- " rJfi U i ,fjv 'mhirn ttmY W T , , V ! rr 't'. t t