;NEB'iAB'kAN 1TTMjH& : r ' . , ''Va f.: r i FT 1 T1 I ( i I rs 'ja.'-t ?&' l1 f iS'A r V K. t t M-"W3Uf nt"jy W - ! 4 liver Theatre t H C MATINEE, 2:3t , I TONIGHiylitlS, W .'rf'ti Tt t 14. tm r 1 " -MWT ! aiu. new Minsireis 'Mat., 50 and I 2Jc. Night, $1.00 to 25c ' ' K aa " ai y 't ; M FBI. SAT. & MAT., MARCH 13-14 "WAV DOWN EAST" Nlht,,tt.0O to 25c. , Mat. 60 .and 25c WED. MAT: X. EVE.. MARCH 18 irihtAJii af Hiniinii Of HARVARD' LYRIC THEATRE HATINEB'3"F;M. KVH. 7x45 & 9100 - f -TV - PJUCW( THH 'AND TWENTY CENT s -..' t I ILLUSTRATED SONG "THE TWO DOLLYS - "Singee and Dancers SAKt HOOD, TheMan.WJth.thei Laugh Register i FAIJST BROS. 9 . Pantomimic-Comedians t BIG FOUR QUARTET King of Mirth and. Harmony . FERRY . The Human Frog LYR08COPE MAJESTIC it r WHlliKHHKlilMMliii'MirckA trz "i fi FBLTON STOCK CO. ?.IN- A' "Michael lr. Strogoff Tho Beautiful Russian "Comedy Drama artistically presented in three acts. Evening prices 15c and 25c Matlfteei Wei. and Sat 15c p tkn r esrd , , Box office opona 1 1 a. m. -HPMMt) T3 -i i t; -' nvfiTit- '5 Citftofriat aitsl ... B vraaarraaaar n,vzr V" zij it 1JML wre.i?iar CEiniL H ATIOHIL ft! - , 4 - t Vi,. r ttf- - TWELFTHAND0 STREETS. P. li.,SALL, PreaIdBt P. B. JOHNSON, VJco-Presldent B&MANC EOX. CMlxler, WtW HAOKNEY.Jr,'AMt, Cashier. imunii w iBaBBBaaBHa ?7 CffftffrHinat 54 '-IT ? fT1 WtfHHWr I MIYEWiTY JtWELEI 4 PTICMH I I C, A.Tuckr I Dr.S;S.Shean K ' r fPTlClAN r I Ifll I ITIEET. yelliwfmntI 'i i ? i a w-. - . -M-j pa law raianfi " aa aaa 3piwrfaA A4"Ji v ' i1 ai ga HaTaHHBaMHHHIBBHHBlH . ii BUSINESS DIRECTORY -BB--BiBBiB-BB1--l HMH HMMMH .It-arc; t MitrealB thea Nabrai- J kan .advalrtlMi, aad' t waattvH j t la prnpr hlla ddlag ie. t i I it 1 p h pj p H H h an W, J t "P " W WWWtWWW P w ATHLETIC . G90D3 Lawlor Cycle Co., mrara.ujrpio uo. BANKSFlrat Trust and Savings. Contral National. , BAKBRIES Daifymple, Folsom, Po- tryv. , BARBER .SHOPS Srand Central, Green's Shops,-Marshall, Emmert. BATH1 HOUSE Chrla'. BOOK STORES Coop; ' Lincoln; tfidverslty. CAPE-rrSavoy, Windsor, Sams, Dons, Buds: , CLEANERS Wood. CIGARS Colo 9c MoKenna;' Matfe BUINiSSCOLLEGES Lincoln Bus iness "College. CLOTHING Farquhar; Maieo ic .Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling-. CO ALi Gregory; Whitebreast. CQNPKCTIONiattDalraripple; 'Lln colnCaHdy Kltohen; OJjmpia Candy Co., Rood, 'HlrBchnef-Mojree. Folsom. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln, Pitts'. DENTISTS Graham, Yungblut, -J. R. Davis, Hill. DRY GOODS Heriwlsfceimer; Hiller ft Paine. DRUGGISTS Riggs. FLORISTS Chapin; C. H. Vny. FURNISHINGS Buid; . JHfamo & Deomer, Arayer'Br6s.,j3terIig,i O. A. . Fulk. GROCERIES Capital 'Grocery. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. J. C. -Bell. HATTERS Budd, Heffley, Lincoln Hat Co., Q. A. Fulk. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris; Myers, Tucker, Hallett, Henderson and Hald. LAUNDRIES 'Evans ; Merchants ; LUNCHEONETTES Tommy,. Folsom; Dalrymple, Hlrschner-'Morae. OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazek, Hajfden, Townsend, Clements. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch ; Buds; Camerqna; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons; Franchj Bros.; Sams; Windsor; Elam's. SHOES Beckman Bros; Cincinnati Hereford & Petty; Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. TAD-.ORS Backstrom; Dresher; El. liott; Heffley; Herzog; Ludwlg; Scotch Wollen Mills, Union College Tailors. .TELEGRAPH S.CHOO L-Western Telegraph School. THBATBRS-r Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; LyrlcJBIJeu,' Wonderland Elite. TYPEWRITERSUnderwood; "Sun. KEYS Thorp.1 ' i t 'J ,'U J w RE10VAL SALE! , 1 1, nc ! V ( ' t r PrkCt.-piCPMn1t-on'Triv?. ling Bags, Trunks and e , Suit Cases. C.A. WIRICK, ' 1036'Q Straat. Tho AGME Itwllftft IHNiJAi, ltl Mtf Clears The rtnett "ta hi th Witt, 934 1 Street MEMMEN CANNON CO. Subscribe for the Daily Nebraskan. 20 - '.rVan oN peAce. (Ceatlnued I rpm Pago 1. man oaJs. Imi incited tulka ntai what Jw, can do; man calm tufkn nbotit what lie ought to do. Oiir wnrj have been declared whon wetVi'o eoited and most of thom would never have been had we been calm.' "The time has come for it 1o do right no matter what other nutlonu do. We muBt apply to tho nntion the moral principles that we apply to in dividuals. Let us announce our policy and stand by it- Why not lead, the way; set the example? "Mankind has his face toward the rising sun. War is a part of the beast still in us. Let us learn to control tho evil n us, give our minds firmer grips on our bodies, and, let our morals direct our minds." Tonight's Meeting. The regular Wednesday evening meeting tonight lu tho Y. M. C. A. rooms will be in charge of John Mc- Nical. His discussion will be along line of "Practical Christianity." After the meeting tho election of officers for the ensuing year will-take place. The nominating committee have recoai mended that the following be electee!'; For president, Ben Cherringtea. For vice-president E. W. Hills. For treasurer, Ed Guidlnger. . For secretary, L. B. Temple. The mooting beginB at 6:30 and will continue until about 7:30. All are urged to attend. Carl H. i.enmeyer of Iowa Wesleyan College recently won tho state oratori cal contest for 1908. Every college of prominence was represented in ,1 the contest which was held at Mount Pleasant. Mabel Eugenia Ekeley, of the UnK versity School of Music, pupil of Mr. Eames, will give n recital fdr gradua tion Thursday evening, March 12th, at the Temple. Tho public lice is cor-, dially invited. Program. ' Prelude and Fugue, E Flat minor (W. T. C.) .... Bach Sonata quasi una Fantasia, E Flat Major, Op. 27 Beethoven Andante-Allegro-Vlvace AdagIcAllegroVlvace Waltz, A Flat, Op. 64 , . Chopin Tarantella .Chopin Minuetto, B minor. ... .n ... . Schubert Etude (The Spinner)..: Raff Song,-"! Love Thee" (transcribed for piano) ....- . .Grieg Eroticon, D Flat minor, No. 1. Sjogren Concerto,-D minor, No. 2. Mendelssohn Allegro appasslonata Adagio " Finale -(Presto). (Orchestral parts' on second piano) Convlcation, Thursday, March 12. String Quartet August Melcer First violin. E. J. Wnlt Second violin. Wm. Quick Viola, Lillian Eiche Viollncello. Forestry Students. 0 Professor Moody, assistant state forester of Wisconsin, will address the students of the forestry department at 11 a. m. today in Nebraska Hall, iroomA New spring, Bhoes. Tan and patent leather low shoes will be extensively worn this spring. We have a large variety of the latest styles at popular prices. Call and see them. Rogers & Perkins,' ,1129 O. 'German Club. The German Club meets with Miss Wittmann, 939 H street, aaaaaw. - v" mff J3 Ml '"-m"gaMgaTW I I - courses: Belcktiiln Shrthanef, Typawrltinf, English, Pnmnshii; Vo. Linctfln EVERYTHING IN Sporting poods 1-1 gMWaaaarlla ffaJaalt 45 'V. DENTIST OJKee hours Otoh. Sundays 10 to 11. '- SPECIAL RATE 'TO STUDENTS pver Bank of Commerce, ldth-&0 Stii. THE 1JNI' SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all students and Invites you ,to enjoy our Smeklpa amivReadlng Room. It's a pleaiurfl te9leaBe. Try us. - -a "UNI" SMOKE HOUSE. 1132' O STREET ' k , j , r . i ?" 7, ' I' J Is a lucrative -occupation -: , and a great educator . ., Positions secured when r-PWicient:L4aaW toWfe- nights a, week - . Western- ;-. ; f ektapk: Sch 1134 0 SI; tcllA23. .. TIE RUT TBUT t UVINS UNI mmmmn rtm at m tm onrr T.JTIKHirtCO BlakaAeT jftaWSaasl - fteaYAaaJaW IWSSFtS-! tgrBsSvBfjagJp SJajBaagaBBaa Wasala 9 JRjP WtrVSVvVa AVrJt jggSMiUs&aflK SaaMgaTSaft "S"JPSSaaBa"""SWFa""J m WSaajaag ggav aaMBftaa STaVka HaaAl BB"jaBaaaBBBBM aajaaa;ggjA ggtgfaaajaj r iwiire, ats. , fi.. p i J . ,i Jl r- si- . ahlaUBafJBafll filllafaVal BySBjajBgBgBB aJBrftaJaW , U'Z ,. ' n ly- S j' ', ggaLSi MgggMaLSBBBSgggggggggggggggggJ SaTaTaTaTaTaTaT" . -.aT AggaaTaw BBSdgBav ygaBLaw aaW 2CL Vv VaVflaa'H v ToltilW7iifiir gBBBW BBL BaV1 PE - n,l- I l IL-gr-iMXgi-.-i-.T-. LJJ M 1 UHCoalgggaaSBfiBaaaBmlJl ' fAaMagW Ssaaaa. -aSa gBafflaWllm SiBbH ill ' HgUni M W SaBaESaBBTJaTafaHMB m Ir jtt. TTsgaaWrr. Jf MaV cLUETr,7?!!! co. j ,D P Hj jjuij'jujiyijgTgy-M1