Sbe a-ilv itaebraekan (C'l 'j . ' i YbLVn. No, 94. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, J908. Price 5 Cents. MANAGER ELECTED BASKETBALL TRIP j -i TEAM LEFT LA8T NIGHT FOR EX TENDED TRIP. LINCOLN HOTEL MARCH THIRTEEN 1BU8INE8S MANAGER OF THE 1909 ? "C0RNHU8KER" CHOSEN. O. Bentley of Lincoln Is the Success- f ful Candidate Remaining Class i Officers Are Also Elected. , - The sophomores elected O. Bentley lor manager of next year's "Corn . huskfer" In an unusually eventful meeting In Memorial Hall yesterday morning. President Ingles presented the names of three candidates Rup nert Bailev. R. E. "Campbell and O. Bentley,. Mr. Bailey withdrew in fa Tor of Mr. Campbell and the vote was taken. Bentley received 72 votes and .Campbell 50, making a total of 122. There was some rumor that the bal .lot had been "stuffed." There was not actual proof given that such a thing had been done, however. Presi dent Ingles stated yesterday after noon that another election would not be held and that Bentley was legiti mately elected. 'The outcome of this election has been watched with interest for the last few weeks, all three candidates being very able men. Mr. Bentley announced himself a number of weeks previous to Mr. Campbell's announce ment and this partly accounted for Behtleys receiving hfe majority. Campbell is a member of the Alpha ,-Tau Omega fraternity and Bentley of the Phi Kappa Psi. ., R. E. Mosley was nominated for associate editor and was elected with no opposition. Miss. Whltmore was elected vice-president; Arbor Barth, treasurer; Miss Erma Franklin, sec retary, and J. M. Alexander! sargeant-at-arms. The class also voted to have a 'small dance." The committee to ar range for this Is as follows: Wm, ' Byerts, chairman; L. H. Harte, mas teroL ceremonies; Val White, Ralph Mosley, Sarah Martin, Florence Rld dell, "OHIe" Monson, W. H. Burleigh, .Lorenzo Flower. t; The Juniors will meet March 5. At thlB time the editor-in-chief will be elected. ' At present there are four Saen ,in the Held: S. P. Dobbs, B. D. Drake, 'B. M. Rutledge, and W. A. sbertson. In Honor of New Officers. A Jollification In honor of their new officers will be held by the members fr the X. W. C. A. today noon In jplace, of the usual gospel meeting. The officers elected Wednesday noon aro.aB follows: $ President -Mobel Snyder. j Vice-president Vera Barger. ' Secretary Viola Barnes. y Treasurer Elsie Adams. ' Everybody turn out with trumpets, 'welcome songs and stump speeches iter this particular occasion and make It one of real rejoicing. The officers need your help, and encouragement for the' coming year. Baked beans, baked on the prom- . lieu and served hot with delicious iftown bread,.' 10c, at The Bo'atoa Lunch. x ERESHMAN HOP INFORMAL )K03ftO$0$0$0$03pOKO)tO$0'KOlvO w O ENGINEERS MEET. Another Engineering Smoker to Be Givei. President Page of the Engineering Society announced at the opening of the meeting InBt night that Mr. Butler would not deliver his address to the engineers until some later date. Mr. Butler, who Is an expert pump tester, is employed by six different com panies for making their tests. He Is at present making a test at the A street pumping station, where new pumps were recently Installed. Owing to the fact that the city officials did not wish to make the results so far obtained public, he did not wish to talk until the tests were complete. However, he will give the talk before leaving the city, which will not be for several weeks. The engineers present decided to take two pages In the Cornhusker and as the time Is limited for gather ing the material to be placed In the 'book, a committee Is to be appointed to place on these two pages whatever they may see fit It was also decided to give another engineering smoker which proved such a success early In the fall. .The same committee was appointed to take charge of the smoker, to be given as soon as pos sible. The last, one was a grand suc cess, as It enabled the new students to get acquainted with the professors and older students. It was not de cided where the next smoker should be given, A committee was also appointed to arrange for a dance to bo given, by the engineering society In the near futureJEhe buying of an emblem or sign to beplaced In the Engineering Society's room was discussed. After a few names wore handed In, the meeting adjourned. The first BngUshunlverslty to estab lish a course in Journalism Is Birm ingham, where a regular course lead ing to a degree was recently inaugu rated. 0OliO000OI 3L Y. M. C. A. Social Saturday Night In Temple Q '; TICKETS $1.50 2 tK O 'rO'K BA8EBALL TALK. Prospects for 1908 Are Considered Good. As the season advances and pros pects for warm weather and an early spring appear, the situation In base ball becomes dally more promising. With some sixty men trying for the various positions, the competition is naturally keen. This 1b developing some excellent material, and is bring ing out the best that the men can do. For the initial sack, the fight lies between Watson, last year's first base man; Bolderson, a Wilber man, and Jessup, nil of whom Bhow ability. Thus far Dudgeon, who played second last year, has not put In an appear ance and Is leaving the field to Harris, Smith, Fehlmnn and Buck. Harris is showing splendid form nnd should bo eligible to fill any infield position. Beltzer will play, third base this year, and the outfield is filled with Sleuter, Captain Bellamy and Freeland, though If some hard-hitting freshman is dis covered during the open air practice consternation may. be caused among the pld "N"men. The batteries are where the matter looks the darkost ut present. Ward Is In the hospital and Hrubesky and Blake have not shown themselves as yet Among the new men there Is hope, however. Prouty, a lengthy Illinois boy, has remarkable speed, but is a trifle wild. Ketzel, Klein, Stevenson, 'Decature and' Johnson alBo show power and may develop Into good slab artists. Qtutzenegger, Patterson and Green silt will probably hav.e to fight for the mask end of the battery,, as up to the present all of them work out in the same excellent form. The bat ting eye will In all probability settle .the matter. "Billy" Fox Is due to arrlye Sunday and begin his coaching of the squad Monday. He Is our hope. The pros pects at first glance are rosy, and with "Billy" holding the reins, Ne braska, should put a first-class team in the field for the season of 1908. 00 l -r. U Games at Minnesota and Wisconsin Burrus Not With the TeamMen Are Not In Good Condition. The varsity basket-ball team loft last night at 6:45 over tho Burlington for its unnual eastern trip. The. trip Is an extended one, Including olgnt games. The schedule for -the trip is as follows: T University of Minnesota, at Minne apolis, February 28, 29. First Regiment team, at Portage, Wis., March 2. University of Wisconsin, nt Madi son, March 3. St. Paul's School, at Chicago, March 4. Y. M. C. A., Morrison, 111., March G. University of Iowa, Iowa City, March 6. Orlnnell Collego, Qrlnnell, Iowa, March 7. Dr .Clapp is not' overcnrhuslastlc over the prospects of the team on tho trip. In fact he candidly admits that the team Is In the poorest condition It has been In this year. Russell Burruss, who has played a star game at forward , since tho holidays, Is not to accompany tho toam. He is In terested in business with his father here and this will -prevent his going. .It is possible, however, ;hat he will bo able Jp Join tho team at Iowa City and take part in tho last two games on the' schedule. The loss of Burrus is a serious blow 'to the team, as he 1b one of the fastest men (on a long floor especially) who has ever played the game Ut Nebraska. Dwlght Bell has been 111 with a cold for several days and has been unable to practice with the toam. However, he left wlclr'the team and will play In at least one-half of each game, and more t his physical condition permits. Captain Paul Bell will not participate In the two games at Minnesota, but will be In all the games thereafter. E. A. Smith will probably- play 'guard In Bells pla.ce at Minnesota. Long, a freshman who has been showing up well in practice and who won the high kick on Charter Day, accompanied the team. He will be used as a substitute guard and for ward and will doubtless be used In the gomes at Portage and Morrison: He will not be eligible to .play at Min neapolis, however, on account of the Cpnferonce rules. , Pr, CJapp hopes to break ,oyen with Minnesota, but fears that fixe Cora ijuskers are doomed to moeV defeat at Wlsconslns, hands.; Tho Badgers are generally conceded to have about the best college -team in the; west this year and the .team,, that beat, ithem.haa task cut ou for f) games at Portage and Morrison are not considered important and a sub; stituteeam will probably be played. in tiese Peaces ?o tnat ino regular men may be in the best possible con dition for the larger games. This trp ?ad? the season for &e Continued pn I&gf four.) A 4 1 ' 4 3 1 a