The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 20, 1908, Image 3
r rtCff 'pTffSP'K ' THE. DAILY NEBRA8KAN fe J JV a if s -v 7. ts rt '. JiwaBk.f1 t.lf .!.,:. r ia'-tv- si "i T tms l JK. ' I -V Olivd" TBea,e; i n FRI., SAT. &8AT,VMAT.t FEB.'21& &EN, HENDRICK8 rYon Yonson" EVE., 75 to 2dc. MAT., 25 and 1dc. MONDAY NIGHT, FEB. 24. "Painting the Town" WED. MAT. & EVE., FEB, 26. " r , 'FLORENCE GEAR v f ; . ' in - j , .... "Cupid At Vassar" LYRIC THEATRE MATINEE 3 P. M. EVE. 7:45 & 9i00 PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CENTS CYCLING ZANORA8 Knockabout Comedy Cyclists ILLU8TRATED 80NG "Any Old Time at All." L HERBERT MITCHELL Operatic Baritone and Monologist . JIM RUTHERFORD & Cp. Presenting "Half-back Hank" EDDIE MOORE- Orl-Ke.njPd-Er ROSE ROYAL And Her $10,000 Statue Horse LYROSCOPE MAJESTIC IJK- WMk Cnwiiciiii Miiiiy, Feb. 17 FULTON STOCK CO. IN AififeehrBroozy and Windy Com , ' ody in 8 gusts TOM, DICK and HARRY ,'i -: : .Evening prices ,.. 15c and 26c HUttoMsJVed. ami Sat 7 15c beats reavd. Box pfllco oponsll a. m. 'i I Ay TQ, 3634 - BELLA634 ' -, DR. J.' R.DAVIS , -'dentist , Oflico hours 9io 3. Sundays 10 to 11. SPECIAL RATE TO STUDENTS Over. Bank of Commerce; 18th & O Sts. THE 'UNI' SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all students' and invites you to 'enjoy 'our Smoking' and Reading Room. .It's "a pleasure to' please", " Try us. vn "I INI" 'UNI," SMOKE HOUSE. , ' 1132 'O 'STREET c ;? The ACME i, i. t- v iib, lllliirds, Ptol'and Clears . The Finest Place in the West. 934 P Street ME MM EN CANNON CO. ,Tbe Unlyor'sltles of Washington, f Idaho and. Oregon re,. attempting to form an a,thltlc. conference that will debar4 all freshmen from athletics, - tyW HUSINtSS UIHtUTUHY r - , ' )i- SY.erjr Lojral tfalvtrslty StadaaMi jj rcdlto patroelse these NebraVj!l kaaadvertlisra, and rto aaeatloa j the paper while doing to. t i t it ' ' ft y.XtiflHOXoHoKHoHoXHotootoX ATHLETIC GOODS Lawlor Cycle Co. GIrard Cycle Co.f BANKSr-BMrst Trust and Savings. Central National. BAKERIES Dalrymple, Folpom, Pe tryw T3AKBER SHOPSGrand Central, Green's Shops, Marshall, Emraort DATH HOUSEr-phrJB'.. . . . ,. . . HOOK STORES Co-op; LIncolp; , University.: .';,. CAEEr-SaVoy, Windsor, Sams, Dons', Buds. CLEANERS Wood. Place. CIGARS Colo & McKenna; Matt'a BUSINESS COLLEQES Brown Busi ness College; Lincoln Business Col lege. CLOTHING Parquhar; Magoo & Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. COAL Gregory; Whltobreast CONFECTIONERY Dalrymple; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olympia Candy Cd., Rood. Hirschner-Morse. Folsom. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln, Pitts' DENTISTS Graham, .Yungblut, J. R. DaviB, Hill. DRUGGISTS Hirschner-Morse, Jer- ry Ricrc8 DRY GOODS Herpolsliermer; Miller & Paine. FLORISTS Chapln; C. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Budd; Magee & Deomer, Mayer Bros., Sterling, O. A Fulk. GROCERIES Capital Grocery. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. Davis; Mme. Ross, Mrs. J. C. Bell. HATTERS Budd, Heffley, Lincoln Hat Co., O. A. Fulk. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris; Myers, Tucker, HoUett, Henderson and Hald. I.AUNDRIES Evans; Merchants; LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom. Dalrymple, Hirschner-Morse. OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazek, Hayden, Townsond, Clements. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS 'Boston Lunch; BudB; Camerons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons: FranclB Bros.; Sams; Windsor; Elamrs. SHOES Beckman Bros; Cincinnati Hereford & Petty; Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. STATIONERY Porter; Rood. TAILORS Backstrom; Dresher; El liott; Heffley; Herzog; Ludwig; Scotch Wollon Mills, Union College Tailors. THEATERS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; Lyric, Bijou, Wonderland, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood. -KEYS Thorp. " - TROUSERS Baker Pants Co. HAD CUTTING A SPECIALTY Tra il 1 Quick Mi Easy larbtr llisa . C. W. EMMBRT, Ptop. 205 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET dive rao a cH " 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TrtACE Marks PEaiQNB. COPYRIQHTSAd. Anyone Bending a sketch and deeOTlpUon may quiOKir aacertuiH our opinion iree wnetaer as tnTentlon la probably nntwif-J1, CommunlcA. ttons strictly confidential. MAMMMK on Patent ent f roo. Oldest agency for securing patenta. Patent taken tbroukU Mans A Co. reeelre tptclal notice, without onarffe, In the Scientific : American. A. handsomely tilnstrated weekly. Ijirgest elr. eulatloii of any sclentlflo Journal. Terms, $8 a fMn fnnr mir.tbs, f L Bold by all rtewsdealera. UllllU 'Jm i.,.. IIaisj VsaVtV almach fuiBce. 636 Y . Washington. .0. , Jtyn&MaaaBjBj JTiWiTTrTl 1 LaaH J 'A W H Sal i iPW 1 afaaBBBBBB m aa aaaa BfeaV Bk iaV H m i t c HaaHI BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaM Theatrical. Puccini's fascinating Japaneso grand opera, "Madam Buttorfly," is to return tc Lincoln for a night performance at tiie Oliver on Tuesday, March 3d. Thfs iambus masterpiece will bo presented by 'Mr. Henry W. Savage's celebrated English Grand Opera Company with its new forces of imported artists and grand opera orchestra of nearly fifty symphony players. Lincoln music lovers have been look ing to a second opportunity to hoar "Madam Butterfly" ever since it toflk the city by storm last yoar. Managor Zehrimg reports that such advanco In terest has been taken that soveral of the boxeB aro already spokon for and orders for seats are being rocelvcd from surrounding points. Mr. Prank C. Mayne, general repro sentat,lvo for Mr. Savage, arrived yes terday to arrange all preliminaries. Speaking of "Madam Huttorfly, ho J said. "This opera, with its haunting molo dles, its dcoply interesting, romantio story, its alluring scenic boautles, with Its superb artists andUsplendld orches tra, has beon a greater success on Its second tour than last yoar. In fact, no operatic offering Mr. Savago has over sent out has equalled the sensation produced by this flowery Japanose opera'. "To produce 'Madam Butterfly' Mr. Savage is credited withjwvlng organ ized the finest of allhk companies. For.jeveral months his agents visited the continental opera houses in search of singers who aro required to display a special fitnosa for the exacting atefLl This year his orchestra was piclatl from the players heretofore associated' with the Boston Symphony, Theodore Thomas and Cincinnati Festival or chestras. Pour rows of seats must bo removed to provide space for tho musicians. "During tho recent New York en-, gagement Mr. Savage introduced threo now prima donnas in the tltlo role and four now tenors, the best he has over had. All are with tho company throughout its tour. The cast ar ranged for Lincoln will -give an oppor tunity to hear most of the favorites who have captivated the EaBt." Komensky Club. On next Saturday evening, February 22, the Komensky Club wlllglve the following ofllcors' program: Instrumental Music Secretary Miss EmmaKrIsl. "Sermon" Sergeant-at-armBMr. S. V. Shonka. Violin 'TSTusIc Vice-president Mr. Emll Brodock. Seminar Work Critic MIsb Sarah Hrbek. '. l Bohemians In vAmerlca President Mr. J. E. Bednar. Instrumental Music Miss Krlsl. ThlB 'promises to bo an exceedingly interesting program, especially tho "Bohemians In America," which Is an extensive and well written article.. "Meeting will bo hold in U. 106. Will Investigate RatesT The Nebraska State Railway Com mission has decided to proceed upon Its own motion to investigate tho rea sonableness .of tho tariffs of rates and joint rates now In effect for tho trans portation of merchandise between Ne braska stations. - All railroads are re quired' to answer before March 10, 1908, and show why their class and commodity rates should not ?be re duced. A hearing will ho hadMarch 1,4, ,1908, In tho- offices of tho commission, at yrblch all persons Interested in the subject matter will bo liven an, op portunity to be heard. PHkrN a el) BaHaCJaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! aaaaJl T? V Vz3QjPrVaaaaaaaaaaaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamLaaa 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaOLaaaaaV rBaaaaaV a"""aBB"HHaHaaaa4fiHCH EVERYTHING IN Sporting Goods Special DIimuHI ts StsiinH GIRARD CYCLE COMPANY, 140 North 14th St. LINCOLN DANCING ACADEHYj Social nights Mon. and Wed., 8 to 11, Beginnors night, Wednosday, 8'to 11 UNI. STUDENTS ESPECIALLY INVITED -SELECT CROWD-1 li: : ai THE FIRST Wm 4, t f TRUST I SAVIH8S IIMK IJH1MI PAID AT tM4 m C1HT M IMUMMI MNW RfMtT9)H 4MHI 0 i b M L. J. H TIE JMItHtlTY EMS' TJUIOM i, ,, Tk lee woririoM aj4 prioM rif lit.1 OUl at mx hw. eere. 1130 OS1 - Llnooln CINCINNATI OUT PRIOI Eaa44A efgA& KajiaJf PflkAaaMBr aajajaiiB) warw aravsaa avmy IAVW TIME -mhI - rttlllY .- IMOOSeV j ii Ji DonafA a AN ARROW Clupeco SrWUHK Quarter 8izes IB CENTS CACHl2 FOR 2B CENTS ' duett, PeaWr A Co., Vslers of Clitett and , . Hooaroa fsblrts 8H0E8T0RI k- i ." "w i t . i SiiaeaBaaKi' Ti mVkPmyfiro' 'f''! f((rMlr4M I VI 4t"X ya. auq f , jm fj I RkaaTBWZ?!!a"-iar .rU Bfl hv av sSaaMsaa'ssiaBaa avaa i , aaaaaaaaaaama 1 i. VI f m m