The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 14, 1908, Image 1

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    Sbe SDatl IFlebraeftan
Price 5 Cents.
Y. 7VY. C .
History of 'the Play First Given by
'' 8othern and Marlowe Princl-
i' '
pal Characters Synopsis.
' Jeanne D'Arc, the drama which Miss
Howell Is to read In the Temple on
Saturday evening, was first presented
in October of 1906, by Mr. Sothern
and Miss Marlowe, and was one of
the leading numbers in their reper
toire diirlng last season.
,-Mr. "Mackayo, the author, adheres
more closely to' h4 story than does
Schiller in his ''Maid of Orleans." He
is true and historic in his portrayal
of the spirit of courage and patriotism
of the soldier shepherdess.
The first scene of the drama is in
the village of Domremy, where the
simplicity of Jeanne's life is illumi
nated by the visitation from her saintB
who, at the end of the act, bid her go
forth and raise the great selge of Or
leans and have crowned the Dauphin.
It is in the second act, when at the
castle of Chium, eanne convinces
the Dauphin, Louis VII, of the divine
origin of her mission, that the love
situation, a begins.
cousin, the Due D'Alencon, falls under
the spell of her pure and patriotic
spirit and eventually, through his faith
In her, Is made to pray, to tremble
and believe." As Jeanne's "shield In
battle" he marches beside her until
she is captured by the English, when
he, too, is taken prisoner.
During the third act, Jeanne is
wounded, apparently fatally, but in
spired by nor "Voices" and the call of
her soldiers for "Lescoud," she turns
the retreat ordered by Dunols, the
French commander before Orleans,
Into an attack on the last stronghold
of the English, and the act ends with
the raising of the selge.
The fourth act takes place during
the march of the army to RhelmB,
where the coronation will take place.
By her vision Jeanne sees through and
frustrates the plans of Seigneur De
La; Treraoullle, the king's favorite,
who, for selfish reasons, wishes to
keep Charles from Doing crowned.
The last act Is in the prison at
Rouen, when, worn out in body and
mind by the long trials and Injustice
(of the Inquisition, and forsaken by her
VoiceB, pale hallucinations come to
Jeanne and she hears ever and anon
the voice of the judge's clerk crying
the question in the justice hall. It is
here that the Due D'Alencon, dis
guised as a monk, reaches the wander
ing mind of the maid and brings her
back to, faith in her saints and voices,
Other characters in the drama are:
Peasant of Domremy, Marshal La Hire
Louis D.e Cortes, Jeanne's Page, Pierre
Cpuchh, Bishop of eauvais, Nicolas
Lolsoleur of the Inquisition, and John
Gus, an English gentleman.
Tickets may be had from the Registrar.
The beat oyster stew in the city Is
that served at The Boston Lunch,
Try it t
Athletic Contest to Be Held in the
Gymnasium Today.
The first contest of the fntor-frater-nity
Indoor Athletic Meet will come
off this aftornoon at 2:30 in the Gym
nasium. This event Is a now thing in the
life of this university, although in sev
eral of the great schools of the coun
try it hits been a long established and
very important meet It has been de
cided upon and pushed by nearly
every fraternity In school, with the
hope In view of getting much of the
material that lies dormant in many
fraternity men to come to the surface.
It gives every frat man a chance
to show what he can do, and gives
the coach of the track team some idea
Here thee ldngialot-new-niaterial-uponwhich-heCOTr
draw for representatives In the lnter
unlverslty meets.
Such an event as this must pay ex
penses. Unlike the Charter Day meet,
no appropriation is given the Athletic
Board by the Regents, and the event
must bo supported by the school, fra
ternity and non-fraternity alike.
A suitable loving cup will be pur
chased with the proceeds, to be award
ed year by year to the fraternity
whoso men scor3 the largest number
of points.
Political Equality Club.
The first meeting of "the College
Girls' League for Equal Suffrage will
be held next Wednesday evening,
from seven till nine o'clock. There
will be a short program, given by
some of themembers, which will deal
with topics of current Interest con
nected with the political equality
movement. A short business session
will follow; this in turn to be fol
lowed by a social time. Members are
hereby notified of the meeting.
De Tray will help Director Stagg
coach the Maroon football team next
First Annual Interfrat
Athletic Meet
University Armory, & Saturday,
March 14 2:30,p. m.j Adm. 25c.
St Paul's Church
.. o KooooDyoooooo
Nebraska Defeats Wesleyan In a Prac
tice Game.
The Wesleyan girls' basketball team
came over for a practice game with
the Nebraska glrlB team yesterday
afternoon between fixe and slxawllar
afternoon botwen five and six, accom
panied by Miss Miller, tho director,
and Mrs. Burton, professor of romance
languages and dean of women, who
hds done a good deal to assist the
Wesleyrin players In their games this
year. The score, at the close of the
practice match was 38 to 10, for Ne
braska, most of the points being made
in the first half. In tho second half
the WeBleyan girls hold their own,
and succeeded in blocking most of the
plays of the Nebraska girls by their
The line-up was as follows: Wes
leyan, Miss M. Clark, Miss Windham,
forwards; Miss Casement, center;
Miss Smith, Miss H. Clark guards.
Nebraska: Miss Rador, Miss Kimmel,
forwards; Miss Barger, center; MIsb
Stevenson, Miss Watt, guards. Tho
officers for the game wore: MrB.
Clapp, Miss Miller, and Miss Gittlngs.
Tho Nebraska girls will have an
other practice game with Wesleyan
Monday night, when tho Wesleyan
team, which Is getting ready to play
York, Is coming over again. The
match will bo played In the Armory
between seven and eight, but, like yes
terday's game, will not bo open to the
public. .
Ward May Not Play Ball.
Owing to a three weeks' sojourn at
the hospital, AW. Ward, the-'varslty
twirler, may not continue his career
on the dlambnd this spring. Yester
day's Omana Bee contained the state
ment that Ward had signed with the
Western League, but this is errone
ous. He wishes it distinctly under
stood that he is here, first for work,
and his studies in the medical school
will perhaps claim all his attention.
Subscribe for the Dally Nebraskan.
Last Night at Temple Class of Prom
ising Graduates Class Address
by Dr. Malnard E. Crosby.
Tho Union Literary Society gavo an
Interesting program In tho Temple
last ovonlng, entitled "Commence
ment Exercises of tho Greenville High
School." 'The exorcises wore prosldod
over by Prof. Ralph B. Waldo, prin
cipal of tho school. A largo and ex
pectant throng of admiring friends
and fond and Indulgent parents gath
ered early to witness this auspicious
event in tho careers of those budding
men and women. r
After a well rendored piano selection
by Miss Minnie Pitman, tho Salutory
was delivered' by Nina Bell Smith.
She -well appreciated tho opportuni
ties of education tho class had re
ceived, the debt they owo their teach
er, and the duties before them. Bes
sie Mabel Robrts In tho class poem,
vividly and insplrlngly pictured the
heights already won and tho vlBlon
spread out before tho class for tho
future. Jessie Juno Glass projected
heTBOirinto-thTS'ratudand from that
vantago point disclosed tho glorious
and varlouB careers which Ho before
the graduates. A solo, "Sing on Sweet
Bird,' was rendored by Miss Zollia
Griffln. Roy Herbert Walford in the
Valedictory, bore his learning mod
estly, aptly applied tho lessons of his
text-books to tho problems -ef life,
gavo a sympathetic appreciation of his
beloved instructor, Prof. Ralph E.
Waldo, and laid down tho policy of his
class as implied in their motto,
"Push." In the commencement ad
dress, Dr. Malnard B. Crosby compli
mented the people of Greenville on the
brilliance of the class "and impressed
upon them that tho duty of .the man
of the Twentieth century is to con
quer the air, hot and otherwise, as-the
men of former centuries-hTJVST con
quered the earth. - a
At. the close thef rlends lind parents
swarmed on to ho stage to present
congratulations ' and another com
mencement day had gone down in the
history of Greenville.
The 8tudenta' Debating Club.
Much interest is manifested this se
mester in the Students' Debating Club,
The attendance is -good, and some
snappy debates are held. It is certain,
however, that there are many students
who either do not know of the club or
do not understand its purpose. ;
The club exists for, the purpose 05
giving its members training In the art
of public speaking. One may express
his thoughts freely, and know that his ,
hearers will not condemn him If he
falls short of perfection. After the'
debate the question is thrown open to .
all present for discussion, and it is
hero that the most Inexperienced may
gam ease maddrealng the public, even,
if he say but' a word or two.
Consider yourself personally Inylted
to the club's meetings, ''each Saturday
evening in u.106 or XL 1021
'.'' A MEMBER., .
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