!- 1 1 1 i i nil H iinwinmmnMmnin,ii " ' in i in muni, j THE DAILY i t t V - i YouanMit fflfctk 'Cbnklln'S Sclf-PIIllng- Pen Is the best fountain peh for both student and professor ou account of the ,Croscet-Fillor. To fill Conklin's sar- HLUNG simply dip It in any Ink and press tho Crescent-Filler that's all. No dropperlio InKy fingers no ruffled r temper Gunrantccdto be a porfect writer. - LcRdlnar dealom hanllo tho Conldln. If jruura l(OC 091, oraor UltOCt. KOlUBO sub stitutes. Bend (or hnndiotno now catalog. ,;the-conklin pen co. ' 310 Viihtllti Btlttl.J, TOLEDO, OHIO ! 1. 1 t 'S UNIVERSITY TAILORS land HATTERS I337 O STREET We're now located in the most beautiful store in the west. We handle the finest HOT DRINKS in the city. Come in and try them. Lincoln Candy Kitchen J 4th and O So. west Comet SAM'S CAFE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN SEASON. i i ii i i. . - , . ,.M . HENRY CLARKE, Prop L. J. HERZOG tie mnmtiTY urn' tahob TIm flsMtt woric doM ud prioM right 011 at ear uw ttor. 130 Ott - Llnssln LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY 113) N St. Social nights Mon. and Frid., 8 to 11 Beginners night, Wednesday, 8 to 11 UNI. STUDpNTS ESPECIALLY INVITED -SELECT CROWD Clements' photos are (he best Rates to students. 129 So, Eleventh. 55v VUl if I HEFFLEY Non.Com. Hop. The comtnttteo for the Non-Oom., Hop has boon announced as follows:! L. A. Jones, chairman. F. A. (Yltes, master of ceromonles. Y. ('. Holland. I. J. Onlngerr J. F. foupe. W. E. Dyorts. Harry Ingles. Tho dance will be held Jn Fraternity Hall. Friday, March 27. Walt's Or chestra will furnish the music. The price of tlcketB Is $1.25 and the num ber is limited to eighty. A NebraBkan to the Front. Walter F. Meier, law '03, was re cently appointed received of the In land National hank, Spokane, Wash. Mr. Meier was a prominent debater whllo In tho University and a member of tho Nebraska team that defeated Missouri 02 and Colorado '03. Since graduation he has been nn instructor of argumentation and debate In the Spokane High School. Four parties of the Junior railroad class wore surveying a railroad around tho campus yesterday afternoon. One of tho divisions got lost and the pro fessor accused them of going to the Lyric, but later It was found out that they had gone down to the Missouri Pacific depot so thoy could build a flro and keep warm. Plans arc under way Tor the erec tion of a new Y. M. C. A. building at the University of Colorado. The pres ent quarters are Inadequate. This goes to show that the Y. M. C. A. movement in the various colleges is making good progress. All the classes in Physical Educa tion are preparing for tho annual gym nnstic exhibition to bo given In the near future. Wedge's class In boxing will pull off eight exhibition boxing contests. One hundred and one American col leges have a holiday on Monday in stend of Saturday. Their-presidents approve of the change and believe it has largely done away with Sunday studying. The Trustees of Chicago U have decided to Increase the salary of pro fessors and instructors twenty-five per cent, beginning with the next school year. President James of Illinois, has been appointed by EllhuT Root, secretary of state, as a member of the committee on International American Confer ences. Earl Brlgham, '06, was on the cam pus yesterday. Ho has been in Chi cago the past six months working for Westlnghouse. Marshall, students' barber. Corner Thirteenth and O under Famous. Hayden, photographer, special rates to students." 1127 O street. Go to 'Mrs. J. C. Bell, hairdresser, for chiropody. Talk to Ludwlg about your spring clothes. Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P Beckman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. st Cameron's lunch, counter 123 So. 12. Dalrymple's quality. C. H, Frey, florist, 1133 O St. ii i in,M. w Eat at Elam8. i , ! ' "V IT SA I V I ' B 1 tW Tho grasp U of the clasp W MM is easy. It's v kkr 41..1 il. ..1 1 jiui uiu oiur uugu. lately flut clavp garter J. if.- TS.-1.- .. i3 iiiu j.iiiiiuii. jauji 4 oiu 01 men Know tins buy them and wear tlicm. The wear Is there, and they cost only n quarter a pair. Itemcmher it. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 711 Mum St., Pmusartu Bell 456- WE WANT YOUR FRAT TRADE W canglva you th baat prices, bt gootla antl fcst Mrvlc CAPITAL GROCERY gfa6966 1436 M Strut Frats and Sororities When in Need of Coal call and see the WHITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right. Phones, Bell 234 - Auto 3228 ; Office U 06 O Street. - 1 2 0OO3KK QPNinP IWETkDlVlAI f n MARCH 14 f University Temple 8 Tickets, 75 Cents g WD0!KmD0)DiK)TOO0)000!roii Gregory's Semi -Anthracite $7.50 FOR FURNACES GREGORY THE COAL MAN AMERICAN SAVIN6S BANK BLOB. 132 N. Iltk STREET University Students Ladles and Gentlemen If In the market for a new typewriter or desiring to rent 6ne, we would be glad to have our sales man call and demonstrate the visible Underwood. Yours re spectfully, UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. 714 P St. ' " ' Bell 348 aro made of. nuro silk web.. llio nnttArtiR nr . , . - Tiw firitltialtrA wni't- S ctr -Ulinilvll mMafV evnrvltoilv. .All. molol nat-ia re oi ncavy nicicei-pintcu bras. If your dealer cun't' supply you, a pair w ill be sent upon receipt of,prlce. Mints or PHMEER WSKNK1S f) t ' t f'j-t ORDER YOUR PUHCH at FOLSU'S Also everything in the way. of cakes, pies, candies and ices. Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cronm after tho show. Phone us for Prices Auto 221 Zf.". i"T'.'Ta j, . NO CLINKER llfSUTE CINCINNATI OUT PHIOt DmMi Him Rtptlr PitlMf -,k - WAVWhY1W- MIY lltOi M. v! 8H0E8T0RI I A '41 T ' I ft k ) i ' fr K