THE JDAILV NEBRA8KAN -4 4 I ffl W r !" BA8KET-BALL TRIP. t (Continued from pngo ono.) Gornhuskor Ave nnd thoy intend to do tholr beat to redeem thomflelvoB for the two defoatandmlnlBtorod by Kan sas last weok. Dr. Clapp believes that the Kansas games do not Indl 'onto the true rolatlvo merits of the two teams. Ho thinks that In reality Nobraska deserves the Missouri val ley championship, but the fates have 'decreed that the tltlo muBt bo shared with Kansas. The mon who left on the trip wore. Captain Paul Boll, WalBh, D. Bell, Woods, Porry, B. A. Smith, H. D. Smith, Long, Dr. Clapp and Manager "Eager. Notice. Gorman Club people must turn. in all tickets today. Eat at Slam's. THE The University of Washington has 1,361 students. Batting practice has dfcqn started by the University of Chlctdo under the direction of Coach Baird. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St ' ' The Palladians meet this evening in tho Temple. A good literary and musi cal program has been arranged. Vis itors are welcome. Beckman Brps. Fine shoes, 1107 O. si. "Tad" Jones, who made the All Amerlcan as quarter last season, will roturn to Yale as one of the coaches for the coming season. Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. A movement 1b on foot in the East to unite all New England athletic as sociations, aiming to b'etter tho tone of athletics in that section. Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P A. E. Burr, who for tho past few months has been In the employ of tho Hugh Murphy) Contracting Com pany, returned yesterday to continue his studies In the law department. Coat and vest of a $75 dress suit at a "snap." Room 3, 1339 O St. Amherst college has just received more than 1,000 volumes of Chinese literature, the gift of Sir CHentung Llany Cheng, former Chinese minister to the United- States. Sir Cheng is a graduate of Phillips Andover. Go to 'Mrs. J. C. Bell, hairdresser, .for chiropody.' Dr. Hopeman, a practicing physician of Mlnden, Nebr., called on Dean Bes sey Wednesday, He Is an enthusiastic botanist and has furnished the de partment with a great deal of valuable information during the last twenty years. He is about to go to the Hawaiian Islands for his health. Hayden, photographer, special rates to students. 1127 O street The students in the classes of ani mal husbandry at tho Farm 'will be given an opportunity to investigate f the stock yards and packing houses ' of South Omaha next Thursday. The train leaves Lincoln In tho morning and comes back late In the evening, so that ample time will be given for a thorough study. , END-S Tomorrow Night firings to an End Our Great Re-Modeling Sale Tremendous reductions have characterized this week's big selling hundreds of buy ers have been made happy and we are ready for the final rush tomorrow with magnificent bargains that are greater than ever. Come expecting great values . there's no juggling with the truth here, which you can easily verify if you care to make a comparison Men's Suits $s00' IVac0, $900, JUST HALF PRICE Extra Trousers $,iub5o, &T5' JUST HALF PRICE Dnue' Cuila $l-50' $2-00' $2-50 $3-00, $3.25, DUY O OUlIb $3.50, Etc., Etc. JUST HALF PRICE Boys' Overcoats $2-tS5aso- JUST HALF PRICE Splendid Reductions and Rare Bargains in Every Department dgjaw 1217 dgg AUTO 3634 - BKT.T, A634 DR. J. R. DAVIS DENTIST Office hours 0 to 5. Sundays 10 to 11, SPECIAL RATE TO STUDENTS ' Over Bank of Commerce, 18th & O Sts. THE 'UNI' SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all students and Invites you to enjoy our 8moklng and Reading Room. It's a pleasure to please. Try us. "UNI" 8MOKE HOU8E. 1132 O 8TREET ' Marshall, students'1 barber. Corner Thirteenth and O under Famous. . Pitts' Dancing School Class nights Advanced, Monday; Beginners, Wednesday and 8aturday. Social night Friday. Private class every afternoon. Most beautiful hall In Lincoln. New location, 1124 N street Auto 6241. Clements' photos are the best Rates to students, 129 So. Eleventh. WE WANT YUUR FRAT TRADE W) can give) you the) beat priests, beat goods and best service CAPITAL GROCERY m,6e6966 1435 M Street Suits and O'coats Made to Order, $15 NO MORS NO LESS World's Greatest Tailors UNION MADE J. F. MQoilY, MaJUHr us Csttor Uactfa lriK, 145 St. 1311 St. flBB .eSjw M sf Tka Nabraskas for rtmaiHdar of Sckaal Yaar aaly $1.00