The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 21, 1908, Image 1
y",s, ' 1 " .r-vmjJ - i' 'tt - t ."v ;-' - r vVn''v V( (' , irt t4 .fv ). (r tf ! "- ft j" V yoi. VII. No. 89. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY t J908. ,(' .. , ' 1 I It r r 1 1 -i ji v. ?: 1 ) 'is Price 5 Cents. !, l s1' TW0WITHKANSAS LAST QAME8 ON HOME 8CHEDULE v FRIDAY AND 8ATUBDAY. , ,-? j'r - ; " 7 ,-,-k. .-'' . '? -Mv C)CeK?KroC fRESHMJN MHT ELECT MERLIN E. BARKER OF PAVID CITY PRESIDENT. S LINCOLN HOTEL ' FEBRUARY 21 v IV- .. If .' I AX '.. ,,A ' ' I- I' - v I.TT-,: ' ' ,. ki-. ' . ? "' '' ir?.1" '.. ' - x " A " . - ' V: '. - ? ' ' s U S 'Kansas Faster Than Before Missouri v i ..tail' l . ' ". VaHey Championship at 8take ikeup of Teams Next Trip. KANSAS "NEXT. That is our has- Ikotball nrocrrami Nebraska will close 'her home 'schedules with" the two ' -M , guinea with Kansas Friday and Sat- 7urday Right. These game are going sVto be hard fought The Cornhuskers hYe.jy ready taken the measure of Ihn Jn'i-li'ii srtrnro in ivi'n rrnniAR nt T..nW. .. -- - f -r "V, rencc butjhe reports are that Kan Baa baa Improved fifty per cent alnce , our team met them. They havb de feated the fast team of the Kan8aa BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBLH Capt. George A. JVIcCune. JCity Athletic Club and have taken Missouri Intocam,p for three games. k, These games were all won by a good. rfitrge margin, one of them belngon Ussourl'jj floor., Nebraska will have j' t. slight advantage in being at home, but if the Jayhawkers Improvement p.ils as much, aa ; tho reports would indi- "'". ica'te' 'Nebraska --wlIL do well to break feven in -th8 series. ,-, These' games will . decide the Mis- sourli yalj(py phampjonahip .and it will be necessary for. tte, Cornhuskers to ; win one of the games in order to have ; the first honors.,' 'tv Captain' McCurie of Iho 'Kansas team Is iiernaps. their star player chut ; "Billy" Miller Is also making a strong claim for the stellar position. Miller ft is short and heavy set. He will ho pppoaed by Dwlghr fiejl tlje midget t Cornhusker -guarld -wo s also play-. ,. jng a raat, scrappy game. vaisn wm JUNIOR 5"FORMAL Jro00CHK00 BASEBALL TALK. Daily Practice Held in Gymnasium Mirny1 Men Out. The' spring practfcV sqund has been "out regularly for work in the gym nasium tbia week. The number has increased, much to the pleasure of Captain Bellamy, who is himself on hand to superintend the early train ing of the youngsters who form a largo per cent of those who are trying out for positions on the team. Some of the members of last year's squad, notably Ward, Hrubesky and Dugeon have pot reported as yet but duubtleBB they will put in an appear ance at a sufficiently early date to give themselves the training which they will need for this season's schedule. The number of candidates has made it necessary for Manager Eager to al lot periods of a half hour to certain squads, at which time and no other they have exclusive right to the floor. Bob Hyde, formerly a. Cornhusker catcher will play with Burlington, Iowa, in the Three "I" league this year. He and "Sadie QuHlfn have been working out in the gym with the candidates to get their arms in shape. Quillin will join the White Sox at Kansas City for the trip .to Los Angeles and Lower California, where they take thoir spring practice. To Coach Indians. Maurice A. Kent, one of the most prominent athlotes of tho University of Iowa, will coach the Haskell Indi ans In football next fall. Ho will graduate in the sprlngr Prof. A. E. Blum, now recognized as the pioneer of ,plant breeding" in pie I'uited States, wasoffered iho position of professor of agricultrue in the Uni versity of Nebraska in-1884 at lie same time that Dean Beasoy was of-. I'ered a position here; Both refused fit that time. Professor Blunt is now seventy-live years of age and la livjng in Massachusetts. , 1 KANSAS v., f-M- t . INFORMAL SATURDAY, FEB. 22 'HELP THE TEAm BY YOGR PRESENCE Friday arid Satttfqay, Fcbriuaty ZU22 PROM TICKETS 3 DOLLARS TOPOGRAPHICAL 8URVEY. A New Survey to Be Made by the '" Sophomore Class. For Boyoral years it has been cut- tomary for the Sophomore class In surveying to make a topographical sur vey and map of the Stato Fair grounds. In view of this fact, the department in charge is thinking of selecting a plat of rough ground be tween Lincoln nd College View, which will be surveyed and mapped by the present class. This change will give the students experience in tak ing the topography of natural sur faces, and tney will also bo able to "cover more ground, on account of tho absence of buildings on the plot. XGerman Comedy. "Miller uhd Mueller," in three acta, will be prespnted by the German Club Friday evening, February . 28, at the Templo theater. ThoMollowIng is tho. cast: v Herr Forstbfich, a cpuntry gentle man F. H. Reinsch Friederlke, his daughter ' . Wllhelmine Horold' Ilannchen, her companion Amanda H. Heppnor Emanuel Miller, a young clergy man Fritz Karl Kruegor Emil Mueller, a young lawyer... Albert W. Aron Madam Schraube, a washerwoman Elizabeth Wlftmahn Servant, Messenger Boy. -Reserved seats are now on sale, U. J08. Prices, 25 and 35 ceata. Important! The, Dramatic Cluh will hold a meet ing Tuesday, February 25, at il:30 o'clock in room 106, University Hall. Every member fsrequested and ex; prcted to attend this meeting ob there are some matters of very great lm-, IKtrtance to be considered. After the .show or party just drop into the Boston' Lunch for a sandwich and "a cup of coffee or' an oyster stew. TWrPb L , NEBRASKA .;9' rt ;tn4?V hk' TwS9 fi Three Candidates Were Presented Other Officers Not Elected : Report of Committees. Thp Freshman clasB held .a class meeting yesterday at 11:30. in Me morial hall to elect their officers for tbe .ensuing semester. There has been little" excitement in Freshman politics this somester, nnd thore was not a largo attendance at the .meet ing. VIco President Cain presided. Several days ago LowIb Wallace of Ltxington announced himself a candi- dvto for president, but later withdrew. Mr. John Knony presented tho name of W. B. Sadollk of Wilbur for presi dent. Ho made a short speeph p which ho said that Mr. Sadollk was president of his high school class in his senior year and would make, a good president of tho University Freshmen. Mr. Wallace nominated M. E. Bar ker of David' City for tho office. Mr. Barkor'B friends have been" making' a thorough campaign for him for sev eral weeks. A surprise was Bprung when Mr Keith Powell nominated' Merrill Bur bank of Omaha. Mr. Burbank him-ut-lf' knew nothing about, his can)! 1 dficy. " ''?. The vote, stood as follows: Ihirker 111, Sadelik 30, Burbank 32. Mr. Barker then took charge of tho Ineeting. Reports of committees were called for and the report-, of thecolqr committee was presented. Two com binations wero offered. A motion wan then made and carried that tho com mittee be given power to make the final selection." The class decided to-be fully repre sented in the Cornhusker. "ft was decided that the committee should take Jive .pages. Tho committee In charge aro Valter Weiss, Albert Bro grn, Arthur Oberfehlor and. VJctbr Smithv "" '':,'.' tOn account of iadk of time no mow business was transacted and the meot-" - ng a,dJourned.. ' .... ' '' f An, nrtfcle on 'Insects and Blseasos" appeared In the Havana Telegraph f January 11, 1008, written by Professor Horn, a former, student of thlar uni versity, now cliief of tho Department o? Vegetable Pathology In Cuba, Ho graduated from tho University In 1S98 and was later a teacher in the School of Agriculture, Later, he be came prpf essbr of botany in the Wes-, leyan University. He spent two years ' In Alaska and then received a. fellow ship from Columbia -University, -from which institution he was appointed to his present position. Pr, Peters-and;,JCij Gains, teachrs In animal pathology,Tiaye baen called out of .town thfc week ad the stu dents In; . their classes are t spending .their tlme reading asalgnied library Vfc ,1 m rt 'i m A &K)01KllWO0 work. c J . .f-JHfyy - r- v" V t. . Wiw . i fntlnuetl on page 3.)