Wmlv mcbtmMn fgbe I r .. ' Vol. VII. No. 95. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1905. Price 5 Cents. $, i INTER-PRAT MEET 0000!ll0 SOUTH OMAHA TRIP 8TUDENT8 OF ANIMAL HUSBAND RY GO TO OMAHA. LINCOLN HOTEL MARCH THIRTEEN ) r $. r A uv k Vm f" ft'- ok 14. .' . ' w ir.:- BIG INDOOR MEET TO BE HELD ..saturday, MARCH 14. Gttqd UJst of Events--Trophles for the '.Winning Team All Fraternl I ties to Enter Teams. FRESHMAN HOP - ' At a meeting of the representatives of f all the fraternities In Dr. Clnpp's office Thursday morning It was de cided definhdly tirhold a big lnter-fraternlty ' indoor athletlc meet on Sat, iur.day afternoori;i''MarcIr 14, Hereto fore lnter-fraternlty ' athletics have ;Tjeea. confined to the baseball games in the spring and the lnter-fraternlty re- aaylracoSj. onf Charter IDay.;' 'Nebraska aBiSTsjr-iect, far behind most 'other western, universities where in-ter-frat athletic meets, basket-ball .games,1 and' even football games are annual' events. 'The scubject has bedn aguaieu ana wiaeiy aiscusseu at re braska recently and the discussion culminated Thursday when definite ac tlohwhartaken. "The idea is to make tnfs an annual event similar to the .Charter Day exorcises for the promo-tipu-oflnterrfraternlty rivalry in ath lcticYahd also for the development of material for the University track team. "Acommittco consisting of B. S. Djafce, chairman; T. M. Murphy, and E. J.. Davis, was appointed to draw up a constitution for the' government of hls f inter-fraternity nthlotlc associa tion. In addition to this they are to arrange for the purchase or medalB and trophies 'for the meet, the amount of "the admission fee, and other de rails of the. meet. ' A large number of events were dis cussed with a view to placing them on the program and the list of those. as 'finally chosen is as follows: Twenty-five yard dash. - Twelvo-pound shot put. Pole vault.' J,.jRunnlng high jump. Rope climb. Standing broad jump. Standing three broad jumps. Tugof-war six men. Obstacle-relay race-r-four men. " (EachSventls'to count ;elevenpoInts,; flof . rtlnnn. flvft 'doniiiI' throft" '4Vilrl took l'iyv,-.uv, av.wMu, v.w, i.... v., two, and fourth oriei It Ms possible mat tneiast two events on xne usi (the tug-of-waiyand the obstacle race) !';YiU? be 'scored differently. The com mittee will also decide upon this point. ! Elaborate prizes are to bo offored. ?For the team championship there Is to (he; .a big silver' loving cup which will become 'the permanent property of thov fraternity winning It three times. (Fo;."the,ug of 'war and obstacle" race jbahnersaro to he given with ribbons ;to . the Individual members of the 'teams. In all other .vents .a silver medal -will be given for first place, a ' -"- .. .. bronze medal lor second place, ana t'rlbbons for third" and fourth places.- The meet, promises to be one of the Iblggeat athletic events of the year, and ' fa great deal, "of interest Is alrady be jing manifested in it. '.."; ; ' '!! ': "l i ' . I;! The beat oyster sW in "the city la t'that served at The Boston Lunch. T.ryvltr"' "M"i" ' h f v -. f'i'f INFORMAL KiKiK3W0OK TICKETS $L50 . MOOT COURT8. Y. W. JOLLIFICATION. I 8ome Interesting Cases Are to Come Up Today. In the. Supreme Court the case of Burnett vs. Union Water Company will be -tried. Heinke and Randall will appear for the defendant and Lowe and Gumden for plaintiff. This Is a case in which the plaintiff is suing he water company for allowing the pressure to run down so that they could not put out a fire which de stroyed the plaintiff's building. The case in the District Court is Aylsworth 'vs. Austin. Westover and Ewing will represent the plaintiff and Giflln and Hulenbechor the defend ant. This is a quasi-contract case to recover for $26 worth of goods sold. It will be tried before Judge Bochus without a jury. In the Justice Court, a criminal case will he tried State vs. Steven sqn. Assistant Prosecuting Attorneys Balrd and Tlbbets will act for the; state and Spaits and Kazebeer for the defendant. A nlen In Imr wns on- tered by Spaits and Kazebeer yester-! day afternoon, but it waB overruled.j The case will be tried on its merits today. This is the first Jury case' to' bo tried in the Justice Court this year.! Business meeting. TheDramatic Club will meet Tues day, March 3rd, at 11:30 o'clock In U. 106. Important business lair over from previous meetings will be con cluded. All members of the club are expected to. attend". President Tucker -of. Dartmouth, has, iEPued a manifesto against baseball, declaring that it has proved demoral izing to the college on account of the commercial element that accompanies it; and unless some very radical re form can he -effected It must be' for bidden. Following this, nine 'members of lastyear's .team were debarred from future participation in athletics. v. .i New Officers Given Rousing Welcome at the Rooms. A Jolly informal welcome service to the new officers was held in the asso ciation rooms yesterday. A grand march In which the newly elected offi cers were, triumphantly borne aloft on "hand-chairs," was the first perform ance. An original welcome solo was most effectively rendered by Miss Maude Cauger. It waB so effective that it brought tears (of laughter) to the eyes of all present. Faye Hart ley made a most impressive Bpeech; Iv which the murvelouB deeds pres ent, past and future of the new offi cers were duly emphasized. The per formance ended with a very "touch lug" Borig, "Wo Welcome You," which made all the officers look very happy. It was, on the whole, a very enthusi astic affair dnd we' feel our new offi cers are worthy of all the enthusiasm we can muster. Piano Recital. Mabel Ellen Coder, of the Univer sity -School of Music, pupil of Mr. tfDames, will give .a. recital for gradua tion on Monday evening, March 2, at 8 o'clock, at the Temple. The public is cordially Invited. The following is the program: La Poulo Rameau La Rnppel ' des Olseaux . . rv . . Rameau Variations Serleuses Mendelssohn Etudes In C and E Major.. Glazounow Intermezzo In Octaves. ...Leschetlzky FantaBle, F minor. Chopin "Waruni," from Op. 12.... Schumann Liebestraum, A Flat, No. 1 '.Liszt Polonaise, E Major .Liszt Concerto, E Flat Major, No. 2.. Weber Allegro maestoso Adagro Rondo. , . (Orchestral parts on second piano) "Paf Day was a Uni visitor yesterday. Visit Packing Houses and Stock Yards Big Banquet Given by. Union 4 't 8tock-Yards Company. '' ' J . " J " " ' ' -r - - !'.. . i o- ' -ttw i lit .. Y. M.! C. A,SbeijBd- Tonight r '' In lemple . -rf'uiyi: iiJjfc'j;-' yji f? . The apnual oxcurslod of the stu dents' of) animal husbandry of the School and of the University to visit the packing houses arid stockyards of South Omaha took place Thursday. More than 200 students boarded .the special train at the Rock Island' depo' at 7:30 a. m. and nrrived fn Omaha soon after 9:00 a. m. Professor Smith divided them Into four groups, according ta classes: Those of the short course wore under the direction of Mr. Burr, the froshmen under Mr Sam McKilvle, the juniors under Pro fcBsor Smith, the seniors and ' the University students under Dr. Peters. ti visit the packing houses of Swift & Co., Armour, Cudahy, and the Oma ha Packing company. The various packing houses fur nished guides to show the students the more important operations. Swift & Co. made an elaborate exhibit of nil their products and by-products, which all groups were given an opportunity to see. Special attention was given to the methods , of the governmenfin spection ?of5 diseased 'animals; "anS every student was : 'cdnylticod tnat.th! luupectlon wns so rjgld that thor caiv circs of the slightest affectipd' animal could not bo-passed out-as fpo'tL t,The government Inspectors showed how swine were affected by the disease cholera and tuberculosis. 1 "'i In preparation for this event, Dr. Peters had tested three head of cat tip which he found to have tuberculo sis. These were shipped some time ago-and 'were killed by Swift & dot, and wore used to explain the 'effect 'of the disease. In the afternoon the different groups went through the stockyards; Special attention was- given to the feeder section and the boys seemed very much Interested In' looking over the sheep,' because of the recent prac tice t In sheep Judging at the farm. After the inspection of the-Btockyards an hour or two remained, which time .was given to the boys' for their dis posal, ' , , . .At 5:30 the lobby of the Exchang6 building waB crowded by a rgdup cf hungry young agriculturists waiting for the banquet to be given by--the Union Stock Yards Company, . , $ , (Continued on page, 3.) si & i - ' Pi . itoeKK)ij Another Robertson. ' f , ' In counectioh with the candidacy of W A. Robertson of the La'w school . for editor-in-chief of the Cornhuskera little" confusion has apparently arisen among certain juniors, who have in mind H, C, Robertson, of the college of" literature, ' science and arts. Mr.' JL C. Robcrtapp. Was business -manager of the Dally NebraSkan last semester, but is not the candidate for the Corn busker editorship. ' . 5 ) tf 4 f y SI ,'.) J j j I '?i t 'AiJbtlih. ."-