mfmammtmam THE DAILY INEBRASKAN Gbe E)ail IRebraeltan THE "PROPERTY OP TJII3 UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln. Nebraska. i- - i i i --- ri- -' ii MUSHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY DY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publication Office, 126 No. 14th St. EDITORIAL STAFF. Edttbr-ln-Chlef . . Ron King, '08 Managing Editor Q. L. Fonlon, '08 Associate Editor R. L. Harris, 10 DU8INE88 STAFF. Manager George M. Walja.ce, '10 Circulator W. A. Jones, '10 Assistant Clrculatdr L. J. Weaver, '10 OFFICE HdURS. EdItor-ln-Chlef 2 to 4 p.m. Manager ... 9 to 10 a. m. Edlto'rlal and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 5 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 cents per Insortlon for ovory fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and Unlvoratty bulletins will gladly bo. published free Entered at the postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, ns. second-class mall matter under the Act of Conpress of March 3. 1879. Peace. The exorcises In chapel today avo significant not only bocauso they are the first of the kind over hold at this University, but because they mark the beginnings of a great movement among the educational Institutions of tho country for the promotion of sen timent in favor of international con ciliation. Many of the most promi nent educators of the country are tak ing actlvo lntorest In this work. Ly man Abbott, Nicholas Murray Butler, Joseph H. Choate, Seth Low, David Starr Jordan, James Ford Rhodes, A. D. White, and W. J. Brynn are among BUPP, THE COATER Tho biggest Oavanotte sale 1 over had 50 genuine Priestly process Cravanotto Rain Coats -great big $18.00 values picked -up-this week from New York at a snap. I will sell thorn short scalp all out in a Cffl fill day or two for IjMUiUU BUDD, $2.50 HATTER the directors oftho American branch oi the association. When a movement like this readies tho University and tho opportunity is given for the students to get food for reflection on so wide reaching a ques tion, nil ought to turn out and help tho good work along, Undoubtedly tho students -will, go to chnpel, for Mr. Bryan, whov will be 'the principal speaker today, never' falls to got an audience among the Nebraska stu dents. The' subject on which lie Is to speak-.Is "Arbitration vb. Force." Those of ub who prefer hearing Mr. Bryan on political subjects will take 'special Interest in hearing him on a subject In which we can probably agree with all he haB to sayM This stibjec.t of International arbitration Ib one on which sentiment Is all one way, Tho only trouble 1b that there Isn't enough sentiment. Americans have come t6 think that such a thing as world peace 1b an object too far re moved to deserve much' more than passing support. Tho evils of war to the .great' majority of young people nowadays are scarcely more than as read of or photographed in the popu lar magazines. And so when an opi portunity like this comes, not only to hear oiir distinguished citizen, but to contribute In" however small a way to tho peace movement, wo do it with the utmost willingness. It is predict- pd that by three minutes after eleven there will not be standing room left In the chapel. Tho Cornell Dally 8un urges tho establishment of a chapter of Tau Beta Pi at Cornell. Although the In stitution nt JUhnca has come to rank as -one of the foremost technical schools in the country no chapter of tho honorary engineering . fraternity has Tbund a placo there. Yule oHlclals refused tho use of the university dining hall for the Lincoln Day banquet at which Secretary Taft was to speak, on the ground that tho university could not do anything that would look like taking sides In a polit ical contest. In tho evont that the basketball championship remains unsettled at tho end of the regular schedule, It Is prac tically assured that Chicago and Wis consin will ammge-a-rgamo to play off the tie. After this, the 'victorious team will accept the challenge of Pennsylvania to play for the cham pionship of the United States. A now scheme for tho elimination of roughness 'from the game of basket ball has been proposed by Coach Jami son of Purdue. It consists in having a starter who 1b to do Nothing but toss up tho ball, and then follow nil the nlnvK with thn hall, loavlncr thn rofnrefi to ovorseo tho Bnra0 from tho gldej lines, so that he may be In a position to see all of tho roughness. Iowa is to have a new $125,000 law building. Work will be started this spring. Dramatic Club Productions. Members of the Dramatic Club gave "Grlngolre" last Saturday afternoon In the club room at the Temple. Only members of the club were invited, of which quite a number were present. Tho play waB a success In every detail and was enjoyed by tho audience. "Grlngolre" 1b a charming one-act com edy dealing with French royal life of the Fifteenth century, and Bparkles with wit, humor and exceedingly ro mantic love scenes between - a rich merchant's daughter and a common ballad mongor. Next Wednesday: afterjion jthe, play will bo repeated belfore ' tho Faculty Woman's Club, and on March 21 it win Jie given in tho Temple heater to the public. On the latter date other plays will bo rendered by tho Dra matic Club and the 'attention of tho student body is called to these high class amateur theatricals. Patronize home talent. Remember the date, March 21. , That the state of Washington could make use of the services of 10,000 school teachers is the theory of the State Association xt School Directors.) The Harvard Medical School iWitho-t!, ,S,mp!?t.,0n ?f ,tno now buildings which woro dedicated Sep tember 2oth, 1906, this school now has facilities and equipment for teach ng una research In tho various branches of mcdlclno probably unequalcd In this country. Of tho flvo buildings, four nro dovotcd entirely to lab oratory teaching and research. Numerous hospitals afford abundant op portunities for clinical .instruction In medicine and surgery. . COURSE FOR THE DEGREE OF M. D. A four years' course, open to bachelors of arts, lltoraturc, philosophy or sclenqo, and to porsons of equivalent standing, lends to tho degrco of M. p. Tho studios of the fourth year ar(J wholly telcctivo;, thoy include labora- tory subjects, general medicine, gencial surgery and tho special clinical brunches. . t Tho next school year extends from October 1, 1908, to Juno 24, 1909. The diploma of University of Nebraska Is accepted for admission, tor detailed announcement and catalogue, uddrcss HARVARD MEDICAL 8CH00L, Boston, Mass. QK00O)D3KC it KANSAS UNI. it n it J it t it it H ii it it it it ii it it it it AT THE Wednesday Evening, March Eleven Tickets 50c, at Registrar's Office it W3WD00KK3K UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. Friday, March 13. Freshman Hop. Saturday, March 14. Senior Informal. 8:00 p. m. Temple. "Jeanne D'Arc,"' by Miss Howell. Friday, March 20. 7: J; gfujg: International Students' Secretary for the Y. M. C. A. Saturday, Marhc 21. 8:00 p. m. Gymnasium. Girls basket-ball. Minnesota Nebraska. Wednesday, April 15. 6:00 p'. m. Easter recess begins. Wednesday, April 22. 8:00 a. m. Easter recess ends. vs. Notice. Unfortunately, tho Kansas Orches tra concert is postponed. Tho orches tra will appear, however, at a date to bo announced later. Kansas City Meet. All men interested in the KanBas City Indoor meet will please bo at my olllce this evening at live o'clock. ' DTI, R. G. CLAPP. B. C. Adams, superintendent of the Lincoln Gas and Electric Light Com pany, will give a talk on "Lincoln Gas" before the engineering students. Notice. Meeting of the Inter-Class Athletic Board, today. U.102, 7:30 p. m. The Germanlsche Geasellschaft at Washington will present a play In tho near future.. HERE'S A "SNAP!" An Al foun tain pen now, self-filling, 25 per cent discount. Inquire at Nebraskan ofllco. Tho best coffee I evr drank that served in The Boston Lunch. Try it. Dr. Hill, Dentist. 233 So. Eleventh, 1 fa " Chapin Bros., florists, 127 So. 12th. PLEASE If you have not paid your subscription, please let the matter have your early attention. $J400 for second semester. Office open daily 2 to 5, room 7 Administration building. : : : . : ' ORCHESTRA it a it a V. a a a a a it it a a it a a a it it it it TEMPLE SUN - NO. 2 RIBBONLESS No. 2 No. 8 No. 0 $40.00 $75.00 $100.00 A. G. Chapman, 141 So. 13th We Handle a Line of GENTS FURNISHINGS that will suit your taste and your pocketbook. Come In and examine our stock. Nebraska-Clothing Store L. Polsky, Proprietor. 128 No. 10 St., Opposite Postofflce Talk, to LUDWIG About Your Clothes I MIBMilMHMaiaMBBBBBBMBBBlBBBBMBBMilBMHBlBlaBBBSBMaBMaBWBBBBlMMlBM Subscribe for the Daiijr Nebraskan. PY. UP! aJBBBBBBBBHESsBKIBKAVrtl ' lBBBBBBBBBMBBBHBBBsBiBvria V 5LtBBBBBKBflBBsRlKrr J v. -, tl ri J"JVMik Ar 3-" Jir 7. dm i