The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1908, Image 1

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Professor Howard,' Scholarly Address
Talks on Topics of Peace
ifIJoy:Aa'ld (Bryant
W w P w
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With William Jennings Bryanleader
jind Professors Howard and Maxey
anu j. vy awenson , participants in a
rogranoHver which Chancellor An
lrewB pif&JJded) tlio 'PjmceCOnvoca
lion yeBleMfiydniioplng was, $.' thing
of excepflonaJrvalue nndln'teftst. Tha
universal peace, Is not a .vain ideal was
the general, expression of the speakers.
I Professor ijlax.ey, in speaking on the
subject"bt 4tThe BtJicJQnt Hague Confer
ence," emhsl2e'd'vithefjfac; that suc
cess and.f&jliird are relative terms.
uBecaitBo theipeace assembiy did "not
adopt all tbSjpl&n Offered for the
feettlemenk of ntornaUonal .disputes,
fit was ot'ebSBa'rify .failure. It
adopted several propositions of great
lvalue. When,werecall-.what.a ,world
-icoaferencevwould Lhavd- beenabloUo
acoHirShflfCyyears agd," the pres-
ent approach to unanimous opinion is
Americans especially, -havo reason to
feel-satlsfied on account of ,tho conduct
utblAii . 4 ijf-H4iAMaiiHiA
. Uhlrertt6yVaaiixieeRtpaace."j
He declared' that the- 'University)
standB rfotvihtelligentand fairmtridedi
thinking: ""Itendeavorstoteack-socie-
; f utufe;natlcal:atipro1tnacy will depend
not on extension of territory, but up
on $coontlVl,gaihsf' It depends not
.opibratjvftre; j but.upon , intellectual,
amtTnotalTsuprGmacy; As the nation-'
ai laTrifiaB; rppiaceucivii war, so in-:
HeraaUonal-law will replace strife(be-
.'tween-natlons; Some -believe that re-HreIonwIll-solve-
the Question. Hut
JteicKurph'as bftenuben the caiiso
v o'waY.IilaccbnipllBhlng lnternation;
al peacjBKearjtJadea'd'muBt co-opor-i
ate thug 'university,-, dlf UBngJntelH
' geace fn a Christian1 community,
stands ,'MrulnterhatIonal. ;peaco. J
"-Following Mr. Bwensoni -Professor
, Q'EJ. Howard delivereda scholarly i
(address; full of 'thought, on 'America,
iedBlof -Soqlaji ;Peace." Pfp-j
f liwrTHoj'ardflrat 'outlined ihe , Uto-
-. jr.TfioniaB' MporOj, palling, a(ten-j
ponttovlt8:idei8 of twace !
i'lnJJtopja, they strove for a" high
fijieal iof;CBOciall-u8tlce; at tiomo and'
.abrpad,'". jajdtho speaker, ; Ali;ihngsj
considered, America has done most to
develop a, nobio standard of " social
jUBtico in national and international;
affairs. .It is the fashion to sneer at
ntheVdramer. .But tnoidealistniay
Jbe a piost , practical, man. r It isw the
jideallst yfho is the inventor jl the cre-
jatlve engineeh
sv "There is reason to believe that the
Jideals of social peace are speedily be
jing realized. It .is tim,e thatPthe open
ing words -of '' the president of the
Hague Corifprence were expressive of,
JthiB Ideal. But this genlleman was a
Russian and the peace idea is essen
I ilally democratic, We must rem'ombor
jthat the phantasies of .today are. the
ifealitles of tomorrow.
"In this peace movement America
has done her full sharp. Her repre
sentatives have labored to harmonize
international law, to institute some do
gree of sincerity in the diplomatic af
fairs of nations, and to establish the
Geneva tribunal. America contributed
far the most of the triumphs of the
Hague conferences. She has had a
host of peace exponents among them,
Roger Williams, Thomas Jefferson and
Theodore Roosevelt.
"From our own diplomatic dealings
we have learned the valuo of the
'square deal' in international affairs.
The idea of a cannon to preserve
peace is not correct. -AH that iBf need
ed Is a righteous government and high
national character. j
"I, too, indulge in a dream. What ifj
America shall become a leader and1,
carry forward the idea of peace until
its ideal Is accomplished? At this vbry!
moment the voters of the nation are
massing themselves into; two' great
'camps. "I canhotpropJwyathQ jesult
but I feel that if the whole people ex
press their deBlre they will call to
'the presidential chair the-most prac
tical dreamer of social dreams."
Mr: Bryan was last on the program.'
As he rose to speakt be was given -a;
most generous ovation by the eighteen)
hundred students. He said: i
"The idea of universial peace is
growing. I am as Bure of the coming
of the day of peace as I am of the rls
Ing of tomorrow's sun. Since the day
of Chrlst-the two ideas, peace and'
war, have been in combat Where
there is life there is motion and the,
world Is moving forward in every way.,
"The standard of Intelligence is
rising in every nation. Education is
going rapidly forward in China, Japan,
the Philippines, and even in Moham
medan countries, ,so long domantr
"Popular government is spreading.;
The trend in this direction is irrestl
ble and is becoming an acute political,
question in every tcountry. , Within!
three years Persia has obtained a con,
stitiitlon and oven' China is sending;
representatives abroad to get mater-J
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Pvlm'f J
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" h ' a . v iv,s; .It.
) MARCH 14 f
ji :.
rniyersity Temple
St Paul's Church
ialB with which to form a constitution.
"The World Is undergoing a great
moral awakening. There is a quick-1
ening of public conscience and a study
ing of questions of justice. The causo
of peace is in a lino with the theory
of popular government. It is demo
cratic; it is ethical; it is moral; it is
"If all this is true: if there Is an
awakening intelligence, if there is a
spread of popular government, if there
1b a pressing on toward higher ideals
of justice and morality; then .who
can doubt that we are moving toward
arbitration rather than force; A mor-
.aLquestlon cannot bo settled by kill-1
lag 'a man. You cannot crush an idea
by killing the man who holds it. You
iiaay crucify, burn, hang br torture
him, but the idea still lives.
"Ideals are the greatest things with,
which "men Tiave to deal, No tariff
can build a wall high enough to shut
... . i
out anjaeainrno army,no navy, can.Do
b!geeghtor strong enough -to ;pror
yteet wrwg aad.keaiJt:always doml-
inant'No qominant- party can repeal
the law that 'the wa"ges of sin is
fdeath.' It'lsOyori ff Jhb'werof 'men
'to 'qualify hnd will boVitli'men 'thru
all tlm,f, , n,, , ., e j,
J, "But: the whole difjlcufty Is that a
(different -set of moral principles has
been applied to groups of people than
to individuals. It is impossible to
:got enough-people together to, make it
right to Bet aside' moral jprlnclplea' In
public nets. In substituting arbitra
tIonxfor force wer;woul6Vexamino . in
the Jlght-jL Justice and gain JaHtlrig
"We cannot yet secure compulsory
arbitration because the. large nations
will not yleUl to the smali'and agree
to submit to arbitration any question
involving the, 'national honor or. in
terests. , V c
"Man excited is very pifforent fjom
(Continued on page three.)
, Pies like mother tried ,to make.
Baked trash twice a day by an expert
woman pie baker, at The Boston
fjunchi' "!. ,. " ' -,
75 CenU
1A8E1ALL sauAb.";;
Practice Will Be From 1:00 to 3:00
Daliy Every Man Who Intends to -
Try Out Must Be In Uniform. .
Wifli the warm sunny weather of
Tuesday, Captain Bellamy decided
that baseball practice In the dark, and
crowded Gym was 'a thingitfot to 'bV
countenanced. Accor(lltigiy"ihe'ontiro '
squad, besuited and ready for bus'l
noss, reportod to old Nebraska. ield,
for-.a romp with the elusive "fly 'atid '
the puzzling grounder." vV. ...
To the edification of all, Billy Fox,
who has been retained to coach the
team this spring, appeared upon the
scene and took actual charge of th6
All candidates for outfield positions
were told to stay in the respective
postures where they dosiro to contest.
The men who are trying for stations
on thejnfleld wilLbe4rie'doutlni those
positions. "Give every man a fair
chance," says Fox.
The men who have signified their
intention to try for tho various post
tlons are as follows Outfield Bllsh,
Hyde,. Fehlman, Smith, Freeland,
Sleuter and Captain Bellamy; For the
base, vBoltsser,-?iaeinf. Fehlmari;Rdd.
man; shortstop, panning, Harrlg;
BecondbasehWateWGreenBlitrBiiclc; -first
base, Watson, Denslow and Jo!
supr'Roy'Grepnsllt; Stutzeneger and
jPattelrsoh ae tryingbr .thbbctop
position. Candidates rwhpBOwtlie
most, promise for the other endotdhe ""
battery are Ward and Blake of "lat
year's team and Prouty, O wens' and
Olmstead, all freshmen. A'
Mr. .Fox has ,lntlmatedj that he. .
knows UHe posltlonin which he s
placed and1 further that ,he) intends to
M.-J.lM-inpumbnt, uponhlm' v
,io, iuor,iawana,.uie. loiter. - itnas.not
been the custom in this University ,
for the, , baseball coach to be ranked
along with,: or have the same powers-
as the-raan who .develops our football
teams, but Mr. Fox proposes to change
all this, and do as is the custom in -Institutions
that develop great base
ball teams, as, for instance, at Illinois
University. He Ib going to take per-.
sonal charge of tlie squad and assume
direct control of It, just as the foot
ball coach has done Heretofore, This
is, the only way in which material .caji
be properly, developed, and the student
body, with the candidates, must stand
behind Mr.' Fox tIn this. He la a first
class fellow and a gentleman in -every ' ,
sense of the word., He will glye every
one a fair chance, and every one must
give him a fair chance to use his ex
perlence and knowledge of wh'at wfil
best develop a baseball team to bring.C t
Nebraska out a pendant winner in th'o ;
college world,
Pra,ctice will held from IjOOto
15:00 dally until further" notice. AU
candidates must appear In uniforms,
and after appearing on the field they
should not leave without permission
from the coach. .