THE DAILY NEBRAtBICAIM .,, ?) t t F I I SAM'S CAFE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE BKST OF EVERYTHING IN SEASON HENCABKE,Prop U' HEFFLEYS UNIVERSITY TAILORS and HATTERS 1337 O STREET UnivtrsHy Students Ladle's and Gentlemen If in the market' for a new typewriter or deBlrlng to rent one, we would be glad to hare our sales man call and demonstrate the visible Underwood. Yours re spectfully, UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER GO. 714 P St. - -Bell 348 BERNARD SHAW. (Continued fronl p'ngp one.) vldualH. His concern therefore Is with the things that affect the human breed. "As a first step In the direction of his ideal Mr. Show became a socialist. Vtfe need not bo shocked at thlB, how evor. The Fublan variety of soclnlistn In" a wild, patient kind that la Increas ingly exemplified In this country by Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Bryan. Mr. Shaw detests what ho calls our. nnar- chlcnl scramble for., money. He be lieves In equality as the only possible permanent basis of social organiza tion. "Out of his social attitude have aris en, remotely or directly, nil his plays. Out of It came 'Mrs. Warren's Profes sion,' 'The Widow's Houses,' and others. These represont the somberer, more unpleasant side of Mr. Shnw's work. Its brightest side, with the bril liant repartee, the fine, cutting comedy we huvo seen represented In "You Never Can Tell." Between the two ex tremes He the mass of his plays. "The point for us to remember Is Hint Bernard Shaw Is a man working fearlessly and with prodigious energy for ends that are more than personal that he Is concerned with the welfare of humanity that he cares for his art only as It serves the social end." rJ :-) The Harvard Medical School ' ' ' " " f - . ' fw --. With the completion of- tho new btiTldlnRs. which vrcro facftlcated? Sep tembor 25th, 19.00, this school now has faculties nnd equipment for tcacft Inc una research in the various branches of metltclno probably unequaled In this country.- Of tho flvc buildings, four arc devoted 'entirely" -to -laD oratory teaching anu research. Numerous hospitals afford atjunuant Op portunities for clinical instruction in medicine and aururery. f' '' N j COURSE FOR THE DEGREE OF M. D. A four yearn course, open to bachelors of arts, literature, philosophy or science, and to persons of equivalent HtandhiR, leads to the degree of M. . D. Tho studies of the fourth year ar6 wholly elective; they include labora tory nubjects. Rcnoral medicine, cencial surgery 'and tho ) special. "clinloal " branches, . 1 u , "r ?'l '3 The next Hohooi year extends from October" 1, 1908, to June 24n 10097 The diploma of University of Nebraska is accepted for admission For detailed announcement and catalogue, address HARVARD MEOICAL SCHOOU, Boston, Mass. S zn PLEASE PAY UP! If you have not paid your subscription, please , let the matter have your early attention. $t,00 for second semester. Office open .daily 2 to 5r. -room 7 Administration building. J : : : : -, 1 1 Go to Mrs. .1. for chiropody. C. Bell, hairdresser, HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing T.J.TuORP&CO, Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Sttls.Tnrfi Chaoks, Keys Losksmlthlna. Gsneral MaehlM Works, Mods) Makers, Ete. Wednesday Evening Meeting. Tonight, at the regular Y. M. C. A. men's Wednesday evening meeting, Mr. Fredericks and the secretary v Mr. De Klnderen will contribute the report of the state convention at Norfolk. Last week Mr. Temple, Mr. Cherrlngton and Mr. Jorgensen gave a "very Interesting and Instructive report of tho conven tion. Tho one tonight will, without a doubt, ho of interest and worth the time of any student. Drop around and spend forty minutes with us. Meet ing commences at 6: HO and lasts until 7:30. Prior to the meeting, college songs are sung about the pluno. -' 'TJI Frats and Sororities Whan in Need of COAL cull and ie the WHITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. 1 1 The nnnunl election of officers for tho Y. W. C. A. will take place Wed nesday noon In the rooms of the asso ciation In the Temple. AH members are irged to attend the noon meeting and be present at tho election. Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P RESULTS T ELL! , , , W claim to be tho be3t GLEANERS and DYERS ln'Llncoln'aad are Imi to prove it Our methods arc the VERY LATEST andour work men the best that money can secure. f' ';': W clean the fln,est dresses and robes without danger of fadlng.W shrinking in any way. We also clean gentlemen's clothing of allkinds, (foods called for and dellvorod. All goods thoroughly sterilized. ,W do altering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LI8T. J. C WOOD St CO. Phone Bell 147 1320 N STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Aute 1292 . THE FIRST T1WT I SMINQS BIN -PBHEXJA&J&L ' IBMMJWT PAID AT IK PKB CBNT first NtllSMl Rmm, Tenth snd 0 Lawlor Cyce Co, Now Baseball Goods Athletic Goods Skates And Skate Sharpening 13:24 O STREET Miss Laura R. White, who has beon. a fellow In tho department of Amer ican History, left yesterday for Gold field, Nev., where she hus a position In the high school. j Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. Pullman won the basket-ball cham pionship, of Idaho and Washington early Inst week by defeating Whitman to the tune of 12 to 11. Gregory's Semi -Anthracite $7n50 M CUNKEIi tflurc" GREGORY THE COAL MAN FOR FURNACES Beckman Bros. Pine shoes, 1107 O. Bt. President Hadley of Yale and Mrs. Hadley recently took luncheon with Emperor Wililnm In Berlin. AMERICAN SAVIN6S BANK BLDB. 132 N. IM STREET Pennsylvania is. trying to arrange a series of basket-ball games with Wisconsin to decide (he championship I of the Untteil States.' C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. Dean Bessey went to Crete last night to attend a meeting of tho board ot trustees of Doano College, of which ho is a member.' I JPl flfl'sfmsfl Vain Rallasrsi I lAILUlTO ulldint A Cosmopolitlan club has been or ganized at Harvard. Eat at ElanVs. UNION COLLEGE Fr First Class TNrlnf AT LOW PRICES i i AUTO 48-COLLEQE VIEW Now Is the Time! Subscribe! r ri m M- riHWiUSWi