r tHe daily nbBrAskan 1 -5 i n li K I I ( i i; I 1 r I 0 He who laughs last buys his CLOTHES of LUDWIG 1036 0 SAM'S CAFE " M I II I '' ' UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN SEASON HENRY CLARKE, Prop EX-CHANCELLOR. (Continued from pago one.) Careful Inquiry la mndo uh to the toaclior'8 teaching power, his ability to Interest and win and control his pupilB, his sympathy wMh them and IiIb peiBonal hold on thom. Pupils who are candidates for scholarships remain in school a, year or two longer than others and rarely enter upon their colloge work till they are nine teen years of age. Although much stress 1b laid upon the mother tongue In England, Franco has a long lead In that teaching today. Because of the romoteness of both French and Eng IihIi history and. their connection with general history, it has a pronilnont place In their curriculum. The at tempt to Instill patriotism 'n the chil dren through the teaching of civics is much leBB In England than In France. Through the organization of classics associations the interest in Groek and Latin Is being maintained. The pur poso of an examination in both coun tries is conceded to be to test the' ac quisition of knowledge nnd the abMlty to ubo knowledge." Kcsliter4Trd)Uik frir-TfKK SBaHKr FLAT (fif ALL CLASP W SlLK I & )) rr " i BRIGHTON Flat Clasp Garters for solid comfort. The newest shades and designs of one piece; pure silk web. All metal parts heavy nickel plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, all dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market Strcot Philadelphia SGilrrt of I'tonrtr Suiptrultrl -' v PLEASE PAY UP! ' : t,-. -in HEFFLEYS ; V" UNIVERSITY TAILORS and HATTERS 1337 O STREET Klrschner'a Body Found. While working on a surveying party with the Burlington near Casper, Wyoming, last June, C. F. Klr'schner of Liberty, Nebr., and M. A. Deffer i were drowned In the Platte river. J They had gone out on the river In a boat to havo their pictures taken, when the boat tipped over in the swift current and they were unable to got out. Doffer's body was found about a week afterward, but Klrschner's body was not found until last Sunday. ( Tho funeral of Mr. Klrschner will be held In Blue Springs today. i Mr. Deffer was a third year median-' leal onglneor student and Mr. K'.rsch-' ner waB a third year civil engineer. Both Intended to be back In school this year. I If you have not paid your subscription, please fet the matter have your early atteritloH. $1.00 fnt :pnnr1 cmpcht Offiri nWn naitxr 7 trt, fv. $ S room 7 Administration building. : : ; : : i if ,if .cjf , i Hi'f.V'ys'vw?rySt!5lJJ' - J - . Frats and Sororities , When in Need of COAL call arid iee the WHITEBREAST CQ. Ye vill treat you right Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. mmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmkmmimmmmmtmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmm HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing Pan-Hellenic Election. The delegates of the pan-hellenlc , dance met yesterday and elected the j following officers- "M. A Mills, Jr , I chairman, and Ed. Coufal tuul '('hick" i McLaughlin masters of cerennnies. ' No definite date was set for the dauco j but it Is understood that It will bo hold the Friday night al'te he annual ! competitive drill as Is the usual iis- torn. The officers, are said to ou mem-, bers of Theta Nu Epsllon.- THE FIRST TIHST t SIVINBS BANK President Schurman of Cornoll Uni versity thinks that all studentB should- have a definite aim In view from the i Lbjjgljinlng of their Junior year. Ha suggests with reference to specializa tion during the undergraduate course, that there should be laid before, the student, for-him to choose from, two year courses planned by educational exports and leading up to medicine. law, journalism, and tho othor profes sions. - RESULTS TELL! " . . ' ,i ' " ' ; ? " ' ' ' '" - " i " 'i1 - - - ' j Wo claim to bo tho boat CLEANERS and DYERS In Lfncoln, an'd'aro kero to prove It Our methods aro tho VERY LATEST and -fur ftofk-l men tho beat that money can aocuru. , W clean tho finest dresses and robes without danger of fadlnfc or shrinking In any way. We also, dean gontlemon's clothing of all kinds. uooas called ior and delivered. Ah goods thoroughly sterilized. Wo do altering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LI8T. ' ' J. C WOOD & CO, Phono Ball 147 1320 N 8TREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Auto 1292 PAID AT 8H PBB OfBNT FlMtJItltoMUkRk, Rooms, Tonth an 0 t'.,t , l r- L,. J. HERZOG TIE iMWaSffY MAKS' TAIIOK Tho Inapt workdoo and prlooa right. OiaU omr bow Btoro, 1230 O St. Llnoolrt Clements' photos are tho beat. Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh. Hayden, photographer, special rates to students. 1127 O street. Marshall, students' barber. Corner Thirteenth and O under Famous. Lawlor Cycle do. New Baseball Goods. Athletic. Goods Sk'aes " And Skate" Sharpening 1324 O STREET Coat and vest of a ?75 dress suit at a "snap."- Room 3..1339 O St. Gregory's Semi- Anthracite Foil $750 wgftfoM.jmE. GREGORY THE COAL MIAN I AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK BLD6. 132 N. Illh STREET Go to Mrs. for chiropody. J. .0. Bell, hairdresser, UNION COLLEGE Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020? P i 4 -i i I a J i Fir First Gilts Tallirliig Camefon'B lunch counter 123 So. 12. Beclcman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 0. st I Till flRQ Ma,n Ci,,,f V. ' ; Vv" mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm .Ji AT LOW PRICES AUTO 48-C0LLEGE VIEW r ' i l ,7 - J tutu t U (4T V W1 " W lM-f i Now Is the Time! Subscribe! , C. H. Frey, florist, ii3l O St. Eat at Elam3. 1 f