The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 20, 1908, Image 4
X N THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN f I' I ; n f YouimMii mlhjwrw Conklln's Self-Filling Pen in the best fountain pen for both student and professbr on account of tlio Crescent-Filler. To fill Conklin's Fountain SELF FILLING Pen simply dip it in any ink and press tho Crescent-Flllerthat's all. No dropper no Inky finders no ru filed temper. Guaranteed to be a perfect yriter. Leading doalora hnndlo tho Conklln. If your dooa not. order direct. RoIuho aub stltutoR. Send for handsorao now catalog. THE CONKLIN pen nn $ ' 3)o Uuriii BlldlJ, TOLED'O. OHIO HEFFLEYS - - ,,. UNIVERSITY ' TAILORS and HATTERS I337-0 STREET 7T ! e'rejiow located in the most "'beautiful ' store in the west. We handle the finest HOT DRINKS 1 in the city. Come in and try them. Lincoln Candy Kitchen I4th and O Sowest Corner Petry Bakery Co. Baking Ordors Filled Promptly FINE RICE BflEAD OUR SPECIALTY phone ua Ajn your order will BEOEIVU PROMPT ATTENTION Lawlor Cycle Co. New Baseball Goods Athletic Goods c - Skates k And Skate Sharpening 134- O STREET Pitts' Dancing School Class nights Advanced)." Monday; Beginners; Wednesday and Saturday. 8pclal night priday. Private class every afternoon. Most beautiful hall in Lincoln. New location, 1124 N street. Auto 5241. HAVS THE EVANS Do Your Washing Q 8IQMA XI LECTURE. (Continued from page ono.i if broakfast and lunch wore mado only light "snacks" and moat eaten but once a day, at dinner, and thon but moderatoly. Indeed, for some two meals a day would bo bettor still. Though the habits of appetite are hard to overcome, no one who has onco formed habits of moderation in diet over regrets it for his hoalth, strength, and comfort are enormously increased. Eat at Elam'H. Late at breakfast? Dalrymplo's. Beckmari Bros. Fine shoes. 1107 O. st. Carneron's lunch counter 123 So. 12 Try Francis Bros restaurant, 1020 P Go to Mrs. J. C. Bell, hairdresser, for chiropody. Hayden, photographer, special rates to students. 1127 O street. Coat and vest of a $75 dress suit at a "snap." Room 3, 1339 O St. Marshall, students' barber. Corner .Thirteenth and O under Famous. DoPauw is to have a now Carnegie library. Cornell is to have a new $10,000 club house for tho crews. Clements' photos are tho best. Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh. Women are to be admitted to tho graduate school of Johns Hopkins. Interclass baseball is the regular thing at Texas during tho month of February. Sixteen hundred is tho enrollment in tho correspondence courses of tho Uni versity of Chicago. Cameron Cull of Oakland, Cal., for merly '09, Phi Gamma Delta, Is visit ing on the campus. - 4 .Notice. Special meeting of the German Club Friday at 12 m. in German office. Convocation. ThoConvocalion period today will bo given over to tho singing of popular f airs. Guns have again boon Issued to the battalion and as soon as the weather 1b fair, drilling will be resumed on tho campus. v-, Leonard tSewart, ox. '08. who has been visiting his sister, Miss Rosallo Stewart, '08, returned to his home at Lexington, NeT)r Sunday. Many of the professors of the Farm have recently been called upon to give lectures before Farmers Institutes in different parts of tho state. The authorities of the University of Michigan have taken steps toward im proving tho English "used by students in the liberal arts college In their theses and other written work. Every student who is found to be derectlve In this respect is to bo reported to tho head' professdr of rhetoric, who will prescribe a certain amount of work to bo dono in tho department ' without credit The plan Is based. on the ono in ubo at tho University of Chicago. Tlin frrimVOs of tho clasp is cosy. It's. flat tho only abso lutely fiat clan nartcr ii tlio Drirrliton. Mllll. oils of men know this buy them and tvc:ir thorn. The wear ii tlicrp, nnd l!icy co-t only a quarter apnlr. llrnicmbcr it. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 710 Mmn Ct.. Pwuiurou jfe PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS "' ' " '-! II f . A THEY DESERVE When you can buy just as cheaply from a merchant who advertises in o o The Nebraskah' why Don't CONSULT THE DIRECTORY Toll them you saw their, ad in-The. Nebraskan.. . Ffatft anr .nintifiaQ When in Need of COAL call and see the We Office I i -wswHataMaHH UNION COLLEGE TAILORS airs Gregory's Semi -Anthracite $7.50 FOR FURNACES GREGORY THE COAL MAN AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK BLDO. ' 132 N. Ilth STREET Now Is the Time! Subscribe! Brichfons aro mado of puro silk web. Tlio patterns aro jy now, oxclusivo vari ety ctiouzh to tntisfv ; everybody. All metal parts arc of heavy Jilckcl-nlnlod brass. If ynur dealer can.'t suniilv vim. n. I . pair w i'.l bo sent upon receipt of prioc. Mums cr PIONEER SHSPEMEfS " "S. lit. YOUR SUPPORT o " '. L t. .- V ; 1 1 You Do it? iu ( H -t r, .-m f ta, v WHITEBREAST iCO. will treat you right . -Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. 1106 O. ,"' Far First Class-Tallarlnf AT LOW PRICES" -AUTO 48 COLLEGE VIEW NO CLINKER OR SUITE mm wmmmm mm ; i -