tasaESSSS, THE DAILY NEBRASKAN vf- 11 1 t 1 B' ;i ttjbe 35)ati tflebrashan THE PnOPBRTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln. NobraskdT PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUMY AND MDNDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. htliatlM etnct. 126 N. 14lh St. EDITORIAL STAFF. Editor-in-Chief ,. . . . . . Rom Kino, JOS Mannglno Editor,. t. ;..'. L. Fenlon, '08 Associate Editor R. L. Harris, 10 BUSINESS STAFF. Manager George M. Woe. Jjg Circulator W. A. Jones, ;io Assistant Circulator L. J. Weaver, '10 OFFICE HOURS. EdItor-ln-Chlef 2 to 4 p. m. Manager 9 td 10 a. m. Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION ILDQ. Postofflce, 8tatlon A, Lincoln, Neb. utmost indifference from eubject to subject. The most distinguishing fea ture of tho able studont 's his ability to think on one thing at a time. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. B Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1468, Auto 1888 Tan Shoes Tan Oxfords INDIVIDUAL, NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 conta per Inaortlon for ovory nf toon words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly be published free. Entered at tho postofflco at Lincoln. Nebraska, as sooond-clasa mall matter under tho Act of ConRroBs of March 8. 1870. McCalls Magazine for March is on the exchange table. Tho girls may con sult It without fear of over-dressing. Now that woman suffrage, occupies their minds less weighty Issues are forgotten. The dress question never was one of life and death. There are as many different kinds of people In a largo school like the "University of Nebras ka as there are in the average com munity of the same size. Those who who wear overly fine clothes are pub lic benefactors in that thoy sot the fashion for some of their less particu lar sisters. To tho Editor of tho Daily Nebraskan: In the editorials from which we loarned that no prospective P. B. K. does aught but study in the library nor does he behave himself In an in decorous manner In the halls,, you neglected a few minor details that aid in the Ubrlcatlon of the knowledge grinder. Ye ancient cloke of revered memory presented by tho class of 1869, is mo lested semi-annually by a tinkeror. Nevertheless after about half an hour's agitation it (the clock) retires to a state of innocuous ftcsetude, wherein It has no discordant tick, tick, to dis turb tho "would-be" wise one. Facil ities for absorbing knowledge in the Btack room are unsurpassed. Let me explain. Suppose a book is wanted. By consulting the card index and fol lowing a few simple directions the stu dent arrives before the shelf upon which Dr. Jowett "has ordained that aforesaid book shall repose. Lo and behold, the book is not there! Tho student is now in an admirable loca tion to absorb knowledge for he is flanked by stacks of books on almoBt any conceivable subject. If in the thirty minute search in this .alcovo for the missing book knowledge does not percolate through his cranium It is truly lmprevious. The books Jn tho library are picked up once or possibly twice a day and the possibility is very remote. Might not the percentage of P. B. Ks. possi bly be raised if books were gathered every few hours as they used to bo? Respectfully G. H. MATTESON, '09. The shoe department announces the arrival of new 8prlng 8hoea and Oxfords. The beautiful shades of brown and tan are the most popular; the lines embrace all of the rriost fashionable colors, leathers and newest lasts. Made In hand turned or welt ''"' extension soles; Frenoh, Cuban or regular high heels. In fact, you can match any popular shade of brown dress goods from our Oxfords. The Patent Leather line comes in all stylish Oxfords and Shoes. Remember we buy from factory direct and only the lines that represent standard quality; our prices mean a saving on high grade Shoes. Just look over the line, at, per pair $4.00, $3. 50' and $3.00 "Budds" Baby Shoes in all colors for 8pring, now In stock. if Mm6Umeme THE DAYLIGHT STORE UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. 28. Friday, February German Club play. Saturday, February 29. 7:30 p. m. University Hall 106. Students' Debating Club meets. Friday, March 13. Lincoln Hotel. FreBhman Hop. The few people who are working Varsity 0" men at Ohio state unl- WE KNOW JEWELRY as a grocer knows flour. This knowledge enables us to buy right and guarantees right prices to you. We invite comparis on of our stock and prices with others. HALLETT, Jeweler, II43 0 Street The University of Vermont has re ceived a bequest of $10,000 Under the will of John Ordronaux, a former member of the medical faculty. 'IHHiHLSBwlBBflLsCl2BBY M. E. Moore, a student here fifteen years ago, called at Dean Bessey's office last week. He now lives at Spring View, Nebraska. Elale Peterson, secretary of tho Freshman class last semester, is now teaching. HERE'S A "SNAP!" An Al foun tain pen now, self-filling, 25 per cent discount Inquire at Nebraskan office. The best place to eat In town is at Dons Cafe 114 So. Eleventh street. Matt's place Pool and cigars Old Heidelberg, 146 No. Eleventh street EVERYTHING IN Sporting Goods Spoclal Discount to Students GIRARD CYCLE COMPANY. 140 North 14th St. The ACVIE Bowling, Billiards, Pool and Cigars Tho Finost Placo In the West. 934 P Street MEMMEN CANNON CO. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, Burr Blk. dentist, 293 Chapln Bros., florists, 127 S. 12th. Cozy, clean, pure Dalrymple's for some oneelse command more than the "lip loyalty" of. their friends they have their rSspect Selfish peo ple are always bluffers to a greater or less extent; they are not willing to go on their merits but must veneer themselves with self-advertisement Tou can find any number of these ".am bitious" people in school who want to do generous things, Dut always with the view of boosting themselves. They never truly succeed. versity have started a movement to break down the exacting class room requirements placed upon them. They claim that more is demanded of them than other institutions require of their athletes. .y ,Rev. G. S. Smith of the University of Chicago, in a recent tjtllc before the students, of that institution proposed to abolish all examinations by ques tions substituting what be called a thought meter. He declined to dis cuss the practicability of the meter, .but explained the principal of it De grees should be awarded according to the following schedule: One-half hour concentration, A. B.; one hour con centration, Ph. 'D.1 One of the major purposes of education is to enable stu dents to hold1 their attention on one thing for a considerable length of time. Most people would, be 'startled if they could read the workings of v their own mind; thpy wander with the New Tailored Waists Prom three of the best houses In New York. Strictly tailored waists confined to us for Lincoln trade. . We have In at present a few. $5.00 Majority Necessary. It will require a majority of all votes cast at the coming junior class election, to nominate .an editor-in-chief for next year's Cornhusker. This is the decision of President Guldlnger? announced yesterday, when one of the candidates took the matter up "with him for a decision. It sems..that both the Cornhusker constitution and also tho constitution of the class of 1910 provide that a ma jority of all votes cast Is necessary for an election. Nevertheless there are so many candidates 'for the office that some of them consider they will stand a better show of wlnningout if the nomination is secured by the largest number of votes on tho first imiint The position of the junior president Is, in strict accord with both constitu falrer expression of the class's will than would a nomination on a more plurality voteY - , ' i' . - Dr.. Hill, Dentist, 233 So. Eleventh, Linen Waists . beautifully tucked and finely embroidered, with laundered col lars and cuffs. , ' Tailored Silk Waists Long sleeves, opened In front, simple tucks, correct collars and cuffs. Fine black and white stripes, black and white checks wl'tle Cf stripes, black, navy nnd naVy with white: .$5 and pl3U Cable Nets '.t-. . tt- trimmed with filet, cluny, Valenciennes or elaborate heavy laces. Pure . white, ecru or cream. Japanese silk linings, short -sleeves, Jap anese sleeves, tnousquetalre sleeves. $4.50, $5, $6 $6.75, $10 and $16.50 MILLER & PAINE t r J ;1