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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1908)
-V" -."-T-rl -It -! T -,. " . jfrjfr 0& tfkM m. U,'' V. iMMMHHMMHMMHlHMHHHHMHOTHaHMnMMaBNHMMVMiMnHHHHnMMIi L I I , TUB PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln. Nebraska. PMUSHSf EtfUT IAK EXCEPT SHNBAf AH' HWtAT . BY THE, STUDENT PUB. BOARD. rrtiicitiitnci;i26itfl. I4tu'st.. i , EDITORIAL STAFF. , Editor-in-Chief ROt s King Managing Editor G. 8. Fenlon , BUSINESS STAFF. Mana'aer'. .....Qrde M. Wallaet Circulator., W. A. Jones, 10 Astt. Circulator, L. J. Weaver, MO i ' Editorial and' Bualness Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. - Poitofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable.ln Advance Single Copies. 5 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1486, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL NOTICESvIll be charged for at tho mto of 10 cents per InaorMon for every flf toon words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo published froo. Entered at the postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, ns seodnd-olass mull matter under the Act of Conpresa of March 8. If any ono thinks thoro wns graft iu connection with tho Senior Masquer ado plenso okamlne tho report of tho rlialrmnn und explain how It hupponed! Tho University of NebrnBkn 1h fifth In point of enrollment among the stato universities of tho country. It stuudB eighth in total income and thirteenth in Bttlarlew of professors. When liiBti tutions iiko Kansas, Colorado, Cul Ifornln, Aransas and Michigan pay higher Balaries than v wo do some thing is wrong. Wait until tho next generation gets control and that won't bo very long either. Nebraska ought to congratulate It self on tho uddltion of Dean Fordyco to tho fnculty of tho University. Hero PLEASE If you have not paid your subscription, please let the matter have your early attention. $1,00 for second semester. Office open daily 2 toJ5, room 7 Administration building. : : : : Is a man -who appreciates tho oppor tunity to develop a college of educa tion jri this institution and with such foresight, ho possesses tho ability and determination to reallzo his hopes. Support your basket-ball team by &o ing to the games. If you don't dance come Friday night and show tho man- - agemont that a game can be carried on without a dance. It has been do elded not to havo a .dance after the game Friday night. Kansas han won ' eight games since tholr defeat at the hands of the Cornhuskors. Tho Jay hawkers had about, seven hundred stu dents at the KausaB-Nobraska gamo. Why can't we do that, well at 'the. last homo, game of the season? t " ; f The hest nnd bravest story of col lege life 1b that .of the self-made man. Of'lho crpp of men 'turned out of Har vard Yale,-Princetbn and overy state Institution -tho country over, from one- "" fifth to one-third are men who havo practically earned their entire ex ponsep through t 'school. Theso men for their labor and sacrifice and un conquerable pluck deserve the np plause and' sympathy of good people "'"W' niflona havj; ffllrlv i H TT ftnrt.f 11gg n Of II louriicftHhnt Institutions' of higher fedu- canon are not iot mo ncn aione. An extended period of prosperity, how- overtime somewhat .concealed jthese Helf-reliant and ambitious students. Uitt the day of the aelfmndo Btudent lu not over. It is young-people llko theso who will coustituto the backbone of the cltl.liiHhip of the future, young people who have equipped themselves for tho temptations and opportunities and duties of life. All honor to tho man or woman who has the character to forego the pleasures of younger days and earn hlB own way by persevering hard work. k Y. MC. A. Convention. The University of Nebraska was rep rtsonted at tho twenty-eighth annual State Y. M. C. A. convention at Nor folk by thirteen delegates and the School of Agriculture by five delegates. Tho total representation by delegates from tho various city, rallroud and stu dent associations wus over two hun dred thus making fho largest conven tion within tho last ten years. Dur ing the day the convention met In tho Methodist church and the evening sos Bions were held In the opera house in order to furnish accommodations for citizens who wished to attend. In addition to transacting the usual amount of routine business, a num ber of Hplendld addresses were deliver ed by the following men: President Turner, of Hastings. Col lege, "The Young Man, of Our'Square." Dr. J. W. Conley, of Omaha, on "Tho Call of the Young Man." Dr. Frank L. Loveland, of Omahu, on "Tho Art of Seeing Things." Mr. A. J. Elliott, International stu dent Y. M c- A- secretary for tho middle West on, "The Association and the Student." Saturday evening a half-hour of the RAY UP! program was given to the student dole gutea who used it by giving their re spective college songs and yells. Only three of the schools represented had songs to tho same tuno as our Scarlet and Cream. Tho delegates were entertained by the Norfolk citizens, but thoy all took dinner and supper together in one of the large halla of the qity. The busi ness mon served theso two meals in a very creditable manner. The convention aroused much en-. thuslasm in the- city And at tho close eighteen of the leading business men met to plan and organize a campaign to secure funds for tho erection of a $.p0,000 Y. M. C. A. building. The Nebraska delegates will give ro forts of the convention at the tegular, We Jnesday meeting of the Y. ,M. C. Ju AH- University men are invited .to" como out. Am6s In Basket-Ball. Ames Is .branching" out in athletics by adding basket-ball to their liBt of teams." ; They ploy their first game Thursday night against Kansas Uni versity? This 4s just tho night before Nebraska meets tho Jayhawkers, ? M The Harvard Medical School" With tho completion of- the now buildings, which were dedicated Scp--tomber 25tn,' 1906 this 6hool now has facilities' and equipment for teach;- lug and research In tho various hmnnhoiinf lnndlr.lnn nrobnhlv unonualod t In this country. Of thd flvo building, four aro devoted ,'entlrcly to lab- uruiory icacning ana rcscarcn. numerous nospitais nnoru "aounaanc op c portunltlcs for clinical Instruction In mcdlclno und, surgery. , COUR8E FOR THE DEGREE OF M. D. , n' A four years' course, open to bachelors of .arts,' literature!, .pliilosonhV or sclonco, nnd to persons of equivalent' standing, leads to, thovaoin,eeofCli.' D. Tho studies of the fourth year are wholly elective; thoy Include labora tory subjects, goncral mcdlclno, goneial surgery and tho special clinical branches. Tho n'oxt school year extends from October 1, 1008, to Juno 24, 1009. The diploma of University of Nebraska Is accepted for admission. For dotnllcd announcement and ca taloguo, address HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL) DotWn", Mass. i- . 1 . ;, V V . V. 0 WE WANT-YOUR FRAT TRADE We can give you tho beat prices, best goods and best service CAPITAL GROCERY M68S6M35 M Stroet A?- I &lrJ S T W Bell 456- UNIVER8ITV BULLETIN. Wednesday, February 19. 11:00 a. m. N. 210. Medical Convocation. Address by Prof. Russel H. Chittenden. 8-00 p. m. Annual address before Sigma XI. Thursday, February 20. 11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall. Freshman class meets. , Friday, February 21. Lincoln Hotel. Junior Prom. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs. Kansas. Saturday, February 22 m 7:30 p. m. University Hall 102. Students' Debating Club meets. Basket-ball, Nebraska vs Kansas. Friday, February 28. Gorman Club play. Friday, March 13. Lincoln Hotel. Freshman Hop. Tho Yale academic seniors have dis carded the honor system ns tried in tho classroom and at examinations and havo voted to return to tho old faculty monitor system. Columbia mechanical engineering students will hereafter bq required to (lit six weeks of summer school work. Lost A ladle's' gold watch, between Fourteenth and R and Twelfth and S streets. Finder leave at Nobraskan pfllce and receive reward. HERB'S 'A "SNAP I" An Al founda tion pennow, solf-fllllng, 25 per cent discount. Inquire at Nebraskan office. Why not take 'your bath at Chris' bath house, Eleventh' and P streets? The best place to eat In iown is at Dons Oafo 114 So. Eleventh street. Matt's placePool rfnd cigars Old Heidelberg, 146 No. Eleventh-street PanoramfaPpdst cards, just received. 340 North Eleventh. 20--PER CENT . -... Como in and ." , f 1 1 ... a i' tni l V V, ORDER YOUR PUHCH at FOLSOM'S Also everything in tho way of cakosf pies; candies and icos. Hot Chocolato ' with"WbJnpea Cream after tho show. Phone us lor Prices -Auto 2214 The KEY to SUCCESS is a BUSINESS EDUCATION Get thai education at the ' 9 Lincoln Business College A Practical scktti. 13th & P Sts. SAM'S CAFE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT THE BEST OF EVERYTHING IN SEASON HENRY CLARKE) Prep ., r i - , y p., i j .i i . .i r . r-rjn UNIVERSITY JEWELEU 4 flrTIWAI C. A. Tucker JEWELIfl Dr.S.S.Shean OPTICIAN lllftltTIEET. YELLOWfFiOIIT f . u. i., ,,,. rfr f,, v i ir DISCOUNT-20 examine our new line of i T. 1 !.. .... Spring Goods. TWENTY per cent Dis,; count on all Fall and Winter Suits, 7 'x$r DRESHER 'Si TAILOR 1 . 143 SOUTH TWELFTH ST.' feLl PHONE 504 AUT0 0NE 2IM - r '-) iV T ' wd 1 ' 6, .t " . . !U v jt 'p -. a: . . W i vii ) I &'