"V Tl-f DAILY NEBRA6KAN Tm -T" a: v7 !fc ft. . J ; lv V i f ' ' lOliver Theatre WED. MAT. & EVE., MARCH 11. Al G. Field Minstrels Mat., 50 and 2Jc. Night, $1.00 tb 26c FRI. SAT. & MAT, MARCH 13-14 ti"WY DOWN EAST" Night, $1.00 to 25c. Mat., 50 and 25c i . WED- MAT,"" EVE MARCH "BROWN OF HARVARD" LYRIC THEATRE MATINBfe 3 P. M. EVE. 7:45 e'900 PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CENTS .. k. , ILLU8TRATED SONG "Longing for You" 'THE TWO DOLLYS t ..,.. , -. Singers and Dancers yw-r,.. 8AM HOOD "khe-Man With the Laugh Register J ' ' ' FAUST BROS. v Pantomimic Comedians BIG FOUR QUARTET ' Kings of Mirth and Harmony FERRY The Human Frog LYR08COPE MAJESTIC . Witk Commuting Ktnia), March 9 FULTON STOCK CO. - -s- "Michael Strogoff The Beautifu) Russian Comedy Drama'artistically presented in three acts. Evening prices 15c and 25c Matinees, Wed. and Sat 15c beats r,osvclf Box office opens 11 a. m. B3 HUYLBR'S Chocolates and Bon a.onv TIm Dm CatMr, CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK TWELFTH AND 0 STREETS , P. I. HALL, President , j - F.E.,JOnNSON, Vice-President " 1HMAN O. FOX, Cashier, ' W. W- HACKNEY Jr., 'Asst.Cftshlor I UEISITYitWELEni' OPTICIAN I I C.A.Tucker I I JEWELER I I H I Dr. S.S. Shean I I OPTICIAN , I I 1121 1 ITIEET. YELLIW FIIMT I J lear rBaTBaaaj F"'" BJ j BUSINESS DIRECTORY KvaVjr Ljrnl UnUeralty Btadeat It j 4 i 4 argad te patroalio theis Nebrni- jt kaa advertlaera, aadToaietttloB fhm paper while doing to. I t . -i I ATHLETIC GOODS Girard Cycle Co, Lawlor Cyclo Co. BANKS First Trust and Savings. Central National. BAKERIES Dalrymple, Folsom, Pe- try. BARBER SHOPS Grand Central, Green's Snops, Marshall, EJmmert: BATH HOUSE Chris'. BOOK STQRES Co-op; Lincoln; University. CAFE Savoy, Windsor, Sams, Dons, Buds. CLEANERS Wood. Place. CIGARS Cole & McKenna; Matt'a BUSINESS COLLEGES Brown Busi ness College; Lincoln Business Col lege. CLOTHING Farquhar; Magee & Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. CdAL Gregory; Whltobroast. CONFECTIONERY Dalrymple; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olyrapla Candy Co.. Rood, Hlrschnor-Morso. Folsom. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln, Pitts'. DENTISTS Graham, Yungblut, J. R. Davis, Hill. DRUGGISTS Hlrschner-Morao, Jer ry, RIggs. DRY GOODS Herpolsheimer; Miller " & Paine. FLORISTS Chapln; C. H. Froy. FURNISHINGS Budd; Magee & Deemer, Mayer Bros, Sterling, O. A. Fulk. GROCERIES Capital Grocery. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. Davis; Mme. Ross, Mrs. J. C. Bell. HATTERS Budd, Hoffley, Lincoln Hat Co., O. A. Fulk. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris; Myers, Tucker, Hallett, Henderson and Hald. LAUNDRIES Evans ; Merchants ; LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom. Dalrymple, Hlrschner-Morse.' OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazok, Hayden, Townsend, Clements. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons: REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch ; Buds; Camerons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons; Francis Bros.; Sams; Windsor; Elam's. ' SHOES Beckman BroB; Cincinnati Hereford & Petty; Rogers & Per . kins;1-"Sanderson. STATIONERY Porter; Rood. TAHiORS Backstrom; Dreaher; El liott; Hoffley; Herzog; Ludwlg; Scotch Wollen Mills, Union College Tailors. - THEATERS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; Lyric, Bijou,. Wonderland, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood. KEYS-rThorp. REMOVAL SALE! f 20 Per Ct. D'scounC. on trav, eljng Bags, Trunks -and Suit' Cases. j C. A. WIRICK, 1036 6 Street. The ACME Itwllitf, Billiards, Patl Mi Cigars The FlMit Place In the Wm!. 934 P Street MEMMEN CANNON CO. THIRD LECTURE. (Continued' from Page 1.) but of Ideas. HIb two statues of tho Medici might be Inscribed one, "For tho King and his lords sat down to drink and roso up to play;" tho other, "How long, Oh Lord, how long?" Tho latter seemed to express his own spirit. His greatest art was In his ability to transcend laws which are lnexorablo laws to every one else. This work, was nevor finished and no one elso was allowed to work on It, for tho people realized tiio great art of Mlchaolangclo and tho street gamins of Florence knew moro of art than tho crltlcB of today. The ono work which Michaelangplo should never have done 1b his Last Judgment. It Is a painting lacking all tho Bplrlt and force of his earllor work. After this Mlchaolangclo spout tho rest of his life working on the de sign of the magnificent dome of St. Peter's. This dome is the prototype of all the Renaissance domos in tho world. Whilo working on tho dome Mlchaolangclo spent lils nights work ing on a statute which was to be his monument. Ono night his hand failed him; . he made a miss-stroke and spoiled the statue., Ho never did any more after that, and the unfinished monument stnnds behind the high altar at Flqrence. (Continued from pago one.) ly tho colored spot lights which were used effectively on several occasions and made some oxtremely beautiful scenes. Between acts tho audience wns fa vored by a piano solo by Miss Pierce. Also by a unique and beautiful Chinese drill In which eight ladles In oriental costumes participated. This was fol lowed by the sailors' horn pipe, which was enthusiastically applauded. Other appropriate between-act "stunts" wore an hnltatlpn of an oriental dance and a tambourine drill. Tho play ended with an Impressive scene'AIl's Well That Ends Well." The character and quality of these plajjs by the literary societies have recently attracted tho attention of a largo part of the University students, Heretofore a largo percentage of stu dents hardly knew of these socitleB, but especially since moving Into their now hallB In tho Templo has a great deal of Interest been aiiown. A good work Is being done not only Boclnlly, for that Is a part of a good collegoed ucatlon, butralso In literary training. The two literary societies, Palladlan and Union, now ropresont an impor tant factor in University life. Although programs are given every fldav evoninc. sneclal urograms or plays are frequently given. Tho next special program wlllv bo given by the boys of tho Palladlan, society', April 3rd. Ajgood production is assured. Nolle .Rothwell, of the University School of Music, pupil of Mr. Eames, will give, a r.ecltal for graduation Tuesday evening, March 10th, at 8 o'clock, at the Temple. Tho public Is cordially Invited. ' Program. r Preludo and Fuguo, A minor Bach Sonata, D Major, Op. 10. ..Beethoven Largo o mesto . MInuottb ' ' " fc Rondo Barcarolle, Op.' 10 . . . . 7 . . Paderewski "Magic Flro Scene"., Wagner "Will o' tho Wisp" MaoDowoll Themo'Varle et FUgato, Op. 29.Schuett Concerto, G minor, No. 1. Mendelssohn Molto allegro con fucco - Andanto , Presto-Molto allegro , (Orchestral parts on second piano) ff -. Miss Louise Pound will read her locturo on Edith Wharton before the library club of tho city tonight. ? aaaasSaw t - .. courses: Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, English, : Penmanship; 4,o. Lincoln Business Ctllngt A0TO 3634 - ' r - J -tfEUXeft DR, J. R. DVVIS DENTISJP',VI .. OfHco hours I) to 5. Sundays 10 to 11.. 8PKOIAI4 RATJ5 TQ 8TU DENTS Over Bank of Commerce llfth & O Sts. THE 'UNI' SMOKE NOISE Welcomes all students' and Invites you to enjoy our Smoking and Reading Room. It's a pleasure to please. Try .us. "UNI" SMOKE HOUSE. 1132 O STREET r ' Pitts' Dancing School Class nights Advanced, Monday; Beginners, Wednesday and Saturday. 8oclal night Friday. Private class every afternoon. Most beautiful hall In Lincoln. New location, 1124 N street. Auto 5241. CINCINNATI OUT PltlOE SHOE STORE -AND- . Eritkii Vm Rfftftlr Factory , iAVis Vou t TIME - an. iOMY , 12X0 0 St. Telegraphy... Is ajucrattve occupation and! a Rfcat educator. . Positions secured when proficient. Glasses three i ... nights a -week Western . -r Telegraph School 1134 OSl Bell A 2311. HAV1 v - jMf. THE EVANS Do Your Washing "n niRn a MROW IOafareaKLQeartMr Mm Caaaf nuumwi, tnrs(Tsla cz.UKrr,,riaBODY & ca I Baw0iaa1MtlV"ar I I Lvr- ' I d t )