w .rr; wnr "PW ' Irl i- Vdl. VII. No. 104, UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, MARGH 13, 1 909t ? Pric5CcnU.. A . . Al ADAMS TALKS OAS H ,O0)fOO0000QOOO00OO0O0O0) MORE KIDNAPPING i V. M. C A. SUPPER IRebtaefcan Ba BV-" 'vBb r b'BBBw-. P- vrH I 1UVI 7.' i ..." I ... 1 .- 3 INTERESTING MEETING. w.'l'wW ReprrtehYattae of Lincoln Gas A Elec tric 'Company;, on "pncoln Gas" Society, to Give a -Dance. i. .ii . The engineering society met in the Temple last, evening with a large at IttndahW if atuderi t' engineers. After the minutes of. the preceding meeting were read, 'Mr. B. C. Adams gave a very ihieresllng lalk o'n the making of tho two gases, water and coal gas. He made It vqry clear that water gas Is not made from water as a great number of people think, but from ma v rials which" cost nearly as much an abse;,us"edL in the production of -coal gas. Mr. Adams passed blue prints of the two machines used in making the gases among the engineers while he talked which .made it very interest ing. He also gave the Complete pro cess for the making of both gases. He gave all staflslics as to the cost of gas peV tnpuiand cubic .feet in. every detail. He was able to do this on ac count of the federal court making iherii public. In talking of water gas he says the term is incorrectly applied. Water gas 1b nothing more than carbonated blue gas. ,It does not give as much il lumination, but is much better in some other respectB than, coal gas. The rea son for making the two gases is that the water gas machine Is started arid shut down more eaBily and with ,lss 'expense than the coal gas ma chine. The coke obtained in the making of rco&l gas is used to heip make the water gas. Tho coal gas is made on account of its high heating value. Lin coln gas Is distributed to the consum er through sixty Itailes of main. A large pier cent or the gas made hever brings in anything. Some Is lost by leakage arfdslow meters while iSorae is never; payed for at all by tho .consumers, Mr. Adams argues that although the fjrh'qtorlals used Jn the making of gas have advanced in the last few years (nevertheless gas has been deliver fd'to the conBumer at a reduced' price. n One of the reasons of tho present Expense Jnmaking gas is the cost of jcoal delivery In "the West. It costs jhe, Lincoln Gas and Electric company flve dollars jind Blxty-five cents to "have every i. ton of coal placed on their ;floor. They use a high grade of Penn faylVahla -coal. Mr. Adams also sayb famt he can deliver gas at one dol lar per thousand cubic feet at the end foWour y.ears. He.1 nlsrb impressed' the Idea of "de i'preclatlon" on the engineers and asked jthem not to forget" it. 1 After answering numerous questlonB ijnu giving away seyoral secrets of the xtmpany he compriiepted the Esjgi ,oering society on being able to turn diM bo large an attendance. , . ,i Another Engineering smoker will be, i$en Jonf jfieV ikst , ftaCurdayi .night iS (Continued- on page? four.) MARCH 14 tirn rr DUtLVIR 00OWCK3lO Si Paul's Church PHI ALPHA TAU. UNION PROGRAM. THE MA8YER OF- CEREMONIES ,OF FRESHMAN HOP TAKEN. Nye Morehouse Disappeared Wedrifls-' day E'venlnaNdlhlnfl What ever Is Known of Him. An Informal anquet Held at the Windsor. Instead of having the regular pro gram of extemporaneous speaking the Phi Alpha Tau fraternity held nn In formal banquet at the Windsor, Tuesday evening in order to give the mem bers an opportunity to respond to tonstu. Mr. H. H. Hannan acted as toast master and although he claimed that 1 wrb his first opportunity to net in such capacity, the other members thought he was either an old man at the business or was naturally a man oi talent along that line. His introduction to the speakers and remarks afterwards showed that he was not only master of his own pos ition but also had the subjects of the other's well In mind. He introduced George Fonlori as the first speaker, who responded to the toast, "The Ideal Citizenship." Ben Cherrlngton spoke on "Congress and the Country," and brought out the fact tha't "congress vfffi not doing anything how and' didn't intend to until nfter the election. Ross King introduced D. P. Do Young with a fow remarks of welcome. Mr. De Young has been In eleven countries since graduating In June. He spoke ort "A Traveller's Note Book." His talk' was. mostly about Argentine Republic and was very in teresting and instructive. J. Carroll Knode spoke on the "Spirit of Colon ization," and Showed that it takes the spirit of the puritan to accomplish Anything In any line. J. E. Bednar gave a recitation: "How Mr. Schnider GavefMrs. Lewis the Small Pox -far. Bednar exhibit ed much ability along that line. R. A. Van Orsdell Bpoke on "State's Rights, versus Qentralhsfitton1 and showed that centralization was necessary to hiyidle some " problems and states' (Continued on page 4) High School Commencement Program Commencement exercises of the Greenville High School will be hold In tho hall of the Union Literary Society, Friday evening, March 13. Five mem bers of the class of 1908 have success fully completed the prescribed courses. They are as follows: Nina Belle Smith, Bessie Mabel Roberts, Roy Herbert Walford, Jessie June Glass and Laura Harris. The class emblem Is "Sham rock" and the clasB motto is "Push." These pupilB have "proved an earnest, conscientious and hard working clasa and wish to announce their gradua tion with the following program: Piano Solo Miss Minnie Pitman Salutary . . . .Nina Belle Smith Class Poem... .BeBsle Mabel Roberts Class Prophesy Jessie June Glass Song , MIbb Zelia Griffin Valedictory Roy Herbert Walford AddressThe Twentteth Cehtifry Man .v. . Mainard Ellen Crosby Music ;M1sb Pearl Oleson At the close of the program, John Wentworth, president of the school hoard, will speak a few word of cheer1 and advice to the class. The friends of the graduates and patrjmsof tho school are cordially invited to bo present. Mr. Morohousordid' not expect tho sophomores to mako an attempt to cap ture him because of the. chancellor's Nyo F. Morehouse, master of cero- monies of the Freshman Hop whlchJa . to bo held at the Lincoln Hotel this ovenlng was kldriappcd Wednesday. attitude toward such practicos and so did riot take any precautions for his own safety. Wednesday night a sophomore, who is in a clasB with Morehouse, went to the Sigma Chi house to study with him. After studying a while, the sophomore suggested that Morehouse accompany him to hfs own home, to get some additional matter. , They started and Morehouse has not been seen by his friends since. The freshmen have no clue to the where abouts of the captive, and the cap tors are not known. The action of the sophomores as the captorff probably are In this class In taking the freshman master of ceremonies was unexpected, for it was felt thnt Chancellor Andrew's action In regard to the- kidnapping of the sophomore, master of ceromonieBin January had put a stop to kidnapping here. Debates. ; At the Students' Debating Club, Sat urday evening the fdllowlng debate will be given: Resolved, "That It Would Be for the Best Interests of tho City of Lincoln to Adopt the Des Moines Commission Plan of Govern ment." The affirmative will .be rep resented bjr J. T, Votava and C. D. Wolford; the negative by E. W. Hills,, and A. Shouka. This question was recently discussed by the Commercial club here and promises to be an In tel eating dehato. Your car fare would pay for a nice lunch at The Boston Lunch. Why go home? 000000000000000000 r 1 p. First Annual. Interfrat Athletic Meet University, Armbry , tp Saturday, MarcH 14i 2;30p.m.? Adm. 25c. koooooowocooOi Jp 7C ' 4ft Dramatic Club Performance. The Dramatic Club, under the di rection of Miss Howell, appeared in -the fascinating 'French comedy "GrJri goire" before tho Faculty Women's Club, Wednesday afternoon. The play was supported by a strong caste and was pronounced a grand success; by those Jn attendance. "Grlngolre" will be given before the public in the Temple auditorium on Saturday, March 21. Watch the bulletins fo"r particulars and arrange to attend this amateur theatrical. Laws Elect Randall Ball Manager. ; The Law school had a mass meet ing yesterday for the purpose of or ganizing their 1908 baseball team. Without adlssonting vote, George. Randall was elected manager. The prospects are very t encouraging for" one of the best teams ever turned" out. This 'is saying a good deal, as' it is generally conceded that tho Laws ' furnish more athletes than an other department of the University. New Telescopy. 'Work on the new telescope is, now well under way in the pattern shop. , Mr. Bunting hopes, to have most of tho patterns completed this semester. , At present "tbe largo and complicated jt piece which forms the head, of the pier and carries the polar axis is In process of construction. It' is esll-' mated that tbj's pattern alone would cost two hundred dollars if made by a professional pattern-maker, Wl &?. -r -?. .-.J, srasaBsaKsg? Ijfciy TTT A I ". jMt - -