. . , ;. '- C $ iDTHJE, "yf.'v I f V V"1 s - .. - l' I "' I'l I I l l !! - - i f ' i ! ( ' " - f C'be,',B)iUHj flcbtagftah TUB PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. ' 'Lincoln. Nebraska. - PMLI8HEI EVERT IAY EXCEPT SUKDAT A KB MNIAT -'BY THE STUDENT -PUB. BOARD. PltllCltlM IfflCI, 126 Kfl. 14th St. EDITORIAL 'STAFF. EdItor-ln-Chlef '.-. . . ,Rots King, '08 Managing Editor Q. L. Fonlon, '08 Atioclate Editor R. L. Harris, 10 BU8INE88 STAFF. Manaaer Qeorne M. Wallace'. '10 Circulator W. A. Jones, '10 Assistant circulator u. J. weaver, 'io OFFICE HOUR8. Editor-in-Chief 2 to 4 p.m. Manager 9 to 10 a. m. i H Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 5 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL, NOTICES will b charged for at tho rate of 10 cents par Insertion for every flftcon words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices nnd University bulletins will gladly be. published free. Entered at tho postofflce at Lincoln, Nebraska, ms second-class mall matter under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. Chapel yesterday morning ran In opposition to a basket-ball game In tlie gymnasium. Both occasions were undoubtedly enjoyable, but 'eleven o'clock on Tuosday is supposed to be devoted to tho exorcises In the west and not the east wing of Memorial Hall. , Tho woman suffragists are getting supportors from tho right generation. They havo organlzod the girls of the .University who will soon be voters, If not so already. These women are at the age when active support Is feasible, both because of their natural enthusiasm and their freedom from' other ties. Their organization looks like business. BUPP'S NEW arc tho dope. Just received 35 doz. new ones tirL new shapes, colors and styles browns are very strong. Don't let other stores string you with big, overgrown shapes because narrow rims are the stuff. I don't have any but the new stuff I sell, my hats too fast. All $2.50 BUDD, $2.50 HATTER Word has been received from MIbs Laura B. Pfeiffer of the department of European HlatQryJ.wJiQ Is spending this year on a Dakota claim, taking advantage of tho time to study on hor doctorate. Just to break tho monot ony she has Interested herself In a bunch or cattle una takes great pleas ure In horse-back riding. "Who says that' our professors are Impractical? Just what are the grounds for tho dignified inactivity of the present Con gress after the stirring they have re ceived from tho President is not known. They tell us with a wise air that the impending election makes party dlssention a thing greatly to be avoided. There can ' bo no force Jn this reason except 'that It Is Just "prac tical Dolltlcs." r Nebraska stands eighteenth among all 'colleges, state and private, In por capita wealth. Leland Stanford, while not having tho greatest endowment, heads tllo list, on account of tho com paratively small enrollment, tmd is closely followed by Cornell and Co lumbia. Amomr unlversltieR of nnr own class, Michigan stands 21st, Mln- nesota, 13th, Jowa 16th, and Illinois 20th. A comparison from this poln of view puts ub Into the race, but that is all. Tho Daily Maroon, In commenting on 'this bulletin from tho bureau of education, says that "tho college whose w.ealth moans tho most to its students is that ono whose per capita endowment is tho greatest." This Is a mistake. Does Chicago 'thinli that her wealth means . any moro to her students than the comparatively meagre funds of her poor sister sec tarian Institutions mean to their stu dents? It is much to bo doubted whether the six thousand dollars per capita of Chicago "means' nny mora to her students than our ono thqusand meanB to us. Wo can't pursue an ed ucation with ponies and steam yachts, and we're glad of It. Editors of the Daily Nebraskan: Although I often havo inquiries from young women of tho University concerning the opportunities offered b library work as a profession, the In frequency with which I nm consulted in this matter by tho mon students leads mo to think that the nature of 11 brarlanship is but little known among the undergraduate body. Many think of It as a merely clerical employment which can be readily undertaken by anybody who writes a legible hand. Others suppose it to be similar to sell ing goods over the counter and to con sist of handing out the books demand- en and receiving those that are re turned. As a matter of fact there is a large and increasing demand for young men and women with university education and library Bchool training to fill positions in the library world. specially 1b there a cal for mon of Kbper qualficatlons to undertake the moiVNmportant duties, narticularlv SPRING HATS thoso involving administrative respon sibility. With the rapid growth of the library movement and the increasing recognition given to professional li brarians haB come increase of salary until HbrarianBhip has como to bo not only dignified but fairly remunerative. If any students desire Information about the field of library work or the courses and requirements of the. li brary schools, I shall bo glad to con fer with them at any time if they will call at the library. Yours truly, WALTER K. JEWETT, Librarian. -r - Graduate Club. Invitations are out for the next meetingof the Graduate Club of tho University, which will be held In the Temple on Saturday evening, Febru ary 29. A delightful program of music will bo given by the faculty and grad uate students of the University School of Music, after which tho club will enjoy an, Informal social hour In the Y. W. C. A. rooms adjoining the thea ter. Members of the .University faculty and all graduate students are entitled to membership In the Graduate Club and are cordially Invited to -attend this meeting 'Jn the Temple 20--PER CENT - count on all KSTf. i-'tc'i mm Bell 456- UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN. Wednesday, February 26. 7: HO p. m. Science Hall, Temple. Engineering Society meets. 8:00 p. m. M. 208. Engineering "Society meetn. Thursday, February 27. 11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall. Sophomore class meets. Friday, February 28. German Club play. Saturday, February 29. 7:30 p. m. University Hall 10G. Students Debating Club meets. Friday, March 13. Lincoln Hotel. Freshman Hop. Lost. Gold pin, oval, with initial O. Re turn to Nebraskan ofllce. Clements' photos are tho best Rates, to students. 129 So. Eleventh. Illinois was defeated in basket-ball by the Iowa team. The final score was 36 to 46. Hayden, photographer,, special rates to students. 1127 O. street. Marshall, students' barber. Corner Thlrteonth and O under Famous. Coat and vest of a $75 dress suit at n "snap." Room 3, 1339 O St. .Why not take your Imth at Chris' bath: house. Eleventh nnd p Rtrnnta? -, - . .w. Matt's iphico Pool and cigars Old Heidelberg, 16 No. Eleventh street. Michigan Is to nave a new chemistry Duiiding. Tho best place to eat InHown is at Dons Cafe 114 So. Eleventh street. There Is a lack of baseball caihU- UUlVO-lll V3U1UIUU1U. Big lot ?5.00 and $6.00 tan or black lace boots. Sanderson's. Dellcattessen Dalrymple's. SS m I. WE WANT YOUR FRAT TRADE Wc can glvoyou the bait prices, CAPITAL GROCERY Suits and O'coats NO MORENO LESS World's Greatest Tailors UN ON MADE s J. F. GREGORY, Mtnqtr and Cutter Llicili IriKfc, 145 St. 13th St. 5TC DISC0UNT--20 J ( t , Come in and examine our new" line of ., Spring Goods. TWENTY feor cGnt Dis-" Fall and Winter Suits. f f A DRESHER XL TAILOR - i A. 143 SOUTH TWELFTH ST. ELL PHONE 604 ' - AUT0PH0NE K ORDER YOUR PUNCH at FOLSOM'S Also ovorything in tho way of cakes, pies, candies una fees. Hot Chocolate with Whipped Cream, after tho show. Phone us for Prices Auto 2214 EVERYTHING IN. Sporting Goods Spteiil Dlsctifflt It Stutfmts QIRARD CYCLE COMPANY, 140 North 14th St. , j LINCOLN DANCING ACADEMY -1139 N St. Social nights Mon. and Frid., 8 to 11 Beginner's night, Wodnesday, 8 to 11 UNI. STUDENTS ESPECIALLY INVITED SELECT CROWD The ACWE i ? Itwllnt , IHIanlt, Pttl Mi Clears The Finest Place in the West. 93 P Street MEMMEN CANNON CO. CINCINNATI OUT PMOI 8H0E8TORI i ' ' ANO"" BttWt hm 11 fete? WtVIf YOU. IWE-MHl- 1MO OS. s r" best goods and best stvIcVI M85966I435 M Street Made to Order. SIS J UlJlrMVntF i "' 4 t . . A I A ' ktM