THE PUL,V NEBRA8KAN fV'.5: Yon an M it Mtanp' fVMk C7H77 ilBW") 17 Conklin's Self-Filling Pen 'is the best fountain pen for both student nnd professor on account of the Crcscent-Flllcr. To fill Conklin's Fountain w SELF FUIINC Pen simply dip it in any ink and press the Crescent-Filler Hint's all. No dropper no Inky fingers no ruffled temper. Guaranteed to bo a perfect writer. Leading dealer hnndlo the, Conkltn. If yonra doc not, order direct. Reftus ub tltutei. &end for handsome noy catalog. THE CONJOIN PEN CO. 310 MiikitUa BilMliJ, TOLEDO, OHIO HEFFLEYS UNIVERSITY TAILORS, and HATTERS 1337 O STREET i " It'll. We're now located in the most beautiful store in the west. We handle the finest HOT PRINKS in the city. Come in and try them. Lincoln Cindy Kitchm I4th and O So. west Corner PUBLI8H REPORT8. (Continued from pngo one.) to the detnilB, trusting to the honesty of the studonts who had charge of theso nffnlrs. Under tho present sys tem there Is llttlo room for graft 'un less a student Is crooked enough to forge vouchors or do somothlng equal ly dlfllcult to dotect. Tho publication of theso reports will protect tho chair man and give tho student body an Idea of how such things nro tnannged. ANOTHER COLLEGE. (Continued from pago one.) sonnljty, winning Jn its cui-neatness qnd geninlity, and his enorgy nnd am bition will undoubtedly make the col logo of education a strong addition to our university. Doah Fordyco will lonve Immediately on a trip to tho lending educational schools of the East, returning in time to publish tho curriculum of tho collogo of education in the univorslty catalogue for. 1908-9 and open the department next fall. President Henry Jesse of tho Uni vorslty of Missouri has resigned on account of poor health and Dr. Albort Robb Hill takes tho presidency of that institution. President Jesso will ro colvo a pension tho rest of his lifo from the Carnegie mnd. 8llver 8erpents. Special mooting .of' tho Silver Sor ponts In Girls Rest Room nt 4 o'clock, Tuosday afternoon. Important. 1 ,' ' 'BilrtwlTredMrfc ' : ' ' ' RNflflflflJHPvlHNNHNNNNNNNNNNNNNk FLT HH MLL CLMSP J 8ILH m BRIGHTON Flat Clasp Garters for solid comfort. The newest shades and designs of 'one piece; pure silk web. All metal parts heavy nickel plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, all dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market Street Philadelphia Ma ten of Ihonttr Sutptmltrt OCHKOiHaK PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS THEY DESERVE YOUR SUPPORT When you can buy just as cheaply from a merchant who advertises in . The Nebraskan o o o o The University of Chicago may es tablish a. course In preparation for tho United States consular service. Yale and Columbia are the only American universities which now have such courses. " " University Students Ladles and Gentlemen If in the market for-a new typewriter or desiring to rent one, wa would be glad to have our sales man call and demonstrate the visible Underwood. Yours re spectfully, ' UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER 00. 714 P St. Bell 348 Tho Phi Rho Sigma, an honorary medic fraternity, was entertained nt tho Alpha Theta Chi nouse Friday night, Fobrunry 14, by DrB. Poynter, Orr and Cutter. Four studonts wore caught crib bing during examination week at Co lumbia. Tho now plan or examining all the students together in the gym nasium was a success. Why Don't You Do It? CONSULT THE DIRECTORY rp. rell them you saw their ad in The Nebraskan. 0CKK0l 0003 m mb . COLLEGE . ii TlllflDG H'ln C.lln. ulldlnt Ftr First Clan Tartar AT LOW PRICES c-AUTO 48-COLLEGE VIEW- If you don't go to tho Junior Prom Prlday night you ought lo. patronize tho bnsket-oall gamo. ' 1 1 TTrTixrnnmi I '" - v- t ; 1 For Rent Several-large all modern rooms. With or without board. Roa sonablo to students. 1029 R St Clements' photos are tho best Rates to students, 129 So. Eleventh. Marshall,' students' barber. Corner Thirteenth and 6 under Famous. HAVC THE EVANS Do Your Wattling CENTRAL MTIQML IINK a TWELFTH AND 0 STREETS v ' - P. L.' n ALL, Preslrten ; P. E. JOHNSOJT, Yfce-Pi evident .BiMANO, FOX, Cushlor, ' W. y. &ACKNEY Jr' Awt. Caslilar Coat and vest of a $75 drosB suit at a "snap." Room 3, 1339 O St. Hayden, photographer, .special rates tj". M.jl.nH& Art A -A. km otuuuuit). xi u Bireoc. Go to Mrs. J. C. Bell, hairdresser, for chiropody. Harry Porter. All kinds of supplies. 1123 O St Palace Dining. Hnll. counter. No lunch Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. Beckman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. st, Brown Business College, 1519 O St. Tr, Hill, Dentist, 233 So. Eleventh. i Try JDalrympla'a Baked Qoods. Try Bud's Qafo 1435 O street. - Eat at.Elams. n "I I Suits and O'coats Hade to Order, $15 NO MORS NO LEtfS World's Greatest Tailors WTirffl TITO" III III -UNION MADE- J. F. IRESORY, Manr'a Cttter Uieili iriieh, 145 St, I3ti St; '; 1 ,Vi ' HIIIB iiiiibb m TPm"mmmmm'mmmmm'm'm!mm'im'm'' - I Grapry 's Semi -Anthracite V t Fll FURNACES $7 50 KB CLMKEMl iUK GREGORY V the QOAL mm AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK BLOB, 132 N, lltt SHEET How Is the Tims! if- , ary,. -j t Xi.f.w.A 'V - f ', Subscribe! :i