IJTOWWWMg SSttS tSS THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I' IH ls ! t.i t h i ?! gbe Palls TRebraeftan V THE PItOPKIlTY OF TJIE UNIVERSITY jDF NEBRASKA. & Lincoln. Jjebraskri'. MUSHED EVERT BAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MBRDAT BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. fttlKlHHtffltfl, 121 M. 14th St. EDITORIAL 8TAFF. .Edltor'ln-Chlef Ross King, '08 Managino Editor O. L. Fenlon, '08 Associate Editor R. L. Harris, 10 , BU8INEB8 STAFF. . ... Martaner'. peorge , M. Wallace, Mo Circulator W. A. Jones, '10 Assistant Circulator...... L. J. Weaver, '10 OFFICE HOURS. Edltor-ln- Chief ...,., 2to 4p.m. Manager v to iu a. m. Editorial and -Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. ' Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 5 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL, NOTICES' will bo charted for at tlio rato of 10 cents per insertion for every fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly be published free Entered at the postofTlco at Lincoln. Nebrnsku. as second-class mall matter under the Act of CortpresB of March 3. 1870. It Ib getting bo that masters of. cere nionleB have to exorcise considerable bravery to avoid being stampeded for dance programs. At the Freshman dance Friday night there was a perfect melee not only about the gentleman distributing programs, but about the ladles. It wasn't Freshmen, olther, who did tho scrambling. Come, let ub be civ ilized. In Bpoaklng at the Y. M. 0. A. feed the othor night of the athletic achieve ments of "Dad" Elliott, Jorgonson said that when in college the International RP9ULTS T EL L ! Wt claim to be the test CLEANERS and DYERS in Lincoln and are Mr to preye it Our methods aro the VERY LATEST' and our work Men the beet that money 'can secure. . "." Wb olean the flneiit dreeieB aad. robes wjoul -danger of fading or shrinking in, any way. Wo also olean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Goods, called for and delivered, AH goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering "and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LI8T. J. C VKQpD CO. Phene Bell 147 1320 N STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone 'Auto 1292 -Btudents' secretary could run a hun dred yards In one and a fifth. When told that the time must have been ten and a fifth, "Jorgy" replied that he know that the man could go some, any .way. Be sure and hear this all around man. He speaka at thcTomplo, Friday evening at seven o'clock. President King of Oberlln, in a ro cenL address to studentB, forcibly ex pressed what he considered the "fine art of living" by expressing ones per sonality on others. He said that he had been asked by a senior what he considered worth while In life, and he had replied, "Be what you ought do what you can enjoy what you - may." If everyone should try to fol low this ndvlse .they wouldn't mlsa much in life. The daylight saloon will be a' good thing for Lincoln, But prohibition would be better. Prohibition ould practically prohibit as far as students are concerned 'and -the students ought to receive no littlo consideration in the mind of the Intelligent 'voter. A good many of the substantial business men of town are 'also saying- that the saloon is not oven a benefit"" to the town commercially. - -it WashlngtonD. C, March 13, 1908. Editor of Daily NehraBkahf Dear Sir: A meeting was held March 10, 1908, In the parlor or the Y. M. C. A. for tho purpose of reviving "The University of Nebraska Club of Washington, D. C," which was organ ized "some twelve yoars ago. About forty members were present, of which number only four or five had belonged to the old organization. The former constitution was adopted and the fol lowing officers olocted: President, Hon. E. M. Pollard, House of Representntivs. First vice-president, Dr. B. H. Han sen). Second vice-president, F. K. Nellson. Secretary, P. R. Jones. Treasurer, MIbs Adeline Ames. Executivo Committee Mr. L. J. Pep perburg, chairman; Dr. Horen Met calf, Mr. C. W. Melick, Mrs. L. L. Harter, Miss Ida Bengston. Aftor the business, a "Nebraska Feed" was in order, interspersed with Nebraska yells. The following mem bers were present: W. V. Shear, '01. W. P. Sterns, '95. M.C. Hall, '06. Dr. C. L. Shear, '97. C. G. Bates, '07. A. W. Sampson, '07. Frank Edgerton. W. Heald, '0f. Mr. Fisher. Mr. Woodruff. P. P. TIele, '97. C. W. Melick, '04. W. B. Hunter, 'J)7. Mr. Quinn. Mr. Calvert. MIsb Adeline Ames, '03. EUJ. Nellson. '02. E. E. Gillespie, '90. P. A. Ewlng, '07. U h. Harter, '03. Dr. B. H. Ransem. '99. P. R. Jones, '07. Mrs. L. L. Harter, '03. L. L. Zook, '07. Dr. G. G. Hedgecock,'99. C. A. Sunderlln, '07. Dr. Horen 'MeTcalf, '03. . G. B. McDonald, '07. Denton Slaughter, '07. A. F. Woods, '90. Dean.iV. Winchester, 'OG. A. J. Hazelwood, '07. " MIbs Cora Thomas, '79. Miss Ida Bengston, '03. J. C. Crawford, '03. W. D. Hunter, '02. L, J. Pepperberg. , Mrs. Horen Metcalf. ' Mrs. G. G. Hedgecock. Mrs. W. V. Shear. Mrs. Fisher. Mrs. Woodruff. Mrs. C. W. Melick. G, A. Pearson. The University of Nebraska Club of Washington, D. C, sends greeting to its Alma Mater and gives three .Rahs and a Tiger. Very; truly your, PAUL R. JONES, '07. Secretary. Bureau of Entomology, 'Washington, D. C. Two months more of school. Iet ub have your duplicate order for pictures as soon a8.r"pp88lble,, .Tqwnsend, 1 U' '.-.., 'i HP-Tlie grasp of tho clasp is easy. It's WST flat the only obso-, jutcjy iiai cinsp gnner ? ii tho Rrlehton. Milll- 'r72 ons of men know .this buy n IJW Vim n,i1 iinf tl,m. 'Inn irnr irl ii there, and they coit only ft quarter a pair. Remember It. tmUM MiTCRMR Ct 71l Mum St., Pwutarsu e&z 7ri s r ObA Bell 456 UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. Tuesday, March 17. 11 a. m. Memorial Hall. Richard L. Metcalfe on "Buncombe." 11:00 a. m. U. 211. Tennis Club meets. Thursday, March 19. 11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall. Senior clnss meets. Friday, March 20. 7:00 p. m. Temple. A. J. Elliott, International Students' Secretary for the Y. M. C. A. Saturday, Marhc 21. 8:00 p. in. Gymnasium. Girls' basket-ball. Minnesota vs. Nebraska. Friday, March 27. Non-Commissloned Officers' Hop. March 30 to April 4. Monday to Saturday, Inclusive. Mid-semester examinations. Friday, April 3. Engineering Society Hop. Wednesday, April 15. 6:00 p. m. Easter recess begins. Wednesday, April 22. 8:00 a. m. Easter recess ends. Friday, April 24.. Lincoln Hotel. Senior Prom. Friday, May 1. Company B Hop. Now spring shoes. Tan and patent leather low shoos will bo extensively worn this spring. We have a large variety of the latest styles at popular prices. Call and see them. Rogers & Perkins, 1129 O. Today the Famous display of Easter millinery. Your inspection solicited. Dr. Hill, Dentist. 233 So. Eleventh. Chapin BroB., fiorlBts, 127 Se. -12th. WE WANT YOUR FRAT TRADE Wo can glvo you the best prices, boat goods pud best service CAPITAL GROCERY ;m 1435 II Street SPRING MBMaL The 'jj'i -r VfrH4 T I" , ' BsBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBsBB fc BBBBBBBrtt -- XW Hi ? BrlRht&s M- are niiwle o mire silk web. B . 'Tim tmltani in WJtt&rtti ;ft 5i 2Tv r i.- ff. ety enough tq satisfy v evervbodr.' All metal tiart LV i- -sre oC heavy nickel-plated. brasj.r ii your oeajer cani supply you, a pair will Lji scot upon reoeptlof price. V" I t ,-. , M'Hftl ,M. , f A tirTitVl ORDER YOUR PUNCH it FfltSOH'S Also ovorything in tho way"of cftkos, pies, candies and cos. Hot phocolato vith Whipped Cream aftor the show. ' ' ' Phone us (or Prices Auto 2214 AUTO 3634 . BELL A634 DR. J. R. DAVIS DENTIST u.- Office hours 0 to 12. Suritfays 10 to 11 SPECIAL RATE TO 8TUDENT3 Over 'Bank of Com., 13th A O Sts. the 'iw wm house Welcomes all students and invites yoti to enjoy our Smoking and Reading Room. It's a pleasure to please, Try us. "UNI" SMOKE HOUSE. 1132 O STREET i -; - - ..". .. - . - tfMV -' 'i L",Lv. SUN . '-j v. 0.2 la UK iiblDDAall "- """n"nif nsir iTrT- No. 2 No. S iJC". $40.00 $75.00 $10.0.00 A. G. Chapman, 141 So. 13th r HERE'S A? "SNAP!"" AnA foun tain ien new, self-filling, 25 per cent discount. Inquire at Nebraskan office. SWELL .'u() jii iW-vi,wij", "'l J-i-lL-lI- .If '1 H. H-I.'"1 Blacks and Tans M ft , U JTu! 0 nicest thing ytu ever saw 3S: JU. r arsons I904r-T i-RUSfly '? tff 1229 O Strt .( U j),'j.r. . jjj rlBBBBBBBBHk$33f Eb7s7s7s7s7s7sb7stsk' b'jBBBHr'f Ea-BBBjs BJgjBBBBBBBBBBBBPPBK, - SBbbbHBHIS tHBBTSmLfesTCWI TC BBrsTsTsTsTsTsiM VJJ UXt-UKUS ! sana I f I i i r ' uai..,.,vMW.