THE DCIL,V NEBRA8KAN v- -w & v K TONIGHT' AT 8:15 May robson In Her Greatest Success ' "REJUVENATION OF AUNT MARY PRICES $1.50 to 50c Wed. mat. & eve., march 11. Al G. Field Minstrels FRI. SAT. A MAT.MARCH. 13-14 "WAY DOWN EAST" LYRIC THEATRE MATWBB 3 P. M. EVE. 7U5 & 9j00 PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CENTS ' "Extraordinary Feature , MILLE. CAftRINO iAndlHer Troupe of Performing Bears ! ?fEARLAND WIL80N ln-a Miniature,, Musical Comedy & . -feu . - ,5 i I OcLARk, AND DUNCAN 4 . . GALLAN AND SMITH Fancy -and Eccentric Dancers TOM HEFRON . The One-Legged Acrobat. JOHN J. WILDE TheLatest Illustrated Ballads. THE LYR08COPE. MAJESTIC Wiik CoRMMclRg Moilaj, March 2 FULTON STOCK CO, IN "JAN E Preceded by a beautiful littlo sketch of inodotn life, entitled "THE LITTLEST GIRL" Evening prices 16c and 25c Matinees, Wed. and Sat '15c boats rcsvd, Box ofllco opens 1 1 ji. m. 3 HUYLER'S -Chocolates and Bon Boris. TJm Dmi Qsitte. THE FIRST TIUST & SIVINQS BANK rOwm4 toy ta Stockholder! L Tft Vrs Nattorua BjtakJ IS '!? PAID AT H PER CKNT Pk-t MtttoMl luk Saama. Taath ant O r UNIVERSITY JEWELER ft OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr.S.S.Shean , OPTICIAN 1123 I STREET. YELLIW FRONT - . V" Oliver Theatre BUSINESS DIRECTORY jj Kverjr a)tr1 Unlversltjr Stadaat la ijj H arged to patroalie theaa Hebraa- 3 baa advartUara, aad to meatloa j z t tho paper wlilla doing- ao. t I i S ATHLETIC GOODS Glrard Cycle Co. Lawlor Cyclo Co. BANKS First Trust and Savings. Central National. BAKERIES Dalrymple, Polsom, ,Pe try. BARBER SHOPS Grand Central, Green's Shops," Marshall, Emmert. BATH HOUSE Chris'. ' . BOOK STORES Coop; Lincoln', University. CAPE Savoy, Windsor, Sams, Dons, Buds. CLEANERS Wood. Place. CIGARS Cole & McKenna; Matt'a BUSINESS COLLEGES Brown Busi ness College; Lincoln Business Col lege. CLOTHING Parquhar; Magee & Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. COALGregbryWhitebreasjr CONFECTIONERY Dalrymple; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olympla Candy Co., Rood, Hirschner-Morse. TolBom. ANQING ACADEMY Lincoln, Pitts'. DENTISTS Graham, Yungblut, J, R, Davis, Hill. DRUGGISTS Hirschner-Morse, Jer ry, Rlggs.. DRY GOODS Herpolsheimer; Miller & Paine. FLORISTS Chapin; C. H. Prey. FURNISHINGS Budd; Magee & Deemer, Mayer Bros., Sterling, O. A. Fulk. GROCERIES Capital Grocery. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. Davis; Mme. Ross, Mrs. J. C. Bell. HATTERS Budd, Heffley,' Lincoln Hat Co., O. A. Fulk. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris; Myers, Tucker, "Hullett, Henderson and- Hald. LAUNDRIES Evans; Merchants; LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsoiu. Dalrymple, Hirschner-Morse. OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers; Shean, PHOTOGRAPHS Blazok, Hayden, Townsend, Clemonts. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. RE AL-EST-ATE Humph rey. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch ; Buds; Camerons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons; Francis Bros.; Sams; Windsor; Elam's. SHOES Beckmnn Bros; Cincinnati Hereford & Petty; Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. STATIONERY Porter; Rood. TAILORS Backstrom; DreBher; El liott; Heffley; Herzog; Ludwig; Scotch Wollen Mills, Union College Tailors. THEATERS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; Lyric, BIJGU.JiYonderland, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood. KEY,S-Thorp. REMOVAL SALEI M 20 Per Ct. Discount on Trav eling Bags, Trunks and Suit- Cases. . C. A. WIRICK, 1036 O Street. .-.- TheACME ItwIlKi, lllliaNs, fttl ani Cigars The Finest Place, In the Wstt. 34 P Hrett MEMMEN CANNON CO. . 8ECOND LECTURE. (Continued from Page 1.) oven represented tho dawn of crea tion with human forms, as ho could nbtrthlnk of othor kinds of paintings. The limits of other men wero only Michaelangelo's beginnings. This 1b shown in the painting of tho creation of active force. Nudo forms wero ex tensively carved by Greek sculptors, but wero dropped by Romans, only to bo revived by Michelangolo. Ho saw that such could -bo made to represent the spiritual. "The painting of tho temptation and fall of Adam and Evo shows tho ag gressive element of tho male. In tho picture of tho flood everything is colossal. Paintings are often judged by tho perfection of human figure. That of Joel is a good example of flno painting from that standpoint. It was the delight of Michaelangelo to bring out different moods. The painting of Jonas is the greatest On a wall that leans forward he is made to loan back ward. His abstractions aro always true to llfe .On this celling may be found .all moods of which the human mind 1b capable." A school of physical education is to be" established -at- the University of Utah. The Harvard Union is to bo used as a model for tho new union at Min nesota. A political equality club has been or ganized among the girls of tho Univer sity of California. Some Missouri students got into trouble recently because .they attempt ed to slake their thirst in a dry town. The Irish students nt tho Univer sity of Illinois are planning for a cele bration aifd"TJuhquet on Sf. Patrick's birthday. By tho will of Mrs. Amy R. Shel don, widow of a Harvard graduate of 1842, her husband's alma mater is be queathed $800,000. Students at tho University of Wash ington are assisting in the construc tion of a launch house for the crew's coaching launch. Dean P. E. Turneauo of Wisconsin College of Engineering, spent Thurs day inspecting our engineering build ings and equipment. Owlngf lo a number of fluhRs in German I, a second class bus been formed" under Professor Possler, to meetat 8 ,a. m. in U, 305. . The senior laws are breathing easier now that tho Property III grades aro out. While a few desire to take it over, still the majority aro contented to let, it pass. Without a doubt this is the hardest course in tho Univer sity. February 29 Ayas observed as labor day 'at tho University of California. The students went out to the athletic field ., armed with picks and Bhovels, and did" some much-needed leveling and grading on the field. 'The girls helped out by supplying the eats, Petry Bakery Co. Baking Orders Filled Promptly f INC RICE IMLAS OUR SfCCIALTY -PHOKS US AND YOUB OBD1R WILL BKOKIYSPSOMPT ATT-UTTZOlf courses: Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Typewriting, English, Penmanship, eVc. Lincoln Business Colltgt AUTO 3634 - BELL A63?4- DR, J. R. DAUIS DENTIST Ofllco hours 0 to 5. Sundays 10 to 1 1. SPECIAL RATE TO STUDENTS Over Bank of Commorco, 111th & O Sts. THE 'UNI' SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all students and invites you to enjoy our Smoking and Reading .Room. It's apleaeure-to-pleatec-Try-us. " - - "UNI". 8M0KE HOUSE ' ,1132 O STREET ' EVERYTHING IN Sporting Goods Spttlll DltMIMt U StlldMlf aiRARD CYCLE -COMPANY, 140 North 14th St. University Students Ladies, and Gentlemen If in the mnrk'et for a new typewriter or desiring to rento one, we would bo' glad to have our sales man call and demonstrate the visible Undorwood. Yours re spectfully, " - ' ; UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO. 714 PStt Bell 348- HAVS THE EVANS Do Your Washing A Nin5iii 24g2 y7vr jlro 96 m TONE AND asrtr I a----P-BUHsTsBsfsaJ ia "2 tK Sa-Sa-Sa-Sa-Saml. A, LBB-t "BRVBaB-BjBaBBaflBB-BalBS 3 -i ? 1 -s.